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Volunteering in the Sacred Valley

Volunteering in Peru is a unique experience and an interchange between the volunteer and members of Peruvian society which is greatly advantageous to both. There are many direct and indirect advantages of volunteering in Peru, or anywhere else in Latin America for that matter. Peruvian people are generally friendly and open people and the country is relatively cheap to live and travel in plus it is also very safe compared to many other developing countries, much safer than most in Africa it is said.

Not only do volunteers have the opportunity to practice their language skills during the day in a practical manner without studying (which is often the best and fastest way to learn), but volunteering is an exchange where volunteers learn from the Peruvians and Peruvians in need get the help they need an gather information about the countries of the volunteers.
Volunteers can gain very helpful life and work experiences that they probably would not find in their own country, bolster their CVs and get to discover more about the rich Peruvian culture in a way that is very different than that learned in a classroom. There is no real age limit for people wanting to involve themselves in volunteer programs, only a requirement that they should be willing and able to help people less fortunate than themselves. No previous experience is necessary but a level of Spanish that enables holding a basic conversation would be very useful. Typically, volunteers would take classes in Spanish while volunteering to help them communicate, probably at a local school which may also arrange the volunteering program.
There are many volunteering programs in Peru. A program typically consists of a four-week long study and working period, the study period being one that assists the volunteers in the projects on which they will be working, as we have mentioned. A work permit is not needed to volunteer or study in Peru as technically visitors will be tourists and be given between 60 and 90 days free stay upon entering the country.

There are some medical volunteering opportunities in hospitals but these are only for qualified nurses or medical students undergoing training in their home countries. There are many volunteering projects in centers for children whose goal is to improve nutrition as well as the education level of mainly rural children on a daily basis. There are many projects of this type in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, just a short drive from Cusco. Children will attend community centers during the morning and have a good meal, which may be the only one they have all day. Volunteers then play with the children, teach them English, organize outdoor activities and help with other projects organized by the center that facilitate the local community, such as building clay ovens, walls, drainage ditches etc.

Sometimes social projects aim to teach children specific life or technical skills so they have a better start when they look for work. Craft workshops are set up for sewing, knitting, weaving, ceramics and other craftwork and children learn these skills and then are able to sell their work to tourists. Children in this type of program go to school in the morning and then work on crafts in the afternoons.

Teaching English in a primary school is another popular volunteering project involving children. Volunteers normally create their own lesson plans for the classes that are 45 minutes long and typically have about 40 students per class. Volunteers have always said that this type of work is extremely stimulating and rewarding as the students are usually fairly well behaved and eager to learn, maybe even more so that western children of the same age!

There are many other social projects aimed at helping older people who are forced to live in poorly funded care homes in Cusco. In one such project there are about 250 people living in the center which is divided into two parts, one for men and the other for women. Many of these old age pensioners may have been left without any family to look after them, or have medical problems that restrict them. Activities that the volunteer may be involved in include helping elderly people at meal times, organizing amusements and helping with government funded health initiatives.
Whatever kind of volunteering you decide to do you will be helping the less fortunate, you will advance your Spanish and learn more about other people and yourself, and carry away experiences and skills that will stay with you the rest of your life.
Good news is back up check it out signup is free get started today!!


Mars Uzaylı Üssü;

NASA, Mars’taki keşif araçlarından gönderilen fotoğraflardan bazılarını kısa bir süre önce yayımladı. Bilim insanları, görüntülerin astronomi dünyasında büyük bir atılım olduğunu söylerken, bazı fotoğraflar Mars'ta üsler olduğu iddiasını gündeme getirdi. Benzer iddialar Ay için de yapılmıştı.

Hürriyet Video'larını izlemek için Flash 7 veya daha yüksek eklenti yüklenmeniz gerekmektedir. Yüklemek için tıklayınız!!!

Yayımlanan görüntüler, Mars’ın yüzeyindeki Opportunity ve Spirit keşif araçlarının Kasım ve Şubat aylarında çektiği görüntüleri gösteriyor.

