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Episode #21-'History, Bitches' Gets Undressed, Part 2 (Show Notes)

Bodies, stays, and busk points, OH MY! This week, for ‘History Bitches Gets Undressed, Part 2,’ I speak to guest co-host Sarah Bendall about the predecessors to the corset. Tune-in to hear about Catherine de' Medici’s rumored connection to the stay’s invention, how busks and busk points were exchanged as love tokens, and how little views about women’s bodies have changed from the 17th century! For visual references to the garments discussed in the podcast, check-out the show notes!

Bodies & Stays
Bodies’ or corset of ivory silk worn by
Pfalzgräfin Dorothea Sabin von Neuberg, c. 1598.
Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich (You can see the channel that the
busk would have slid into running down the front of the bodies.)

Bodies of Dame Elizabeth Filmer, c. 1620-1640.
Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester.

Stays of silk damask, lined with linen, reinforced with whalebone,
hand-sewn, English 1770-1790. Victorian and Albert Museum, London

Corset, 1883. British. Victoria & Albert Museum, London


For more about historical women's fashion, visit Sarah's blog:

Sarah has also written a piece on the history of corset for the Powerhouse Museum. Check it out here:

Prof Dr. Oktay Sinanoğlu'nu Saygıyla Anıyoruz..

Dünyada genç yaşta ‘Profesör’ ünvanını alan, 60 yıldır
çözülemeyen bir matematik kuramını çözerek adını matematik tarihine yazdıran,
DNA sarmalının açıklamasını en sağlam şekilde açıklayan ve “Ne sağ,
ne sol; Önce bağımsızlık. Türkçe giderse, Türkiye gider. “ düşüncesi
içinde, katıldığı tüm konferanslarda  iyi
derecede İngilizce bilmesine rağmen sunumunu Türkçe yapıp Türklüğünden taviz

Talcot Parsons işlevselciliğe ne gibi katkılarda bulunmuştur ?

Talcot Parsons işlevselciliğe ne gibi katkılarda bulunmuştur ?
Yapısal işlevselcilik veya işlevselcilik adıaltında geçen kuram 1950 ‘ li yıllarda meşhur olan bir kuramdır .
Kuruculuğunu Talcot Parsons ‘ ın üstlendiği bu kuram toplumun bir birlik ve düzen içinde var olduğunu savunur . Marksist anlayıştan farklı olarak bu kuram çatışmayı doğal değil geçici bir durum olarak ele alır .

Yapısal işlevselcilik , konsensüs teorisi olarak da adlandırılır . Talcot Parsons ; Comte , Spencer , Durkheim gibi işlevselciliğin temellerini atan kuramcılardan faydalanmıştır .

Hücre organelleri ne gibi özellikler taşırlar ?

Hücre organelleri  ne gibi özellikler taşırlar ?
Hücre organelleri hücrede canlılık faaliyetleriyle ilgili kısımlardır . Vakuol  , yağ gibi hücrelerin de bulunduğu bir organeldir .
Ribozom protein sentezi yapar . Endoplazmik retikulum üzerinde ribozomun da bulunabildiği kanalcıklardır .

Hücre organelleri sitoplazma denilen bir sıvıda yaşarlar . Sitoplazmada su , çekirdek , çekirdekçik , DNA , RNA gibi maddeler  bulunmaktadır . 

1.Dünya Savaşı ‘ nda Yemen ve Hicaz ‘ da Türklerin durumu ne idi ?

1.Dünya Savaşı ‘ nda Yemen ve Hicaz ‘ da Türklerin durumu ne idi ?
7. kolordu ve Türk kuvvetleri maalesef Yemen ve Hicaz ‘ da yalnız kaldılar . Şerif Hüseyin ayaklandı . Bir tek İmam Yahya Türklere sadık kaldı .
İmam Yahya , orduya yiyecek ve benzeri yardımları yaptığı halde başarılı sonuçlar alınamadı .
21. asir de savaşmasına rağmen bir sonuç alamadı .Ayaklanmaları çıkartan İngilizler olmuştur .

