Episode #22: Theodosia Burr (Show Notes)
Frustratingly, there are few sources which focus on Theodosia’s life exclusively. The majority of information about her life is from books about her father, 3rd U.S. Vice President, Aaron Burr. Here are some of the texts I used when researching the podcast:
Theodosia Burr Alston: Portrait of a Prodigy
By Richard N. Côté
Theodosia, the First Gentlewoman of Her Time
By C.M. Clark
Notable American Women, 1607-1950: A Biographical Dictionary, Volume 1 (entry for Burr, Theodosia)
Encyclopedia of Women in American History (entry for Alston, Theodosia Burr)
Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr
By Nancy Isenberg
American Emperor: Aaron Burr's Challenge to Jefferson's America
By David O. Stewart
Duel: Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, and the Future of America
By Thomas J. Fleming
For further information regarding Theodosia’s family:
This website provides a treasure-trove of information about the Burr-Hamilton duel and the Burr Conspiracy:
The American Experience: The Duel
Further information regarding Theodosia’s parents from the Hermitage Museum:
Theodosia Prevost and Aaron Burr
For more information about Theodosia’s disappearance and purported sitings of her ghost, check-out:
History: Disappearance of Theodosia Burr a source of speculation for 200 years (article from Coastal Observer newspaper)
Photographs of the Alston family memorial
Information concerning the Nag’s Head portrait and other paintings of Theodosia:
Portrait of Nag’s Head (article from Antique Trader magazine)
Old Painting Gives Clews to the Fate of Theodosia Burr Alston (article from San Francisco Call, June 1906)
Gibbes Museum’s entry for 1811 portrait of Theodosia
Blogpost of John Wesley Jarvis’ portrait of Theodosia
Theodosia’s has also been featured in historical fiction novels and, most recently, a broadway musical:
My Theodosia
By Anya Seton
By Gore Vidal
Hamilton (links to the cast recording for the broadway musical)
Biographies of Theodosia Burr
Theodosia Burr Alston: Portrait of a Prodigy
By Richard N. Côté
Theodosia, the First Gentlewoman of Her Time
By C.M. Clark
Notable American Women, 1607-1950: A Biographical Dictionary, Volume 1 (entry for Burr, Theodosia)
Encyclopedia of Women in American History (entry for Alston, Theodosia Burr)
Biographies of Aaron Burr
Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr
By Nancy Isenberg
American Emperor: Aaron Burr's Challenge to Jefferson's America
By David O. Stewart
Duel: Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, and the Future of America
By Thomas J. Fleming
For further information regarding Theodosia’s family:
This website provides a treasure-trove of information about the Burr-Hamilton duel and the Burr Conspiracy:
The American Experience: The Duel
Further information regarding Theodosia’s parents from the Hermitage Museum:
Theodosia Prevost and Aaron Burr
For more information about Theodosia’s disappearance and purported sitings of her ghost, check-out:
History: Disappearance of Theodosia Burr a source of speculation for 200 years (article from Coastal Observer newspaper)
Photographs of the Alston family memorial
Information concerning the Nag’s Head portrait and other paintings of Theodosia:
Portrait of Nag’s Head (article from Antique Trader magazine)
Old Painting Gives Clews to the Fate of Theodosia Burr Alston (article from San Francisco Call, June 1906)
Gibbes Museum’s entry for 1811 portrait of Theodosia
Blogpost of John Wesley Jarvis’ portrait of Theodosia
Theodosia’s has also been featured in historical fiction novels and, most recently, a broadway musical:
My Theodosia
By Anya Seton
By Gore Vidal
Hamilton (links to the cast recording for the broadway musical)
Safranbolu'nun doğal güzellikleri
By Rohat Fatih at 13:08
Batı Karadeniz Gezisi, Bulak Mağarası, Gezi, Mencilis Mağarası, Safranbolu, Safranbolu Gezisi, Safranbolu'nun doğa harikaları, Tokatlı Kanyonu, Türkiye'nin 4. büyük kanyonu
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Bir kültür hazinesi olan Yörük Köyü’nü gezdikten sonra, bu defa Safranbolu’nun doğa harikalarından
biri olan ve Dünya Mağaracılık literatürüne girerek, Türkiye’nin en büyük 4. mağarası
arasında yer alan Bulak (Mencilis) Mağarasına gitmek üzere yola koyuluyoruz.
Harita yönümüz gereği yeniden Safranbolu’ya gelip, Bağlar mevkiinden sapıp, ilçenin kuzeybatı istikametinde bulunan Bulak
Sewing Closet Wall Art
Even though we will be starting on our third year in this house, there are still a few things to decorate. Like my sewing closet walls.
