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The Inland Sea

The most exciting thing ever to happen in what is known as the Inland Sea in the limits of the dormant village of San Lawrenz, Gozo, occurred some years ago when a lone Mediterranean dolphin got lost, found itself inside this cute little patch of water and was unable to find a way out of the small, restricted cavern carved out by Mother Nature.

The rest is complete quiet and an ambience of serenity broken only by the odd fisherman, like the poor dolphin, trying to paddle his way out into the open sea. Created out of almost nothing and surrounded by sheer high cliffs all around, the Inland Sea, known in Maltese as Id-Dwejra, is like a time warp on the Gozo tourist map.

 It will capture you at daytime as you stroll on the pebble beach to watch the next school of young divers eagerly listening to their instructor’s last-minute strict rules and regulations. They know what awaits them – just off the Inland Sea, once you’ve managed to navigate a way out of it, is perhaps one of the most beautiful diving zones anywhere in the Mediterranean.

Then, by sunset, as darkness falls and the last tourist coaches have left, an eerie atmosphere grips the area. You hardly want to talk as the pebbles under your feet now sound more like gunfire, and the lights on the ancient boat-houses flicker wildly around you.

Suddenly, there is a bit of music, muffled and controlled. It is almost sacrilegious. A small group of young men and women are enjoying a quiet barbeque. The sound of the wine being poured into ample glasses synchronizes well with the sound of the lapping water.

You almost wish the dolphin is back, having been joyously helped to find its way out by the well-wishers of yesteryear. Then, a sound. Is it back? No, it is only the amorous couple trying to cool down their body temperatures. Dolphins certainly know better…

The best way to get to the Inland Sea is by bus which leaves regularly from the main terminus in Victoria. If you have a car then driving there is pretty uncomplicated as the area is well signposted. 

Where to Go in Bali Island? - Top 5 Destinations Other Than Kuta Beach Bali

The majority of the Bali travelers go to the most popular Bali destinations such as Kuta beach, Nusa Dua, Seminyak and Ubud. But despite Bali being a small island there is much more to see and experience than just these villages.

If you are curious what else Bali has to offer, make sure you continue reading for this article will list 5 destination that are definitely worth staying but where most travelers eventually don't reach.

Be aware though that these destinations can be very quiet. So if you really need a relaxing holiday then these are definitely the places you should consider...


Candidasa is probably one of the most famous of all the 5 villages listed here. What was once a famous tourist village, today it can get pretty deserted in certain periods of the year. It's probably not that popular as it is right at the seashore but it doesn't have a real beach.
However depending on your hotel you can still go swimming during high tide. A good place to jump into the water is Alam Asmara Dive Resort.

But the nicest thing about Candidasa is that it has a relaxing atmosphere plus from here it's easy to explore the eastern part of the Bali island. This part of the island offers great places to experience the Balinese culture and nature.


Amed actually consists of 5 little fishing villages set along the coast. Amed doesn't have soft sanded beach and is therefore mostly famous among die-hard divers who spend most of their Bali holiday under water.

However besides Bali scuba diving, the very lay back Amed is a great place to escape the crowd and to enjoy your holiday to unwind. And besides, the sea view in Amed Bali is terrific. It's impossible to get bored of the blue emerald water.


Set in the mountains this village is an ideal spot to go Bali hiking, visit waterfalls and to escape the heat;-). It's a wonderful place to wander around and take the trails that take you along local houses, plantations, and forest.

And when you get back at your hotel and you sip hot cup of tea you have a magnificent view over the rice fields and mountains. On a clear day you might even see the ocean...


This village is located in the north western part of Bali and is blessed with an amazing coral garden just 20 minutes away. So as you can imagine, like Amed it's mostly popular among Bali scuba diving and snorkeling lovers.

But the nice thing about Pemuteran are the beautiful beaches, the mountain landscape and that despite the presence of the resorts, the village is still pretty underdeveloped. It probably still looks like Kuta beach Bali in the 1980's.


This tiny village is located in western Bali island and everyday surfers wade into the water to catch the excellent waves. So as you can imagine this is one of the most relaxing places on the island. Every body just takes it very easy here.

If you are not into surfing, then it's still an excellent place to enjoy the food and sea breeze while catching up on all the books you wanted to read but never had time to do it.

Pepper Crusted Steak with Mustard Mint Sauce

This is from Bobby Flay - and it is really tasty and healthy!

