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New Zealand: Paradise for Food Lovers

New Zealand cuisine is as diverse as it gets. Determined mainly by local ingredients and seasonal variations, New Zealand's cuisine is generally described as the Pacific Rim cuisine with dash of influences from Europe, Asia and Polynesia.

Auckland and the far north region of the country have several specialities, such as citrus fruits, nuts, avocados and Asian vegetables. Tarakihi, hapuku and flounder are the common type of fish in the north; whereas in the colder region of the south there's more emphasis on sole, groper, blue cod and turbot.

In the regions of Taranaki, Hawke's Bay, Wairarapa, Canterbury and Southland good-quality lamb and beef is easily available. In such areas cervena venison, which is a low-fat, healthy kind of red meat, is also found. If you are into healthy but delicious red meat then get your air tickets to New Zealand and devour on these scrumptious offerings.

For wine lovers, airlines to New Zealand are like airlines to the paradise. A number of country's districts specialise in grape-growing. Each region has its own speciality wines that are offered with amazing local food combinations. Let's have a look at some of the eating joints in New Zealand that are worth a visit.

Mt Maunganui's Providores Urban Food Store has a casual charm but with the serious dose of culinary quality. Patrons can surf videos flickered across the walls as they choose between lip-smacking home-smoked meats, sticky orange jams and buttery fresh-baked pastries.

Stewart Island's Kai Kart is popular for dishing out incredible fish and chips. The tiny eating joint serves fresh blue cod and yummy battered mussels. Enjoy the alfresco dining experience with winds blowing up in your face.

Niagara Falls Café in the Catlins is located in a restored 19th-century schoolhouse. The place serves lip-smacking coffee and delicious cheesecake along with local wines and beers. The café also features an art gallery that makes your visit to the place quite interesting.

If you are in Queenstown and looking for a quick snack, you can't go past Fergburger. A favourite burger joint among the local crowd, it is a must visit for Queenstown visitors. If fancy and sophistication is what you are looking for, then walk into the Solera Vino, a fine-dining French restaurant that is known for its delicate flavours, amazing wine and perfect service. Queenstown is on every visitor's itinerary to the country and even if you don't have it on, you can easily book cheap tickets in any of New Zealand's domestic flights and land up in Queenstown to experience the gourmet pleasure.
Sic sic sic!

Home Tour: Kitchen Before & After

Kitchen Before.

In case the photograph doesn't capture the misfortunes of the kitchen.  Let me explain: slate floors in the most unfortunate of colors, drab cabinets with rusted hinges, beige tiled countertops and half backsplash, original appliances, and wallpaper (and I'm not talking this kind of wallpaper).


Kitchen After.


New Material at the Website

After returning from a pleasant visit with "The Greek Interpreter," BSI, in Napa Valley, Calif., new links of the week are finally up, an International Thriller Writers review article about my now-imminent novel Baker Street Irregular is linked at the website's Novel page (also at, and Ch. 6 of Woody Hazelbaker's World is also up at last.

Ten on Tuesday (1)

Chelsea at Roots and Rings does a fun Tuesday questionnaire called Ten on Tuesday. I thought it was fun and you can do it too. I am a week behind her, but it's probably for the better since I can't always count on internet access. If you like the list, you can click on the linky thing at the bottom (this is my first attempt at this so bear with me) and link yourself so people (and me!) can see who else does it. Also, please leave a comment letting us know you did it as well!

Here is my first list.

1. What is your favorite decor item in your house?
I don’t have a house. Right now I am traveling and let me tell you, if I have a hot shower, I am really, really, REALLY happy. So, screw the couch; give me a shower and a non lumpy bed. Oh, and a blanket that doesn’t smell like pee. 

2. What is your favorite hair product?
My favorite WHAT? I am sorry, but hair I have, product I do not. 

3. Are you a good dancer?
Nope. I am white. Need I say more? The stereotype is true in my case. 

4. You get some good news, who’s the first person you call?
My Mom and/or Dad, K, Red or Mr L. It depends on the news. 

5. Would you rather take pictures, or be in pictures?
Both. I love to take pictures, that is for sure, but I am not afraid of being IN pictures. Why not? When I am old and wrinkly I will look back and say, wow, what a good looking young thing I was. It would be sad not to have pictures. They are my memory, since mine is so bad. 

6. What is your shoe style?
I am traveling. I have to carry EVERYTHING I need on my back. My shoes are hiking boots and Reef sandals. At home, I have a job in damage assessment, so usually its work boots or sneakers. I am not very glamorous. 

7. How often do you eat out?
Right now, every day. But its cheap. Normally, I cook about 5 or 6 days a week and eat out once or twice. I am always on travel status, even with work, so it is nice to get out of my hotel room for a change (and to make new friends at work!)

8. If someone has food in their teeth, do you tell them?
Yes. Or if their bra was showing or they had toilet paper on their shoe. I would rather have 2 seconds of embarrassment than….who knows….minutes, or HOURS. 

9. Do you fold your underwear? 
Yes, when I am home. When I am traveling they get kind of rolled/folded (and put into a Ziploc freezer bag with all the air squeezed out. I am weird like that. 

10. Milk, dark, or white chocolate?
Dark. Or none. I am not a big fan of sweets. 

Happy Tuesday! Do this list on YOUR BLOG. Don’t forget to link!

"Make Money Online Blogging", "Free Easy fast money from Adsense, Chikita, Amazon, Adbrite"

Making money online used to pretty much require you to have your own Web site, products to sell and some marketing savvy. But the generation of Blogging has arisen that will pay you for what you know and who you know without you having to be a web designer or a marketing genius.

While traditional e-commerce can work well too, but the trend of earning money by blogging has been gaining momentum. You can earn money from Advertiser networks like Google Adsense, Chikita Malls, Adbrite, etc. Below are few experienced bloggers teaching you how to make money by blogging. The main advantage of Blogging is that there is no need for upfront investment. Sounds interesting? Check it out..

"Make Money Online Blogging", "Free Easy fast money from Adsense, Chikita, Amazon, Adbrite"

Making money online used to pretty much require you to have your own Web site, products to sell and some marketing savvy. But the generation of Blogging has arisen that will pay you for what you know and who you know without you having to be a web designer or a marketing genius.

While traditional e-commerce can work well too, but the trend of earning money by blogging has been gaining momentum. You can earn money from Advertiser networks like Google Adsense, Chikita Malls, Adbrite, etc. Below are few experienced bloggers teaching you how to make money by blogging. The main advantage of Blogging is that there is no need for upfront investment. Sounds interesting? Check it out..

Love listening to the rain and thunder!
Video showing how easy it is to start making money with GPT