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Subhash Chandra Bose, Nazi Germany And Free India Legion

Subhash Chandra Bose meets Hitler
 Subhash Chandra Bose meets Hitler

When WW2 broke out although the Congress Party had passed resolutions conditionally supporting the fight against fascism, Indian public opinion was more hostile at Britain's unilateral decision to declare India a belligerent on the side of the Allies. Among the more rebellious amongst Indian political leaders of the time was Subhash Chandra Bose, who was viewed as a potent threat enough that when the war started, the Raj put him under arrest, and later, house arrest. Bose escaped from under British surveillance at his house in Calcutta on January 19, 1941, with the help of family members, members of his party - the Forward Bloc – and later the Abwehr, he made his way through Afghanistan to the Soviet Union. Once in Russia the NKVD transported Bose to Moscow where he hoped that Russia's traditional enmity to British rule in India would result in support for his plans for a popular rising in India. However, Bose found the Soviets' response disappointing and was rapidly passed over to the German Ambassador in Moscow, Count von der Schulenberg, who arranged for Bose to be sent to Berlin at the beginning of April where he met Ribbentrop and later, Hitler. In Berlin, Bose set up the Azad Hind Radio and the Free India Centre which commenced broadcasting to Indians in short wave frequencies. The Azad Hind Radio broadcasts were estimated to have regularly been received by 30,000 Indians who possessed the requisite receiver. However, soon, Bose's aim became to raise an army that he imagined would march to India's North-West Frontier Province with German forces through the Caucasus and trigger the downfall of the Raj.

Indian soldiers alongside a German soldier


India was an important element in the German scene - a population OF 300 millions. And it was located in central Asia,

Indian soldiers trained by Nazi Germany were to join India to expel British troops to lift large numbers of troops and siding with the Japanese forces to attack the Middle East and Central Asia (USSR) Asia South-East and Oceania (Australia in particular).


The Free India Legion was organized as mixed units so that Moslems, Hindus, Sikhs, Jats, Rajputs, Marathas, Kumaonis and Garhwalis all served side-by- side. Approximately two-thirds of the Legion's members were Muslim and one- third Hindu and other religions, including a large number of Sikhs.That Bose's idea of developing a unified racial-nationalist identity was successful is evident from the fact that when Himmler proposed in late 1943- after Bose's Departure to the Far East- that the Muslim soldiers of the I.R. 950 be recruited into the 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) that was formed at the time, the head of the SS Head office Gottlob Berger was obliged to point out that while the Bosnians perceived themselves as people of a European identity, the Muslims perceived themselves as Indians. Hitler however showed little enthusiasm for the I.R. 950, at one stage insisting that their weapons be handed over to the newly created 18th SS Horst Wessel Division, exclaiming that "....the Indian Legion is a joke!"

Hitler was skeptical and critical of the Indian Legion because of the policy of non-violence propagated by Mahatma Gandhi

Burly Sikhs in the Free India Legion


It is doubtful that Subhash Chandra Bose envisaged the Free India Legion (or Azad Hind Legion as it came to be more popularly known by the time he left Germany for the far east) as an army sufficient or strong enough to conduct a campaign across Persia into India on its own. Instead, most historians accept that the IR 950 was to become the pathfinder and would precede a much larger Indo-German force in a Caucasian campaign into the western frontiers of British India that would encourage public resentment of the Raj and incite the British Indian Army into revolt.

To this end, Operation Bajadere was launched in January 1942 when a detachment of the Freies Indien, numbering about one hundred and having trained with the German Special Forces, were paradropped into Eastern Persia tasked to infiltrate into India through Baluchistan. They were also tasked to commence sabotage operations in preparation for the anticipated national revolt. Information passed on to Abwehr headquarters in Berlin from their office in Kabul indicate that they were successful.

Following German defeat in Europe at Stalingrad and in North Africa at El Alamein it became clear that an Axis assault through Iran or even USSR was unlikely. Bose had in the mean time travelled to the Far East where the Japanese troops were threatening India. Bose's army in South Asia, the Indian National Army successfully engaged the allies along with the Japanese 15th Army in Burma and ultimately entered India through Moirang to lay siege on Imphal. The German Naval High Command at this time made the decision to transfer the leadership and a segment of the Freies Indien to the Azad Hind Government in South Asia and on 21 January, it was formally made a part of the Indian National Army.

Rommel meets Indian soldiers

A majority of the troops of the Indian Legion, however, were to remain in Europe through the war and were never utilized in their original perceived role over Persia and Central Asia. The Legion was transferred to Zeeland in the Netherlands in April 1943 as part of the Atlantic Wall duties and later to France in September 1943, attached to 344 Infanterie-Division, and later the 159 Infanterie-Division of the Wehrmacht.

