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New record of all time: More than 78,000 visits to the Blog, in December 2019 (+676%)

Photo by Martin Stranka*

Page views per country (%)

United States: 63.00
Ukraine: 6.10
France: 4.10

Other countries: 26.80

Total number of visits

December 2018: 11,627
December 2019: 78,670 (+676%)

* "Dreamers and Warriors" by Martin Stranka, Czech Republic, Winner, Open competition, Creative, 2019 Sony World Photography Awards

The Eden School

Eden School marker stone
We've covered quite a few, if not most, of the old, 19th Century schools of Mill Creek Hundred. These schools sat one to a district, and the districts (as they were in 1868) can be seen in the colorful map in the upper right-hand side of the page. The first of these districts were created as a result of the Free School Act of 1829, which was the first real attempt to make education available for Delaware children. The districts were each designed to hold about 35 students, with a small schoolhouse in which they would receive their rudimentary education. The funding to build the school and pay the teacher (from what I can tell there usually was only one per school) was derived from a school tax paid by the residents of said district.

However, as you can imagine, education in Delaware and in Mill Creek Hundred specifically did not begin in 1829. Although fewer in number than in later years, there were schools prior to the Free School Act. An earlier attempt at school funding created a fund for schools for poor children, with the money coming from marriage and tavern taxes. (Maybe because marriage and drinking are the two most common causes of children??) However, this was A) underfunded, and B) parents were reluctant to send their children there, in the process admitting they were indigent. If there was such a school in MCH, I am unaware of it.

Another, more common type of school was the subscription school. It was sort of like a local private school, with families paying a monthly tuition to the teacher. In reality, I don't think it was much of a transition into the public school system, with the school tax being just a mandatory "tuition", and the school board commissioners acting as middlemen. (And it should be noted that all these were, of course, only for white children.) The only such subscription school I had been aware of was the one founded in 1808 near Old St. James Church, west of Stanton. However, the story of another old school was recently brought to my attention.

Lisa Sinclair, the local resident and researcher who brought us the Mystery Stone Structure off of Little Baltimore Road, also mentioned tales of the Eden School. At the time I had too much going on to look into it, but Lisa recently raised the stakes, so I had to find out more. At first, I could find only two vague references to the existence of such a school. In a 2013 Hockessin Community News article about the unveiling of a historical marker for the original Hockessin school for African-Americans, historian Joe Lake mentions the Eden School. He states that, "Near the intersection of Doe Run and Little Baltimore Roads, there was once a chunk of limestone reading 'Eden School'. Eden was a hamlet on the Delaware-Pennsylvania border. Neither state has any records of such a school."

Another, albeit very brief, mention of the school was in the 1887 obituary of Jacob Heald. In it is stated that Jacob, a MCH native and brother of developer Joshua T. Heald, "...taught the Eden district school in Mill Creek Hundred for one year." This would have been in the 1820's, and is more proof that the school actually did exist. The last clue came, as it so happens, from Jacob's older brother Henry Heald. Henry was a surveyor and mapmaker, and created a map of the roads of New Castle County in 1820. The MCH section of it can be seen below.

MCH section of Henry Heald's 1820 map of New Castle County

Unlike our later 19th Century maps, this one shows (in addition to the roads) only meeting houses, mills, workshops, taverns, and schools. It does not show landowners and properties, so it's usually less helpful. In this case, though, the inclusion of schools (marked by a solid square) does help us. The aforementioned St. James school can be seen, as well as the original Harmony school on Limestone Road. There is one in Hockessin (across from the Friends Meeting House) and one that appears to be in the same location as the later White Clay Creek School. I could find no more information on that one, which is why it was not mentioned in the prior post. There is also a school that appears to be across the road from Red Clay Creek Presbyterian, labeled "Stone", although that name might refer to the church.

Most relevant for us now, however, is the inclusion of the Eden School towards the upper left. It is shown exactly where Joe Lake said it was, on the northwest corner of Little Baltimore Road and Doe Run Road. That tells us it was in place before 1820, which fits perfectly with the "lost" artifact that Lisa rediscovered for us. Remember how Lake said there was a stone? (You must, it was only three paragraphs ago.) Well, Lisa found it! Shown at the top of the page, the stone sits at the entrance to the development on the north side of Little Baltimore Road, along what was the northern extension of Doe Run Road. It may be hard to see in the picture, but the worn inscription reads "EDEN", then "1814" underneath. It was obviously made to mark something called Eden, and I have every reason to believe it was done in 1814.