I had been planning on hanging something on the wall above the table from the beginning. But I was undecided as to whether I wanted the same vintage adverts or not. They didn't feel right, so I kept thinking on it. Then I came across these French illustrations from the 1920's. I love the colors! Just what the sewing closet needed!
I took these pictures yesterday afternoon and the sun was shining in so nicely! And for some reason it made everything rosy pink. (Which is fine with me!)
I know the pictures are not hung the straightest, but they really aren't that crooked in real life!
Of course my favorite is the pink hat! Don't you love their expressions? So chic!
I love how this picture captures the curve of the ceiling. ..........And the not so glamorous window air conditioner. But I am very proud we actually got one in the window (took a bit of diy engineering) and it is a neat and tidy job!
Another new addition to the sewing room is a pin dish. I ran across this idea on Pinterest and have been keeping my eye open for pretty saucers.
It is so simple to just add magnets on the bottom of a dish and Voila!, you have a pin dish! Because this dish has a very small rim, I ordered tiny earth magnets that are thinner and they work perfectly!
It has been so fun collecting dishes! I ended up with too many options! But one can always use several pin dishes right?
It is so nice to have a clean and tidy sewing room! (It was a bit overdue for a clean.) And now I have something inspiring to look at!
Türkçeleştirince Havası Sönen Markalar
Küresel markalar büyük organizasyon yapısıyla ve hiyerarşileriyle dünya ekonomisinde önemli yere sahip. Hangi endüstriden olursa olsun bu markaların faaliyetleri gündemimizi de etkiliyor. Burger King'in Dünya Barış Günü için başlattığı ortak burger teklifi büyük zincirlerin sohbet konusu oldu. Volkswagen ise güvenli ve bilinçli sürüş için farkındalık yaratacak kampanyalar yürütüyor.
Ogilvy İstanbul'dan kıdemli reklam yazarı Erşan Develier ve kıdemli sanat yönetmeni Burcu Günister ise bu küresel markalar Türkçeleştirildiğin anlamlarının ve tüm marka algısının değiştiğinden yola çıkarak logolarını ve kimliklerini yerelleştirmiş. Sonuç ise Head & Shoulders gibi havalı bir isim, hayat bilgisi ders müfredatı gibi Kafa & Omuzlar'a; Bridgestone ise Anadolu'da bir yöre gibi Taşköprü'ye dönüşmüş.
Endüstri gözetmeksizin yerelleşen markalar, yerel isimlerle ülkemizde faaliyet gösterseydi şu anki kadar popüler olabilirler miydi sorusu da bir merak konusu.
Görseller: Erşan Develier, Burcu Günister
Ogilvy İstanbul'dan kıdemli reklam yazarı Erşan Develier ve kıdemli sanat yönetmeni Burcu Günister ise bu küresel markalar Türkçeleştirildiğin anlamlarının ve tüm marka algısının değiştiğinden yola çıkarak logolarını ve kimliklerini yerelleştirmiş. Sonuç ise Head & Shoulders gibi havalı bir isim, hayat bilgisi ders müfredatı gibi Kafa & Omuzlar'a; Bridgestone ise Anadolu'da bir yöre gibi Taşköprü'ye dönüşmüş.
Endüstri gözetmeksizin yerelleşen markalar, yerel isimlerle ülkemizde faaliyet gösterseydi şu anki kadar popüler olabilirler miydi sorusu da bir merak konusu.
Görseller: Erşan Develier, Burcu Günister
Kaynak: Bigumugi
Mad About Mycroft
There’s been a bit of Sherlockian buzz about the new novel Mycroft Holmes by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Anna Waterhouse. I’ll review it here soon.
Even before I opened the front cover, however, it hit me how fascinating readers – and writers – find the character of Mycroft Holmes. This isn’t the first novel about him. Moreover, he’s probably one of the most popular characters in Holmes pastiches. Why is that?
You may have your own reasons. Here are mine:
· We don’t know very much about him, so there’s plenty of room to fill in imaginatively. Mycroft only appears in two Canonical short stories, and is mentioned in two others.
· He’s Sherlock Holmes’s smarter brother, who could have been an even greater detective than Sherlock. That’s endlessly intriguing.
· Mycroft belongs to the Diogenes Club, the club for the most unsociable of men. At least two other detectives belong to the Diogenes – Solar Pons and Sir Henry Merrivale.
· He is a lot like Nero Wolfe, except that he doesn’t come with a whole cast of wonderful characters (Archie Goodwin, Fritz Brenner, Saul Panzer, etc.) in orbit around him.