From Beverloo in Belgium, I Battalion was reassigned to Zandvoort in May 1943 where they stayed until relieved by Georgian troops in August. In September 1943, the battalion was deployed on the Atlantic coast of Bordeaux on the Bay of Biscay. The II Battalion moved from Beverloo to the island of Texel in May 1943 and stayed there until relieved in September of that year. From here, it was deployed to Les Sables-d'Olonne in France. The III Battalion remained at Oldebroek as Corps Reserve until the end of September 1943, where they gained a "wild and loathsome" reputation amongst the natives.
  Indische Freiwilligen Legion der Waffen SS

The Legion was stationed in the Lacanau region of Bordeaux at the time of the Normandy landings and remained there for up to two months after D-Day. On the 8th of August its control was transferred to the Waffen SS (as was that of every other volunteer unit of the German Army). Command of the legion was very shortly transferred from Kurt Krapp to Heinz Bertling. The Indian personnel noticed a change of command was at hand and started to complain. Noting he wasn't "wanted" Bertling kindly refused the assignment and headed back to Berlin. On 15 August 1944, the unit pulled out of Lacanau to make its way back to Germany. It was in the second leg of this journey, from Poitier to Chatrou that it suffered its first combat casualty (Lt. Ali Khan) while engaging French Regular forces in the town of Dun. The unit also engaged with allied armour at Nuis St. Georges while retreating across the Loire to Dijon. It was regularly harassed by the French Resistance, suffering two more casualties (Lt. Kalu Ram and Capt. Mela Ram). The unit moved from Remisemont, through Alsace, to Oberhofen near the town of Heuberg in Germany in the winter of 1944, where it stayed until March 1945.

II Battalion, 9th Company, of the Legion also saw action in Italy. Having been deployed in the spring of 1944, it faced the British 5th Corps and the Polish 2nd Corps before it was withdrawn from the front to be used in anti-partisan operations. It surrendered to the Allied forces April 1945, still in Italy.
A grave in Immenstadt, believed to be of five captured FIL troops shot by French Moroccan soldiers at the end of the war. The Inscription reads "Five unknown dead 4.5.1945."

With the defeat of the Third Reich imminent in May 1945, the Indian Legion sought sanctuary in neutral Switzerland. The remainder of the unit undertook a desperate 2.6 kilometer (1.6 mile) march along the shores of Lake Constance, attempting to enter Switzerland via the alpine passes. This was, however, unsuccessful and the Legion was captured by US and French forces and delivered to British and Indian forces in Europe. There is some evidence that some of these Indian troops were shot by French Moroccan troops in the town of Immenstadt after their capture. The captured troops would later be shipped back to India where a number of the troops would stand trial for treason. It is alleged that a number of the Indian soldiers were shot by French troops before their delivery to British Forces.

Manning an artillery piece, February 1944.


whether awarded any credit for India's independence or not, the events at the time show that the strategy of Azad Hind (derived from the embryo of the Free India Legion) of achieving independence from Britain by fomenting revolts and public unrest - although militarily a failure - remains, politically, a significant and historic success. Ironically, the military failure, probably worked just as well for the cause, as the Axis victory would have likely led to bondage for India, by the foreign dictatorships it was aiding.It should also be noted that officers of the INA & Bose were ready to fight the Japanese in case of exploitation of the Indian nation by them. As mentioned earlier in this article, Bose was against invasion of Manchuria & China in 1938 the first place so it would be highly unlikely that the INA would have left India to Japanese or the axis exploitation.

Recruits of the Free India Legion at Koenigsbruck.


The German military successes against the Soviet Union from June 1941, and against the British in North Africa, encouraged Bose to form "Indian Legion" in 1942, whose objective was to liberate India with the aid of the Axis forces.

 The approximately 3,500 volunteers from the "Indian Legion" were instructed in the Dresden region. They wore uniforms which had on the sleeve, the Indian national colors  on which stood a leaping tiger and the words in German said, "Freies Indien" (= "Free India").

 The language of this unit was a simplified form of Hindi, which took into account the great diversity of Indian languages and the complexity of the caste system. The German officers, assigned to the unit, learnt Hindi through a special textbook, published by the Wehrmacht, entitled Sprachlehrer-Hindustani (Hindi = Manual). The outward symbols of the Indian state were used and presented for the first time in Germany, four years before independence of India.

 In 1943, Bose founded in Hamburg the "Deutsch-Indische Gesellschaft" (= The Germano-Indian society).  During the ceremonies presided over the foundation, the melody of the current Indian national anthem was played for the first time and the three Indian colors were hoisted to the mast.At the same time, the first Indian postage stamps came out of a printing press in Berlin.

 From June to August 1944, these Indians were based in Lacanau led by Commander Kurt Oberstleutnant Krappe.

 In late August 1944 they were incorporated into the Waffen SS and became known as the "Indische Legion der Waffen SS Freiwilligen" conducted under the command of SS-Oberführer Heinz Bertling.

