Bayram Cigerli Blog

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ulta etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
ulta etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

My First Giveaway: $40 Ulta Beauty Giftcard

Hello to all of my amazing Blogger friends out there in the world! I have reached over 100 beautiful followers on my "Fitness Blondie" blog so I wanted to say "thank you" and conduct my first ever giveaway!

I have seen some giveaway's out there, that make my head spin! I am keeping it simple. It's easy to enter and I am just trying to get my blog out there in the world a little more.

I am giving away a $40 Ulta Gift Card. This is perfect if you need new skin care products, make-up, hair tools, pufume, and/or anything girly. The best part is, if you do not have an Ulta store near you, you can use the giftcard on their website! Ulta Beauty is one of my favorite stores in the world, so I thought this giveaway would be perfect!

I really enjoy giving back. So if you guys keep reading and spreading the word. I will keep giving. I do a lot of Coach auctions, so I think a Coach giveaway will be next... stay tuned :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here is my link to the Giveaway if you want to share it and/or add it to your page:

I will announce the winner via blog post on Wednesday, August 21st.

I wish everyone luck and again, "thank you" to all of my Blogger friends. I have had a blast in the "personal" blogging world so far!