Sonunda 7. Kolordu da dahil olmak üzere başkumandanlıktan gelen emir üzerine teslim olundu .


Devlet'in Türkçe kitabında "gelişi güzel" yazılmış. Oysa ki "gelişi güzel" bitişik yazılır.


The plans for development of a section of the cemetery have now been agreed and the work has gone out to tender.
 The area will be secured and once the work is completed the plots will be available for use.  Pre-purchase will be possible once the work has been done.

I regret to advise that despite agreement reached at a meeting before Christmas, and a letter from the Minister of the Interior instructing SAPA that Tala are excluded from the mains sewerage for 5 years and that any monies collected for transfer of title should be refunded, SAPA are refusing to accept the decision of the Minister. 
SAPA had a representative at the meeting before Christmas in Nicosia and whilst that representative claimed it would be difficult to refund people, they were told that if they had managed to collect money then they must be able to refund it.
SAPA have now proposed that as they have out of pocket expenses for the Peyia and Tala proposed sewerage system [including costs for an alleged feasibility study] in the sum of €169,992, they require payment from Peyia of €129,194 and €40,798 from Tala to reimburse them.   In addition, they also propose to continue issuing invoices for the sewerage charge to residents in both areas, even if they are not paid.     As a council, we feel it is unfair that only those requiring title transfer have had to bear the sewerage charge and are agreeable to paying SAPA a reasonable amount to reimburse them for their costs if this means that the cost is shared across the community [not just by a few individuals] and that those who have been forced into paying are reimbursed.  However, as the original agreement was that the system for Tala would receive 80% Government funding, we have proposed that Tala will pay €8159.60 and that SAPA must obtain the balance from the Government.   To date SAPA have rejected this proposal and are adamant that Tala must pay the full €40,798 and that Tala must recover the Government share direct from the Government.  
As a Council, if SAPA will provide us with a written undertaking that we are excluded from the mains sewerage, then we will try and negotiate the fee they require.   If we can obtain the necessary undertaking then it is anticipated that an additional levy of €10 or €15 per household will be necessary on the rates – however, this may be the best and cheapest solution to avoid the mains sewerage.  Payment of any fee would then result in SAPA refunding those who have been forced into paying the tax to allow transfer of title or sale of their property.
For the time being, therefore, until we can resolve this, anyone wanting their title deeds or wishing to transfer title has no choice but to pay the sewerage fee that SAPA demands and SAPA refuse to make any refunds.

The new toilets are now under construction behind the old church in the Square.   Work was delayed for a very short period as human remains were found when excavating.  Thankfully, these were not ancient remains [although they had been underground for a considerable period] and work has been able to proceed.

The Council has received a large number of calls asking for assistance in spraying the Scottish Pine trees which are the favoured nesting ground of the Procession Caterpillars.     If anyone is planting a garden, could they please take note of the toxicity of these caterpillars and desist from planting Scottish pine trees.  If anyone is unaware, the caterpillars emerge from whispy nests in these trees, often moving in crocodiles.  They are highly poisonous to animals causing severe decay to live tissue and will also cause injury to humans.   

I am pleased to advise that we are finally building changing rooms and toilet facilities for performers and the disabled at the amphitheatre.   Work is underway and should be completed before the start of the season.

There has been a long outstanding problem of accessing some water meters in Tala.   Those of you who have problem meters will shortly be receiving a letter asking you to relocate your meter to a more accessible position.   The Council can move the meter for you, but a charge will be made for this service.   Please speak to the Secretary in the Council Office if you require assistance regarding this.