 After fighting against the guerrillas and against the French army, they fell back on Germany.  In a desperate attempt to flee to Switzerland, the survivors were arrested by the Americans and the French. The Indian Legion was then repatriated to India, where senior officers were imprisoned.

Troops of the Indian Legion, in France

Some Nazis admired the caste system established by the Hindus, others had friendships with Indian nationalists ...

Netaji's motto: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".  He wanted to create a legion of + / - 100,000 men who would fight alongside the Germans.  Finally they were some 5,000 men.

The departure of Subhas Chandra Bose was seen as a slap to some Indian soldiers allied with the Nazis who would not shed their blood in Europe but would rather fight against the British in India. They felt betrayed not only by Bose, but also by the Nazi Germany who forcibly incorporated the India Legion into the Waffen SS! There was a little mutiny which was quickly quelled.

The scale of the races as Hitler:

1 - Aryans = Germanic peoples and Anglo-Saxon

2 - Latin = French, Italian, Japanese, etc. +

3 - the Slavs (hence the word "slave"), Africans, Arabs, and Asians (including Indians), whose usefulness is to serve the superior peoples.

4 - = subhuman Jews, Gypsies ...

 These Germans were the interpreters of the Indian Legion


Netaji apparently was of the opinion that a tripartite declaration on Indian independence, followed by the creation of a government in exile, would give some credibility to his declaration of war against England, would lead to the brink of revolution in India, and legitimize the Indian legion.

However, Hitler had a different view. During a meeting at the campaign headquarters of the Führer, May 29, Hitler said that Netaji well-equipped army of a few thousand men could control millions of unarmed revolutionaries, and that it could not be any political change in India unless an external power knocked on his door. To convince Netaji, Hitler led him to a wall map, pointed to the German positions in Russia, and India. Vast distances must still be addressed before such a statement could be made.


It was taken in German, on the sword of the officer.

"I am the sacred oath before God that I will obey the Head of State and the German people, Adolf Hitler, German Commander of the Armed Forces during the fight for freedom from India, whose leader is Subhas Chandra Bose, and that brave soldier, I give my life for this oath. "

Subhas Chandra Bose did not adhere to Nazi ideology. Moreover, he advocated the end of the caste system, equality between men and women ...  He was an enlightened visionary for India.

Bose married an Austrian in secret and had a daughter from this union.  This was unthinkable in Nazi ideology: The mixture of races 

Bose did not like Hitler much.

Troop of the Legion Freies Indien. The badge of the Leaping Tiger can be seen on the uniform.

The relationship between Himmler and Bose have always been excellent, Himmler repeatedly opposed sending Indian legion on the Russian front while the Wehrmacht suffered heavy losses.

In contrast, relations deteriorated between Hitler and Bose. When Hitler and Von Ribbentrop told the Netaji he could no longer ensure the independence of India, it came as a shock and disappointment to Bose and other Indian nationalists.

The last favor that Hitler gave to Bose was a passage to India by a U-180 German U-boat
Indian soldiers with a Wehrmacht soldier
Free India Legion men garland Bose
Bose addresses the Indian soldiers

The following images are from the meeting between Subhash Chandra Bose and Heinrich Himmler

Hitler's Last days: Eyewitness: Valet HEINZ LINGE

Heinz Linge was Hitler's personal valet. Linge himself was captured by the Russians and later released in 1955 as part of a general amnesty. He died in 1980

 Linge with Hitler in happier times

On April 27, 1945, Hitler called me into his study. The Russians were advancing on Berlin and even the Fuhrer - normally so optimistic - had begun to realise defeat was inevitable.

He had totally isolated himself, wanting to see no one but Eva Braun and me; not even wishing to celebrate his 55th birthday.

With no preamble, Hitler addressed me: 'I would like to release you to your family.' I interrupted him: 'Mein Fuhrer, I have been with you in good times, and I am staying with you also in the bad.'

Calmly, he accepted my insistence. 'I have another personal job for you. You should hold in readiness woollen blankets in my bedroom and enough petrol for two cremations.

'I am going to shoot myself here together with Eva Braun. You will wrap our bodies in woollen blankets, carry them up to the garden and then burn them.'

'Jawohl, mein Fuhrer,' I stuttered, trembling. There was nothing else to say. Swiftly - my knees feeling as though they were about to collapse under me - I left Hitler alone.

Three days later he was dead. Opening the door to Hitler's room, I saw a sight that will never leave me. He and Eva were slumped on the floral sofa. Hitler had shot himself through the right temple. His head was inclined towards the wall and his blood had spattered on to the carpet. To his right sat Eva, her legs drawn up, her contorted face betraying the manner of her death: cyanide poisoning.