Opportunity tarafından 4-5 Kasım tarihlerinde, gün batımı esnasında çekilen fotoğraflarda, mavi renkli gün batımı ve Güneş’in önünden geçmekte olan, Mars’ın uydusu Phobos görülüyor.

Discovery News, fotoğraflarda görülen mavi renkteki parlaklığın, gezegene kızıl rengini veren toz parçacıkları olduğunu öne sürdü.

NASA bilim insanları, Ocak 2004’ten beri Mars’ta görev yapan uzay araçlarının, başka bir kızıl gezegenin kendine özgü manzarasını ulaştırdıkları için insanlığa büyük bir tecrübe kazandırdığını belirtti.

Fotoğraflarda en çok ilgi çeken görüntülerden bazıları, yaklaşık 90 metre çapındaki Santa Marina kraterine ait. Opportunity, yaklaşık bir futbol sahası büyüklüğündeki kraterin görüntülerini ilettikten sonra, 22 kilometre çapındaki Endeavour Krateri’ni incelemeye başlayacak.

Ancak NASA’nın yayımladığı krater ve gün batımı fotoğraflarının yanında, oldukça büyük tartışma yaratan fotoğraflarda mevcut.


Tartışma yaratan görüntüler, Spirit uzay aracının Şubat ayında çektiği görüntülerin ortaya çıkmasıyla başladı.

15 Ocak’tan beri hareket etmekte sıkıntılarla karşılaşan ve sadece 34 santimetre mesafe kat eden Spirit keşif aracının 8 Şubat 2010 günü çektiği görüntülerde, bina benzeri yapılar görülüyor.

İnternetteki birçok blog sayfasında, resimlerde görülen yapıların uzaylılar tarafından inşa edilmiş üsler, hatta uzay gemileri olduğu yönünde tartışmalar yaşanıyor.

Haber kaynakları, 22 Mart 2010 tarihine aniden Dünya’yla iletişimi kesilen araçla uzun süre bağlantı sağlanamadığı, 8 Şubat günü çekilen görüntülerden ikisinin de NASA arşivlerinden silindiği öne sürülüyor.


Ağustos ayında 33 madencinin mahsur kaldığı altın ve kömür madeninin bulunduğu Şili’deki Atacam Çölü, çok ilginç bir uzay araştırmasına ev sahipliği yapacak.

Bilim insanları, dünyanın en kurak yerlerinden biri olan Atacama Çölü’nde, Mars’taki koşulların aynısını içeren bir “uzay kolonisi” kuracak.

Bilim insanları, sahip olduğu güneş radyasyonu ve düşük nem oranının yanı sıra, şiddetli rüzgarların eksik olmadığı Atacama Çölü’nün, yeryüzünde Mars’a en çok benzeyen yer olduğunu belirtti.

Başkent Santiago’nun kuzeydoğusunda kalan deniz seviyesinden 5150 yükseklikteki Chajnantor düzlüğüne inşa edilecek olan üssün kurucuları arasında, NASA (Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Dairesi), SETI Enstitüsü (Dünya Dışı Akıllı Yaşam Araştırması), Çin Uzay Kurumu ve çeşitli özel uzay araştırmaları yürüten kurumlar bulunuyor.


Zayıflama iğnesi


Zayıflatan iğne

Danimarkalı bir ilaç firmasının ürettiği iğne mucize yaratacak cinsten. Çünkü kadınlar bu iğneyle altı ay içinde iki beden incelecek.

İğnenin içeriğinde Liraglutide isimli bir madde var. Bu maddenin, kan basıncını düşürdüğü, kolesterolü düzenlediği ve diyabet hastalığına da iyi geldiği belirtildi. İğne 550'den fazla obezite hastası tarafından denendi. Denemeler sonunda başarılı olduğu görüldü.

Some hairy bulls before the new year...


The Price of Beauty

A recent trip to do a quick errand at the mall led to the discovery that they had brought back, what was once a promotional makeup item (See #4), and got me thinking of my other favorite items that luckily are always available for purchase.