Since it doesn't specifically say "School", I thought maybe it could mark a farm or estate. As a longshot, I looked up land records for John Walker, who would have owned the land on the NE side around that time. I thought maybe he bought his farm then, named it Eden, and memorialized it with a stone. What I actually stumbled across was even better, and part of it can be seen below.

Part of the 1814 deed from Daniel Thompson to the school subscribers

I know these are hard to read, and this one especially, but what this is is the beginning of the grant in December 1814 of a small lot from Daniel Thompson to 19 men -- 11 from Pennsylvania and 8 from Delaware. The highlighted part says, "...Daniel Thompson being desired to promote useful learning for the benefit of the arising youth..." Later in the document it states that the land is to be used for the building and keeping in repair of a schoolhouse. It never says the name Eden, but I don't think there's any doubt that this is the beginnings of the school.

The final piece of at least this part of the puzzle was to determine exactly where the school lot was. Luckily that was not too difficult, since it nestled in the corner of Hendersons Road (today's Little baltimore Road) and "the New road leading from Thomas Brown's limestone quarry" (Doe Run Road extension northward, now a private drive). The lot has a rhombus shape, with four equal sides of 2½ perches, or 41 feet 3 inches. Give or take a few feet for the road placements at the time, the location of the lot is shown below.

Approximate location of the Eden School lot

It seems likely that Eden only operated as a true subscription school for little more than 15 years. It probably began serving as the public school sometime soon after 1829, until the North Star School was built down the road in about 1847. This leaves us with only two lingering questions. The first is that in some accounts the school is located just over the state line in Pennsylvania. One possible explanation is that it later moved to a site over the line. However, I think it's more likely that in the memories of it passed down years after it closed, because of the fact that many of the students originally lived in PA, it ended up being thought of as a PA school. I can only assume that those students no longer attended after it became a Delaware public school, but anything is possible.

The final mystery leads into a more lingering one -- what of this "hamlet" of Eden that Joe Lake mentioned? Where exactly was it centered? Was the school named after it, or was the community named after the school? The name certainly hung around, as we saw in a previous post that the Wilmington & Western had an Eden Station just a few thousand feet north of there, named in the 1870's. Information on the area back 200 years and more is quite sparse, but I hold out hope that these questions might someday be answered, just as was the mystery of Eden School.

Happy New Year!

Photo by Martin Stranka, "Until You Wake Up" (2015)

Faces of Classical Music
wish you a
Happy New Year!

Dolph Lundgren Kimdir?

Dolph Lundgren kasları

Dolph Lundgren 1957 İsviçre doğumlu aktör, oyuncu ve profesyonel uzak doğu dövüş sanatları sporcusudur. Gençlik yılları ailesi ile birlikte Stockholm'da geçmiştir. 3 kardeşi vardır. Spor ile küçük yaşlarda ilgilenmeye başlamış, İsviçre Ulusal Gençler Halter Şampiyonası'nda 3. olarak bronz madalya sahibi olmuştur. Aynı zamanda dövüş sporları ile de yakından ilgilenen Dolph, Kyoskushin stili karetede dereceler yapmış ve ülkesini temsil etmiştir.

Dolph Lundgren kaslarıHalter ve karetede gösterdiği başarı onun sporcu kimliğini geliştirmiştir. Filmlerde (aldığı rollerden dolayı) tanıtıldığının aksine Dolph kafası boş bir kas yığını değildir. Sporda olduğu kadar eğitim hayatında da oldukça başarılıdır. Royal Instıtue of Technology üniversitesinden mezun olmuştur ve Sydney Üniversitesi'nde Kimya Mühendisliği alanında doktora derecesi almıştır. (Cehennem Melekleri 2 filminin bir sahnesinde Dolph'nin kimya mühendisi kimliğine ufak bir gönderme yapılmıştır.)