Ten years had passed since I began my service with Hitler and this moment, 3.45pm on April 30, 1945. A whole world lay between the man to whom I had sworn to be faithful unto death, and this corpse which I had now to wrap in a blanket, carry up the dark, narrow, bunker stairway, lay in a shell crater, douse with petrol and set alight.

The man I had first met in the summer of 1934 had been a dominant personality exuding a spellbinding charisma. The one whom I burned and interred under a hail of Red Army shells was a trembling old man, a spent force.

Born in Bremen in 1913, I was a former bricklayer who joined the Waffen-SS in my home town in 1933. I was never much interested in politics, but a year later I was dispatched with two dozen other comrades to Hitler's country seat at Berghof - the most widely known of his headquarters and a place he spent much time before and during World War II.

A year after that, I was selected to serve on Hitler's household staff and became his personal valet shortly after the outbreak of the war in 1939.

Just once to be in the presence of Adolf Hitler was then the wish of millions. But life with the Fuhrer was not without its trials.

My job was to sort the morning papers and the first foreign dispatches - placing them on a chair outside his bedroom. I would wake him at 11 o'clock. Hitler would rise, fetch the post and read it in bed - beside which there would be a tea-trolley with books, newspapers, his spectacles and a box of coloured pencils.

I was responsible for keeping him stocked with writing materials and spectacles (he never liked to be seen wearing these in public, as he thought it a sign of weakness). I always carried a spare pair of glasses when we travelled, as he often broke them while toying with them in his hand, ruminating over a problem.

After his morning reading session, Hitler always followed the same routine - he would shave, remove his white nightshirt, lay it on the bed, bathe, take the clothing ready on the clothes-stand and dress.

Hitler always dressed himself and he did this to a stopwatch, my presence being as a kind of referee. At his command 'Los!' I set the watch going and the dressing race began. The quicker he finished, the better his temper.

Standing before the mirror, eyes closed, he required my help only for the bow-tie, which also had to be done in record time. He counted the seconds and as soon as I said 'finished' he would open his eyes and check in the mirror.

The hairdresser and tailor were also required to work at the double. Hitler's characteristic lock of hair, which always lay across his forehead - and his moustache - attracted a lot of friendly amusement among the population. He knew this and took great pride in both. As far as the staff were concerned, his moustache was also a clue to his mood. If he was sucking it, he was unhappy and this was a warning to us.

It was often difficult to understand Hitler. On the one hand he pandered even to the most unimportant things, while on the other he was excessive and unfeeling.

He might show the most fatherly concern for a female secretary who had stubbed her toe but be utterly ice-cold when issuing orders that sent thousands to their deaths.

The 'privilege' of experiencing his concern was not necessarily an enjoyable affair. Frequently, he tried to convince me how unhealthy it was to smoke. As his personal servant, I had no option but to listen.

Forty minutes after waking, Hitler would take breakfast in the library - a frugal affair, only tea or milk, biscuits or sliced bread and an apple. During breakfast, he studied the menu card for lunch.

Two vegetarian courses, (both including the obligatory apple) were provided for him to choose from. Hitler had long eschewed meat, but if strangers came to lunch, his food was carefully arranged in such a way that the absence of meat was not obvious at first glance.

Because Hitler was such a late riser, it might be that the midday meal, usually attended by a dozen guests, would not be served until 2.30pm, by which time many of those invited would have satisfied their appetites by eating elsewhere.

Hitler's meals were prepared lukewarm after an operation on his vocal cords - following a gas attack during World War I - left his voice sensitive.

His diet consisted principally of potatoes and vegetables, a stew without meat, and fruit. Hitler would occasionally have beer with his meal, and wine on official occasions when a toast was to be made. He was strict about his vegetarianism and non-smoking, but was not opposed to alcohol.

However, he found drunkenness repulsive and gave up beer in 1943 when he began to put on fat around the hips. He believed the German people would not want to see a corpulent Chancellor.

Dinner was a much smaller affair, with only a few guests present, beginning at around eight.

Again, of course, it was vegetarian, with Hitler believing the 'most disastrous stage in human development was the day when man first ate cooked meat'. He was convinced that it was this 'unnatural' way of living that 'cut short' human life span to 60 or 70 years.

By Hitler's calculations, all animals whose nutrition was natural lived eight to ten times as long as their period of development to full maturity.

He was convinced we would all live to be 150-180 if we became vegetarian. Such a view exasperated his physicians, who constantly tried to persuade him to change his diet, keep regular hours, sleep normally and take exercise.

From what he told me, I knew that since the end of World War I he had suffered stomach trouble. Sometimes the gripes caused him to double up when he thought no one was looking.

In the ten years I knew him, he was constantly worried about his health, and his physical decline began early on.

At the end of 1942, when the fighting at Stalingrad reached a threatening stage, his left hand began to tremble. He made a great attempt to suppress this and hide it from outsiders by pressing his hand against his body, or grasping it firmly with the right.

