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meal plans etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
meal plans etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Skinny Snacks // Protein Chocolate Chip Cookies

Confession... I. Love. Cookies! But obviously eating cookies all the time won't allow me to be in shape. Why can't we have the best of both worlds? A yummy, chocolatey snack after lunch to satisfy your sweet tooth without completely ruining your healthy eating habits. DONE!Feel free to substitute your...

Eat Clean // Meal Plan

The key to weight loss success is establishing a healthy lifestyle. I don't believe in fad diets - sure they work temporarily but diets aren't realistic, long term solutions. Your body has specific needs, especially when you're working out. Here's a good meal plan to get you started on a healthy...

Skinny Drinks // Hazelnut Macchiato

I'm cookoo for macchiato!! But a daily trip to Starbucks can get spendy. Make it at home for half the calories and a fraction of the cost. (Can you tell that I'm in sales?) =] Starbuck's drink contains espresso, freshly steamed milk with vanilla syrup and finished with hazelnut drizzle. This skinny...

Skinny Snacks // Apple Cinnamon Protein Bars

Ingredients4 scoops vanilla whey protein powder1/2 cup almond meal/flour2 tsp baking powder1/4 tsp salt2 tsp cinnamon1/4 tsp nutmeg1/4 tsp allspice3 egg whites1/4 cup Splenda or Stevia1/2 cup fat-free cottage cheese1 tsp vanilla extract1 medium apple -...

Skinny Snacks // Strawberry Banana Oatmeal Protein Bake

Ingredients Old Fashioned Rolled Oats 2 cupsVanilla Protein Powder 4 scoopsGround Flaxseed (Optional) 2 tbspBaking Powder 1 tspSalt 1/4 tspCinnamon 1 tbspStevia in the Raw 1/2 cupEgg Whites 4Unsweetened Almond Milk 1 1/2 cupsPlain Greek Yogurt1/4 cupUnsweetened Applesauce 4ozBananas 2Strawberries 4...

Skinny Snacks - Pumpkin Protein Bars

Pumpkin Protein SquaresIngredients½ C Xylitol Brown Sugar Blend (Ideal)1 - 4 oz. jar baby food applesauce2 tsp. ground cinnamon1 ½ tsp. ground ginger½ tsp. ground clove1 tsp. baking powder1 tsp. baking soda½ tsp. salt2 tsp. vanilla extract4 large egg...

Skinny Snacks - Lemon Protein Bars

Protein bars make a great post workout snack but they get expensive and typically if they taste good they aren't that good for you. These lemon protein bars are an inexpensive, healthy alternative. Pick a day to prep your snacks and meals for the week. Sundays are always best for Troy and I to...

Skinny Snacks - Chocolate Protein Bars

What’s better than a tasty snack that’s also healthy for you? These Chocolate Protein Bars are great post-workout snacks that are packed with healthy ingredients. Save money and make your own protein bars!Ingredients1 cup Oat Flour4 Egg Whites2 scoops Vanilla Whey Protein Powder½ cup Splendaor...

Meal Plans

I’ve been getting a lot of emails from my readers lately asking about what type of foods they should be eating. It can be hard to determine what is just media hype and what is genuinely good for your health and fit physique. After weeks of talking about doing a meal planner, I have FINALLY compiled...