1/4 cup plus 2tbs Dijon Mustard

3 tbs honey

2 tbs horseradish

1 tbsp mint leaves, finely chopped

1/2 tsp kosher salt

2 1/4 tbs fresh ground black pepper

1 tbs canola oil

2 - 12 ounce New York strip steaks

Combine mustard, honey, horseradish, mint, 1/4 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp pepper in small bowl and whisk well.  Let it sit at room temperature for about 15 minutes.

Combine remaining salt and pepper in shallow dish; press both sides of steaks into mixture.  Heat oil in a nonstick pan over high heat until oil begins to shimmer.  Place steak in pan and cook until a  crust forms (3 min. for rare, 4-5 for medium).  turn steaks over and cook to desired degree of doness.  remove steaks from pan; let rest 5 minutes before serving.  You can always grill the steaks - but they will not crust quite as well, but still very tasty!

Slice thin and serve with mustard sauce.  I like to pair this with a salad of arugula and put the sauce on that as well.  Tortillas or pitas also make a great addition to this meal.





Ten on Tuesday (8)

1. What type of cell phone do you have and how would you rate it?
I have an iPhone and I mostly love it. I hate iTunes though.
2. What has been your most serious injury?
I broke my pinky finger and once had stitches in my chin. That's about
all. I'm not really accident prone I guess.
3. What is one movie you hate and why?
I don't really like any of those dumb Adam Sandler movies. He's like a
child. I don't find it funny.
4. How many email addresses do you have?
I have two that I use and three that I don't use. Oh and I had to sign
up for yahoo to use flickr so I guess that's four I don't use.
5. What website do you waste the most time on?
Google Reader.
6. Which mexican restaurant makes the best salsa?
Pretty much any one in the Mission in San Francisco has my vote.
7. What is your dream car?
That Mercedes that costs 450,000. The one with the gullwing doors. I
don't know the model.
8. If you could spend up to $100 with no strings or restrictions or
guilt, what would you buy?
A flight somewhere. Or a massage.
9. What is your favorite board game?
I love Rummikub.
10. How often do you change your hairstyle?
Almost never. Maybe every three years or so. Its usually long.
**Brought to you from Chelsea at**


illere göre nüfus

Waig Crystal Spring Resort

What is Waig Crystal Spring Resort?

The resort is made for the adventurers and for the nature of lovers. It is situated at the intersection of the plateau located in the province of Bukidnon. With its interesting myriad of adventure-filled of activities, the 3.6 hectare land is your ideal sanctuary for picturesque and astonishing land & waters capes.

Amenities & Activities
  • The rooms are divided into three categories: The Deluxe, for 3 persons, Rate: Php 1,500: The Standard, for 2 persons only, Rate: Php 1,000 and The Barkadahan, for nine persons, Rate: Php 2700
  • The Restobar offers inexpensive various cuisines that can satisfy your deepest gastronomic cravings.
  • The different sizes of their swimming wave pools surely are a great place to hang-out where you can see a verdant rainforest nearby. This place offers a relaxing ambiance and the water is naturally refreshing.
  • When you’re bored and are looking for some exciting activities, you just need to learn the basics of horseback riding. You can surely have a time of your life learning with their experienced trainers. Prices vary for every session therefore, it is advisable for you to ask for discounts and other special packages before using their facilities.
  • For any business meetings or other event affairs, feel free to use their convention hall and conference rooms. Advance reservation is recommended, just call 09155535384.
Other Rates & Prices

Travelling to Waig Crystal Spring Resort is a delight. You can surely enjoy what the entire place can offer you. The rates of its exquisite hotel rooms are indicated above but it is advisable if you’ll get a travel package online that gives you numerous discounts (at least 20-50%) and special packages. Book your visit in travel sites and you will find several choices according to your wants.





Yerleşim yeri nüfusları, 2007 yılında kurulan ve İçişleri Bakanlığı Nüfus ve Vatandaşlık İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü (NVİGM) tarafından güncellenen Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemi (ADNKS)’nden alınan nüfusla birlikte, kurumsal yerlerde kalan nüfus dikkate alınarak hesaplanmaktadır. Kurumsal yerlerde (kışla, cezaevi, huzurevi, üniversite öğrenci yurtları vb.) kalanlar uluslararası tanım gereği ikamet adreslerinde değil, kurumsal yerlerin bulunduğu yerleşim yeri nüfusuna dahil edilmişlerdir.