Then in 1943, he seemed almost to become an old man overnight. By the end of 1944, he was moving without agility - bent both forward and sideways. If he wanted to sit, a chair had to be placed for him.

Despite increasing physical frailty, Hitler did little to protect himself from assassination attempts. He rejected precautions (like entering buildings discreetly through a back door) as exaggerated, believing: 'No German worker is going to do anything to me.'

Only very few of the attempts on his life were ever known publicly. Some he escaped very closely - like the time Himmler's car was shot at in an attempt clearly meant for Hitler (who for an unexplained reason was travelling in the car behind that day).

The only precautions he took were with food - banning foodstuffs from abroad and having his water tested daily.

After the war, it was said that Hitler had been so fearful of assassination that he always had the window blinds down when travelling by train. This, however, was not the real reason: his eyes were intolerant of sunlight. Even bright artificial light hurt them.

No, Hitler believed himself lucky and, by and large, he was. Only once was he struck by a bomb, on July 20, 1944. Some 200 wood splinters were removed from the Fuhrer's leg, his uniform was in ribbons, his hair singed and hanging in strands.

Yet in the immediate aftermath, he was calm, the doctor noting that his pulse never quickened. The only indication that anything out of the ordinary had happened was that he allowed me to help him out of his clothes, for the only time during my long service.

Just six months later, in December, the mood at Berghof had changed. Our hopes for a possible shift in the war situation were dashed. Victories on the Western Front had led to nothing.

Increasingly, Hitler spoke of the past. His health was deteriorating and with it his spirits. He grew distrustful of those around him. During those days I could not have been more attentive and watchful and the Fuhrer, who trusted me blindly, knew that. He once said: 'Linge, when you sit or stand behind me, I feel more secure than if one of the Obergruppenfuhrers [the highest rank in the SS] were to stand in your place.'

In Berlin, his April 20 birthday was a muted affair and it was just seven days later that he told me of his plans to die with Eva at his side.

Throughout my time with him, I had witnessed how he and Eva lived as man and wife during the times they were at the Berghof. They had four rooms for their intimate life: two bedrooms and two bathrooms with connecting doors. Hitler would end most evenings alone with Eva in his study drinking tea, while she lounged in a housecoat sipping sparkling wine.

Like any 'wife', she had influence over her husband, persuading him to loosen rationing for women whose menfolk were coming back from the Front and not to close hairdressing parlours, as he had once proposed.

No one was closer to Hitler than Eva, yet he was careful never to appear familiar with her in public. He believed that it was his duty to devote himself wholly to the German people and if they thought he was in an intimate relationship they would lose faith in him.

Two days after Hitler told me of the planned double suicide he finally rewarded Eva for her loyalty, by making her his wife.

 Allied soldiers at Hitler's bunker

It was something she had dreamt of for ten years but which was in the end a sterile, disappointing affair. Nevertheless Eva's face lit up when she was referred to as 'Frau Hitler'. When she awoke next morning it was to be her first and last day as a wife.

Hitler had lain on the bed all night fully dressed and awake. He delivered a monologue about the future at the midday meal, then he and Eva said their goodbyes .

At a quarter past three, I asked for his orders for the last time. Outwardly calm and in a quiet voice - as if he were sending me into the garden to fetch something - he said: 'Linge, I am going to shoot myself now. You know what you have to do.' I saluted, and as he took two or three tired steps towards me, he raised his right arm in the Hitler salute for the last time in his life.

I turned on my heel, closed the door and went to the bunker exit. In the midst of the cacophony of exploding Soviet shells a single pistol shot rang out. His life was over.

Mine would never be the same again.

Source: Daily Mail


Last days Of Hitler: Eyewitness Accounts: Baron Bernd Freytag von Loringhoven

Baron Bernd Freytag von Loringhoven was Wehrmacht Staff officer who was a witness to the last gloomy days in Fuehrer's bunker in April 1945

Baron Bernd Freytag von Loringhoven, was born on February 6, 1914. He died on February 27, 2007 aged 93

He escaped Hitler's bunker just 24 hours before the dictator shot himself.

As an aide to army chiefs he had had daily contact with Hitler.

He describes the order to join his boss Gen Krebs in Hitler's bunker, just over a week before the dictator's suicide, as a death sentence.

He had already survived the fighting on the Russian front and was one of a few to escape from Stalingrad.

He met Hitler for the first time in July 1944. His predecessor had been executed for his part in the bomb plot against Hitler.

The young Maj Freytag von Loringhoven, who was not a Nazi party supporter, says he was "completely flabbergasted" when he saw Hitler just days after the blast.

"I had the image of a very strong, vital person with charisma, but what I saw was a sick old man. His right arm was injured by the attempt and his figure had changed, his head was sunk into his shoulders.

"His left hand was very weak and his left foot dragged behind him."

As for reports that Hitler had had a charismatic spell, he says: "I felt nothing, the eyes were pale and without any expression anymore."

