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yunnan etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
yunnan etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Yunnan: A Major Tourist Destination In China

Yunnan is a province in China which is located in the far southwest portion of the country. Due to to its eye-catching landscapes, gentle climate and its colorful ethnic minorities, Yunnan is considered as one of the country's major tourist destinations. The word “Yunnan” literally means “Beautiful Clouds in the South”.

The natural beauty of Yunnan truly defies description. In here, you will find beautiful farmlands, alpine landscapes, mountain rivers, snow-capped mountain ranges and glaciers, lakes, hot springs, valley streams, deep virgin forests and enormous skies with fascinating clouds.

Great tourist spots in Yunnan include Xishuangbanna (a resort known for its natural and cultural attractions); Dali (famous for its historic sites and the “Foreigner's Street” that features music, western-style foods, as well as English-speaking business owners); Stone Forest (famous for its karst features and landscapes); Shangri-La County (known for its nearby Gandan Sumtseling Monastery, Tiger Leaping Gorge and Pudacuo National Park); Yuanyang (Hani minority settlement well-known for its spectacular rice-paddy terracing); Lijiang (an old town known for its orderly system of waterways and bridges); Jinghong (which features botanical parks and gardens); and Chuxiong (with beautiful and scenic skylines and sunsets seen over the mountains).

Some of the places of interest in Yunnan are the Erhai Lake (whose lakeshore can be explored by hiking); Black Dragon Pool (famous pond in the scenic Jade Spring Park); Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (mountain massif whose view from the gardens of the Black Dragon Pool is considered as one of China's finest views); Three Pagodas (a group of three independent pagodas arranged on the corners of a symmetric triangle); Yunnan Provincial Museum (which provides an exhibition focused on the province's ethnic minorities, plus a collection of artifacts from tomb excavations); and the Yuantong Temple (a famous Buddhist temple).