1.  Kiehl's Eye Makeup Remover.  My favorite eye make-up remover: non-irritating, light, and perfect for when you are feeling too lazy to actually wash your face.  
2.  Clinique Advanced Concealer.  Confession: I haven't used Clinique since Middle School, just the sight of that green compact transports me back in time.  I am always looking for the perfect concealer to hide an unsightly blemish and this one, that goes on like a liquid but with a powder finish, is the best I've ever found.  
3.  Ten Thousand Waves Yuzu Aromatherapy Mist.  Scent often evokes a memory, and with this Aromatherapy Mist I remember that relaxing spa feeling, and you will too.  
4.   Smashbox Limitless Liquid Liner Pen.  The best eyeliner around: a liquid pencil, that you don't have to turn, no clumping, and best of all you can control the line making sure it goes on evenly without smudging. 
5.  Kiehl's Coriander Lotion.  I love this fresh scent, and I once read it's Tory Burch's favorite.  Whether truth or fiction it still smells sweet, spicy, and delicious. 
6.  Moroccan Oil.  This product does wonders to tame hair, and gives it that ever elusive shine.  The smell is addictive; a family friend swears by it's curative nature, even going so far as lathering it on her face. 

Robert Clyne has died.

Bob Clyne was a co-founder of The Diogenes Club of Brooklyn, when an undergraduate at Fordham University in 1949, and was invested in the BSI in 1959 as "The Opal Tiara." His hometown newspaper obituary is here.  Bob was eighty, and age and poor health had not permitted him to participate in BSI for some time, but his death removes a surviving link to the club as Christopher Morley and Edgar W. Smith knew it, just now as it increasingly becomes something it never was then, a fan club pretending to be an "international literary society."

Escape: Successful

I made it safely to Hong Kong!! Its a gorgeous sunny day! Now I'm just
waiting for Mr Lovely who got stuck in the snow in Boston for two
days. Once he arrives, we head for China!

Things to Do in Chiclayo Peru

There are a variety of things to do in Chiclayo Peru. Chiclayo, also known as "The City of Friendship," was founded in the 1560s by Spanish priests. Chiclayo was inhabited by a largely indigenous population rather than Spanish colonizers. It is a center for witchcraft, has some of the best cuisine in Peru, and is well known for its archaeological sites.

The Top 5 Things to Do In Chiclayo Peru Are:

1) The Lord of Sipan (El Señor de Sipan) - La Huaca Rajada
The Lord of Sipan is a mummy found in the Huaca Rajada tomb. Built by the Moche culture around 1 AD to 700 AD, the Huaca Rajada is considered by some to be the most important archaeological discovery in the region in the last 30 years; because the tomb of Sipan was untouched by thieves. A total of four tombs have been found in the Huaca Rajada.

2) The Royal Tombs of Sipan Museum (Museo de las Tumbas Reales de Sipan)
This museum is built in the pyramidal form of ancient Moche tombs and displays the most important findings of the Huaca Rajada. On display are tiny gold figurines, gold and turquoise jewelry, pottery, ornaments and much more. It is one of the most impressive museums anywhere.

3) Batan Grande - Señor de Sican (Lord of Sican)
Batan Grande is an important archaeological location of the Sican, Moche and Chimu cultures. In the Huaca El Loro the tomb of the Señor de Sican was discovered. There are 30 monumental adobe platforms in the area and huge amounts of valuable jewelry and gold, much like the Sipan area, have been extracted.

4) Tucume
Tucume encompasses 26 major adobe pyramids and mounds that were developed by the Lambayeque people in AD 1000 and 1375. It was a major regional center, and the Huaca Larga is the longest adobe structure in the world. There is also an onsite museum.

5) Pimentel
This is a unique beach resort popular with surfers. Sea-going reed boats, known as the Caballitos de Totora, have been used since ancient times and locals use them to go fishing. There are several seafood restaurants in the area.
Chiclayo Peru is an interesting city. Its plethora of intriguing ruins, scenic countryside and vibrant culture, makes traveling in the area a rich and exciting experience.