He said he was surprised that Germany was in the hands of such a "sick prematurely old man".

Inside the bunker he describes wild mood swings. There would be a temporary explosion of hope and then confidence would collapse again. The main topic of conversation was suicide - whether they should take cyanide pills or shoot themselves in the head when the Russians arrived.
He also recalls the drunkenness in the bunker, but not the orgies that some accounts speak of. He says he was too busy preparing for situation conferences.

When he met Hitler's mistress Eva Braun - soon to be the Fuhrer's wife - he had no idea who she was. The Nazi elite had been very discreet.

Just days before the end, Magda Goebbels, the wife of Hitler's Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, arrived with her six children.

They would later be poisoned by their parents in the bunker with the help of an SS doctor.

He recalls their pale faces peering out in fear from inside their dark coats.

"When I saw these poor children it pressed my heart," he says.

He feared there was no chance of getting out.

News that his trusted SS Chief Heinrich Himmler had made peace feelers to the Allies had a devastating affect on Hitler in the final days.

"This was like a bomb. Hitler called it treason," the former major says.

But with his work done, just 24 hours before Hitler's suicide, Maj Freytag von Loringhoven was given permission to break out.

He said he had no wish to die "like a rat in the bunker". He took his leave from Hitler with one last meeting which lasted around 20 minutes.

"I personally got the impression that he was a bit envious," he says. "We were 29 or 30 years old and we had a chance to get out because we were sound and young and he had no chance because he was a wreck."
He disputes portrayals of Hitler as raving and foaming at the mouth in the final days.

"I was present at these rages but they were not so excessive," he says.

He never saw him screaming with anger but says he could be "ice cold in his expressions and very aggressive, especially towards the generals".
Hitler was by the end resigned to his fate. His Reich, which was to have lasted 1,000 years, was in ruins.

But looking back, one thing still puzzles him. Hitler, he says, "was still so quiet and realistic just 24 hours before he shot himself".

The young officer escaped, was captured by the western Allies and held as a prisoner of war. He re-joined the army in 1956 and later served Germany in Nato.

He maintains that the divide between the army and the Nazi elite was very real and that although there were rumours, no-one discussed the fate of the Jews in top military circles. It was "taboo" he says.

Asked for his abiding memory of Hitler 60 years on? He pauses at first, then says simply: "He was a terrible creation. Yes, a being, but a being full of evil and cruelty... he was a monster."

Source: BBC

After the failed plot to assassinate Hitler with a briefcase bomb at his field headquarters, the Wolfsschanze at Rastenburg in East Prussia on July 20, 1944, Guderian was appointed Chief of the Army General Staff and Loringhoven became his ADC.

His post in British Army terms would be “military assistant”, the operationally-experienced officer responsible for daily briefing, operational papers and maps, and for passing the general’s instructions to staff branches and subordinate commands. This function took him first on twice-daily visits to Hitler’s East Prussia command post and later, after this had been overrun by the Red Army advance, to the Chancellery bunker.

In his book In the Bunker with Hitler, written with François d’Alançon and published in 2005, Loringhoven provides a vivid account of Hitler’s mental deterioration in the final months of the war in Europe. The Fuehrer’s preoccupation with the minutiae of military deployment, his absolute refusal to accept that divisions represented by flags on his battle map were reduced to the strength of battalions or even companies, and his outright rejection of sound professional advice left experienced generals such as Guderian exasperated and helpless.

One particularly obdurate decision was Hitler’s refusal to order the evacuation by sea of the 200,000 men of Army Group North cut off in the Courland peninsula, on the Gulf of Riga, who might have been used in the defence of Berlin.

On the morning after Hitler had married Eva Braun, Loringhoven watched as the Fuehrer's brother-in-law of 24 hours standing, SS Major-General Hermann Fegelein, married to Eva’s sister, was led away to be shot in the Chancellery garden for alleged complicity with Himmler over the succession in anticipation of Hitler’s suicide.

When the Russians shot down the captive balloon relaying radio signals to the Army command east of Berlin, Loringhoven decided that his work was at an end and determined to leave the bunker before the Russians reached it.

Strangely, in view of his vindictive nature, Hitler raised no objection to Loringhoven and two other senior ADCs making an attempt to reach safety. On taking their formal leave of the Fuehrer, the three were astonished to be advised on the best route out — across the Havel lake — using a boat with an electric motor to reduce the sound.

Even within hours of death by his own hand, Hitler could not resist meddling in detail.

One of the three became separated but the others reached an island on the Havel, where they joined some remnant German units and, after changing into workers’ clothes, swam the River Mulde to safety from the Russians only to be arrested by the US Army. 


In the bunker, Freytag von Loringhoven observed Hitler divide and rule among sycophants and soldiers. 'He created parallel command structures that competed for resources and he appointed political officers to spy on military professionals. Right until the end, he kept all the cards in his hand.