With immediate effect, a hot meal delivery service is available which will be delivered direct to your door.   This will be ideal not only for anyone who is housebound, but for those recovering from an operation, temporarily on their own,  unable to leave the house for any reason, on holiday or wanting to entertain and save themselves the hassle of cooking – or avoid the heat in the kitchen over the summer months!   If needed, additional meals can be provided suitable for freezing or keeping in the fridge but in the initial stages the hot meal delivery will be restricted to Sunday and Wednesday.
Working under the auspices of SKE [Welfare Centre], Marie and Emma will initially be providing a lunch on Sunday and Wednesday.  This will consist of a main course and a dessert.  Special dietary requirements can be catered for if needed.  The meal on a Sunday will be a traditional Sunday lunch.
The cost of the lunch will be €7.50 per person with free delivery to residents of Tala.   Anyone outside of the Tala area will be charged €1 for delivery.   
For further information or to order lunch, please contact Marie and Emma on 97 725903 or email:
If anyone is having a spring clean, we can always use old pillows or duvets [stuffing materials for knitted dolls, etc], material, ribbon, buttons and wool.   Nothing goes to waste.    Please leave anything you have at SKE or the Council office.

24           Neil Diamond tribute from the UK – tickets now available at the Kiosk in Tala.  Tala     Church Hall
28           British High Commission presentation at the Kamares Club – open to all
30           Wine Tasting and a meal – Kamares Club
5-9         The 39 Steps at Stage One
15           George Michael tribute from the UK at Vatouthkia  – tickets now available at the Kiosk            in Tala
16          Purrzaar 2 at  Café at Ayios Neofytos Monastery 1030-3pm.  To raise money for Tala  Monastery Cats
16           Harmony in Colour at Kamares Club
23           Kamares Festival at the Kamares Club
23           Two One Act Plays at Stage One
27          Orphean Singers/Cinematic [Pafos 2017] at Amphitheatre  *
29           Starlight Dance Party*
* Further information available shortly
6             Welcome to Summer Ball – Kamares Club
7             Vox Beatles from the UK at the Amphitheatre
9            Vox Beatles from the UK at the Amphitheatre
19            Hollies tribute from the UK – at the Amphitheatre
21           Hollies tribute from the UK – at the Amphitheatre
16           The All New Jersey Boys from the UK – at the Amphitheatre
18           The All New Jersey Boys from the UK – at the Amphitheatre – tickets now at kiosk
11           Fleetwood Mac tribute from the UK – at the Amphitheatre
13           Fleetwood Mac tribute from the UK – at the Amphitheatre
25           Bee Gees tribute from the UK – at the Amphitheatre
27           Bee Gees tribute from  the UK – at the Amphitheatre
Tickets for Tala Church Hall, Tala Amphitheatre and  some of the Vatouthkia events are available at  the Visteria [formerly SoEasy] Kiosk in Tala.  Tickets can also be purchased at Vatouthkia for events there.   For most shows, tickets can be reserved on   Any events at the Kamares Club must be booked direct with the Club.  Any performance at Stage One must be booked direct with Stage One.
Please also see www.talanews.blogspot.comregarding other events in the Paphos and Tala area which may be of interest.
Next issue 20 June   

Areti Pieridou


With immediate effect, a hot meal delivery service is available which will be delivered direct to your door.   This will be ideal not only for anyone who is housebound, but for those recovering from an operation, temporarily on their own, unable to leave the house for any reason, on holiday or wanting to entertain and save themselves the hassle of cooking – or avoid the heat in the kitchen over the summer months!   If needed, additional meals can be provided suitable for freezing or keeping in the fridge but in the initial stages the hot meal delivery will be restricted to Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.
Working under the auspices of SKE [Welfare Centre], Marie and Emma will initially be providing lunch on a Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.  This will consist of a main course and a dessert.  Special dietary requirements can be catered for if needed.  The meal on a Sunday will be a traditional Sunday lunch.

The cost of the lunch will be €7.50 per person with free delivery to residents of Tala .   Anyone outside of the Tala area will be charged €1 for delivery.   

For further information or to order lunch, please contact Marie and Emma on 97 725903 or email:

Link to Tala Meals on Wheels

Please also note that orders can be taken for cakes and pies - further information available on the above website.

Unknown Korean Bodybuilder

Please Help Us Identify this Bodybuilder
Spring 2015

Albanian bodybuilder Kreshnik Topore

Country: Albania
Birthdate: 1987
Height: +180cm/5'11''
Competition weight: +100kg/220lb
Off season weight: 120kg/265lb