Dolph Lundgren kariyerine Rocky 4 gibi gişesi yüksek olan bir filmle hızlı bir giriş yapmıştır. Ivan Drago rolü için fiziken biçilmiş bir kaftan olmasına rağmen oyunculuk anlamında yetersiz olması gözlerden kaçmamıştır. Ancak daha sonra aldığı oyunculuk eğitimleri ve tecrübeleri sayesinde bu açığı kısa sürede kapatmayı başarmıştır.

Dolph Lundgren Rol Aldığı Bazı Filmler

  • Rocky 4
  • Evrenin Askerleri
  • Koruyucu
  • Lanetli Elmas
  • Evrenin Askerleri 3
  • Cehennem Melekleri
  • Evrenin Askerleri İntikam Günü
  • Cehennem Melekleri 3
  • Creed 2 : Efsane Yükseliyor

Dolph Lundgren Boy ve Kilosu

Dolph Lundgren 191 cm boya ve 100 kiloya yakın vücut ağırlığına sahip. Rocky 4 filmindeki formunda 111 kiloya ulaştığı bilinmektedir.

Estetik Vücutlar kategorimizdeki diğer yazılara ulaşmak için buraya tıklayabilirsiniz.

Kişisel Yorumum : "Devasa boyutlara ve kas kütlelerine ulaşmış bir adam. Bu adamdan yumruk yemek istemezsiniz."

Tim'in Başında Kim Bulunur?

Anasayfa > Site Haritası > Tarih Notları03-Ordu ve Askerlik Teşkilatı Hakkında Bilmeniz Gerekenler > Askeri Birimler Hakkında Bilgi > Tim'in Başında Kim Bulunur?

Tim'in Başında Kim Bulunur?
Tim'in Başında Kim Bulunur?

Komutanı yani Tim'in başındaki kişi
genellikle Çavuş olmak üzere en az Onbaşı rütbesindedir.


Ordu Teşkilatı, Asker Teşkilatı, Askeri Birimler, Tim, Tim Nedir, 

Tim Nedir? Komutanı Kimdir? Başında Kim Bulunur? Kaç Asker Bulunmaktadır?

Anasayfa > Site Haritası > Tarih Notları03-Ordu ve Askerlik Teşkilatı Hakkında Bilmeniz Gerekenler > Askeri Birimler Hakkında Bilgi > Tim Nedir?

Tim Nedir?
Tim Nedir?
Tim, görevi yüz metrelik bir alanı ateş gücüyle kontrol altına almak olan iç güvenlik harekâtında görev yapan en küçük askeri birimdir.

Komutanı genellikle Çavuş olmak üzere en az Onbaşı rütbesindedir.

Kaç Asker Bulunmaktadır? Dört Asker

1 x Tim Komutanı
1 x Avcı Eri
1 x Hafif Makinalı Tüfek Nişancısı
1 x Hafif Makinalı Tüfek Yardımcısı


Ordu Teşkilatı, Asker Teşkilatı, Askeri Birimler, Tim, Tim Nedir?

Askeri Birimler Nelerdir? Kaç Ayrılır ve Her Birimde Kaç Asker Bulunmaktadır?

Anasayfa > Site Haritası > Tarih Notları03-Ordu ve Askerlik Teşkilatı Hakkında Bilmeniz Gerekenler > Askeri Birimler Nelerdir? Kaç Ayrılır ve Her Birimde Kaç Asker Bulunmaktadır?

Askeri Birimler Nelerdir? Kaç Ayrılır ve Her Birimde Kaç Asker Bulunmaktadır?


Ordu Teşkilatı, Asker Teşkilatı, Askeri Birimler

03-Ordu ve Askeri Teşkilat Hakkında Bilmeniz Gerekenler - Askere Gitmeden Önce Bunları Bilin

Anasayfa > Site Haritası > Tarih Notları >  03-Ordu ve Askeri Teşkilat Hakkında Bilmeniz Gerekenler - Askere Gitmeden Önce Bunları Bilin

03-Ordu ve Askeri Teşkilat Hakkında Bilmeniz Gerekenler - Askere Gitmeden Önce Bunları Bilin
03-Ordu ve Askeri Teşkilat Hakkında Bilmeniz Gerekenler -
Askere Gitmeden Önce Bunları Bilin


Ordu Teşkilatı, Asker Teşkilatı