'Hitler's only military experience had been as a corporal during the First World War. He knew only one thing - the ' fanatischer Widerstand ' (fanatical resistance), and I can still hear him say the words. Blitzkrieg was not devised by him but by military strategists whom he later sidelined. As soon as we suffered the first setbacks he became deaf to calls to switch to modern, mobile defence techniques. He saw them as defeatist since they sometimes required giving up territory.

'Hitler could be very aggressive but towards the end he was very controlled. He could be pleasant and even warm. He could be very charming - he was a real Austrian. People were impressed when he asked them questions about their lives. It was a way of controlling them. He played with people.'

Hitler swore by his doctor, Theodor Morell, a charlatan who gave him glucose injections and stimulants. 'Morell made a lot of money during the war, not least with a louse powder we were given on the eastern front which smelt awful and was useless.' The baron holds Morell in particular contempt: 'I shall never forget how he begged, on 22 and 23 April, when the women were allowed to leave. He sat there like a fat sack of potatoes and begged to fly out. And he did.'

For the last few months of the war Hitler lived in the fetid air of the bunker, concealed beneath eight metres of concrete, occasionally going outside to play with his dog.

'Hitler got up at around midday. The main event was the afternoon meeting on the military situation. It would be announced, " Meine Herren, der Führer kommt ", and everyone made the Nazi salute. Hitler entered the room, shook everyone's hand - it was a limp handshake - and sat down. He was the only one allowed to sit at the map table, which he adored because he was obsessed by detail, and occasionally made concessions to older officers, allowing them to sit on a stool.' 

The Guardian 



Last days Of Hitler: Eyewitness Accounts: ERNA FLEGEL: Hitler's Nurse

 Hitler's Nurse, ERNA FLEGEL

Erna Flegel (11 July 1911 – 16 February 2006) was a German nurse. From January 1943 until the end of World War II, Flegel served in that capacity for Hitler's entourage and during the Battle of Berlin. She is believed to have been in Hitler's bunker when he committed suicide.

Flegel was born in Kiel in 1911.

She had originally worked alongside one of Hitler's physicians, Dr. Werner Haase, as a nurse at Humboldt University Hospital and was transferred by the Red Cross to the Reich Chancellory as the war ended.

During her time in the Führerbunker she befriended Magda Goebbels and sometimes acted as a nanny to the Goebbels children until their deaths.

During the Soviet capture of Berlin, Soviet troops advised her to remain in the bunker where it was safer. Later interrogated by the Americans, Flegel then lived a life of anonymity until 1977 when documents including her interrogation were declassified. The media later tracked her down to her residence, a nursing home in Germany.

She was portrayed in the 2004 German film Der Untergang by Liza Boyarskaya.

Flegel died in Mölln in 2006.

The Berlin paper BZ relates 93-year-old Erna Flegel's account of the last days of World War II, under the headline "I was Hitler's nurse".

Mrs Flegel said she stayed in the bunker after Hitler killed himself and was there when Soviet troops arrived.

She said Hitler was so paranoid that he even suspected spies had filled his cyanide capsule with false poison.

From January 1943 until the end of the war, Mrs Flegel's job was to give medical treatment to Hitler and his inner circle, she told the paper.

She was interviewed by US secret service agents in 1945, but otherwise has kept silent about her experiences for the past 60 years, BZ reports.

Now, however, she said she had decided to speak out, telling the paper: "I don't want to take my secret with me to the grave."

Mrs Flegel's story does not challenge what is already known, but does add new details.

She said of Hitler: "By the end, he didn't trust anyone any more - not even the cyanide capsule he swallowed."

She also recalled trying to save the lives of the six children of Josef Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda chief, but said his wife Magda, who poisoned them, was "merciless".

Mrs Flegel said that after Hitler's suicide, Goebbels took over as leader, but no-one paid any attention to him.

"His last subordinates shot themselves in succession," she said. "And those who didn't shoot themselves tried to flee."

She said she remained, however. "I had to look after the wounded."

In the newspaper interview, Mrs Flegel described the atmosphere in the bunker as the noise of approaching Soviet forces grew.

"You could feel that the Third Reich was coming to an end," she said. "The radios stopped working and it was impossible to get information."

Mrs Flegel added that when the Soviet troops arrived, they were well-behaved and advised her to lock her door.

She said she stayed for several days, and was one of the last people to leave the bunker.

Source: BBC

An Interview of Erna Flegel (Guardian)

Guardian: Frau Flegel, you were in Hitler's bunker at the end of the second world war?

Flegel: Yes. I was in the bunker when the war ended in 1945. I was working at the university clinic (in Berlin's Ziegelstrasse) and was transported from the clinic by car to the Reichs Chancellery. Towards the end we were always there. We lived there.

Guardian: How did you get the job?