Ayrıca il, ilçe, belediye, köy ve mahallelere göre nüfuslar belirlenirken; NVİGM tarafından, ilgili mevzuat ve idari kayıtlar uyarınca Ulusal Adres Veri Tabanı’nda yerleşim yerlerine yönelik olarak yapılan idari bağlılık, tüzel kişilik ve isim değişiklikleri dikkate alınmıştır.

Bu haber bülteninde, NVİGM’den alınan bilgilere dayalı olarak 31 Aralık 2010 tarihi itibarıyla 2010 yılı sonuçlarına yer verilmektedir.

31 Aralık 2010 tarihi itibarıyla Türkiye nüfusu 73.722.988 kişidir.

2010 yılında Türkiye’de ikamet eden nüfus bir önceki yıla göre 1.161.676 kişi artmıştır. Nüfusun % 50,2’sini (37.043.182 kişi) erkekler, % 49,8’ini (36.679.806 kişi) ise kadınlar oluşturmaktadır.

2010 yılında 81 ilden; 53’ünün nüfusu bir önceki yıla göre artarken, 28 ilin nüfusu azalmıştır.

Nüfus artış oranı en düşük olan ilk üç il sırasıyla Tunceli, Çankırı ve Ardahan’dır. Nüfus artış oranı en yüksek olan ilk üç  il  ise Bilecik, Isparta ve Erzincan’dır.

Ülke nüfusunun % 76,3’ü il ve ilçe merkezlerinde yaşamaktadır.

Toplam nüfusun  % 76,3’ü  (56.222.356 kişi) il  ve  ilçe  merkezlerinde  ikamet  ederken,        % 23,7’si (17.500.632 kişi) belde ve köylerde ikamet etmektedir.

İl ve ilçe merkezlerinde yaşayan nüfus oranının en yüksek olduğu il % 99 ile İstanbul, en düşük olduğu il ise % 32 ile Ardahan’dır.

Nüfusun % 18’i İstanbul’da ikamet etmektedir.

Toplam nüfusun % 18’i (13.255.685 kişi) İstanbul’da  ikamet  etmektedir. Bunu sırasıyla;      % 6,5 ile (4.771.716 kişi) Ankara, % 5,4 ile (3.948.848 kişi) İzmir, % 3,5 ile (2.605.495 kişi) Bursa, % 2,8 ile (2.085.225 kişi) Adana takip etmektedir. Ülkemizde en az nüfusa sahip olan Bayburt ilinde ikamet eden kişi sayısı ise 74.412’dir.

Nüfusun yarısı 29,2 yaşından küçüktür.

Ülkemizde ortanca yaş 29,2’dir. Ortanca yaş erkeklerde 28,7 iken, kadınlarda 29,8’dir. İl ve ilçe merkezlerinde ikamet edenlerin ortanca yaşı 29,1; belde ve köylerde ikamet edenlerin ortanca yaşı ise 29,8’dir.


Nüfusun % 67,2’si 15 ile 64 yaşları arasındadır.

15-64 yaş grubunda bulunan çalışma çağındaki nüfus, toplam nüfusun % 67,2’sini oluşturmaktadır. Ülkemiz nüfusunun % 25,6’sı 0-14 yaş grubunda, % 7,2’si ise 65 ve daha yukarı yaş grubunda bulunmaktadır.

Türkiye’de kilometrekareye 96 kişi düşmektedir.

Nüfus yoğunluğu olarak ifade edilen “bir kilometrekareye düşen kişi sayısı” Türkiye genelinde 96 kişidir. Bu sayı illerde 10 ile 2.551 kişi arasında değişmektedir. İstanbul 2.551 kişi ile nüfus yoğunluğunun en fazla olduğu il’dir. Bunu sırasıyla; 432 kişi ile Kocaeli, 329 kişi ile İzmir, 254 kişi ile Hatay ve 250 kişi ile Bursa illeri izlemektedir.

Nüfus yoğunluğunun en az olduğu il ise 10 kişi ile Tunceli’dir. Yüzölçümü büyüklüğüne göre ilk sırada yer alan Konya’nın nüfus yoğunluğu 52, yüzölçümü en küçük olan Yalova’nın nüfus yoğunluğu ise 241’dir.