Flegel: I was working as a nurse on the eastern front. One day an order came through...and the head sister said would I be interested, there was a post free in the Reichs Chancellery. I said yes. We were used, when there was an order, to carry it out. If I did the opposite, well...I thought I could do something in the Reichs Chancellery. I went there and had a look. It was beautiful. And that how I ended up there. Later I had my own apartment. It was very agreeable. But then (as the Russians approached) the circle got increasingly smaller. People were pushed together and lived more unassumingly. I was sharing a room with another nurse.

Guardian: You met Magda Goebbels, the wife of the Nazi propaganda minister, in the bunker. What did you think of her?

Flegel: She was a very clever woman, on a higher level than most people...She was married before and decided one day that it wasn't working, that it had become boring, and so she separated from her first husband. Then came the second marriage. It's hard to say from the outside that it was happier (than the first). Goebbels enjoyed many affairs to the full. I don't know details. That was all gossip and trash.

Guardian: What were the Goebbels children like?

Flegel: The Goebbels children were charming. Each one of them was absolutely delightful. That she (Magda Goebbels) killed them cannot be forgiven.

Guardian: Did you try and persuade Frau Goebbels not to kill her own children?

Flegel: You have to understand that we were living outside normal reality. I wanted her to at least take one or two children out of Berlin. But Frau Goebbels told me: 'The children belong to me. Everything belongs to me.' But I still didn't understand how she could kill six children. Generally, Frau Goebbels looked after the children. But one evening she said to me: 'I have to go to the dentist and can't be with them, and I would like you to say good night to them. I said: 'Of course. I'll do it. Don't worry.' In the room where the Goebbels children were sleeping there were two bunk beds, one on top of another. The children had a piece of string attached to their beds, and if they wanted something they just had to pull it. The kids were so charming. They played with each other. They should have been allowed to live. They had nothing to do with what was going on. It was impossible. But she (Frau Goebbels) didn't want it. She said: 'I belong to my husband and the children belong to me.' Not to spare one or two of the children was madness, dreadful.

Guardian: What did you think of Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda chief, who moved with his family into the bunker on April 20 1945?

Flegel: I didn't like him. Nobody liked him. There always people who hung around him, of course, relatives and so on, but they were only there because they wanted to help their careers. There were also lots of women there who were young and pretty. They used to hang round his ministry. They had easier time of it than the rest of us, for whom things were more difficult.

Guardian: And did Frau Goebbels object to his numerous affairs?

Flegel: She didn't say anything.

Guardian: What did you think of Eva Braun? In the interview you gave to US interrogators after the war you dismiss her as a 'completely colourless personality'. You also say that when Hitler agreed to marry Eva Braun it was 'immediately clear to you that this signified the end of the Third Reich'. What was she like?

Flegel: Oh dear God. She didn't have any importance. Nobody expected much of her. She wasn't really Hitler's wife.

Guardian: There were rumours at the time that Eva Braun was pregnant, and that the father of the child wasn't Hitler?

Flegel: I didn't hear anything about this and I don't believe it. It's true that in the Reichs Chancellery next to the room where the Führer slept there was accommodation where Eva Braun also stayed. She was really nothing. She was a young girl back.

Guardian: When did you first meet Hitler, who stayed in Berlin from November 1944? What was your impression of him?

Flegel: I was in the house (the Reichs Chancellery) and then someone said: 'The Führer is here.' Well, please. It didn't particularly affect me then. That was the first time. Then the Führer was away for a long time from Berlin. Suddenly, he was back. Someone said: 'The Führer is in the building.' That was an experience. Everyone was discussing it. Hitler then shook hands with all the people he hadn't greeted before. It was very interesting. Obviously this wasn't a (formal) meeting. After this he talked to us regularly, and not just about the weather. They were very interesting discussions but not in a substantial sense.

Guardian: Can you describe the mood in the Bunker in the days leading up to Hitler's death?

Flegel: In the last few days Hitler sank into himself. Everybody has their own style, either negative or positive.

Guardian: In your interrogation you describe how Hitler said farewell to his medical staff on the evening of April 29 1945, just before his suicide. What happened?

Flegel: He came out of the side-room, shook everyone's hand, and said a few friendly words. And that was it. There were a few people who then heard it (the shot, when Hitler killed himself the next afternoon) and there were others who didn't. The Führer suddenly wasn't there any more. The staff then decided whether to stay or not stay. I knew that the Führer was dead. Suddenly there were more doctors in the bunker, including Professor (Werner) Haase (one of Hitler's doctors). I didn't see Hitler's body. It was taken up to the garden. The Führer had such an authority that when he was there you knew it. It felt so extraordinary. He was so informal. He would talk to you quite normally.

Guardian: What happened next?

Flegel: Word spread that Hitler was dead. That meant that people no longer had to follow the oath of loyalty they had sworn to him.

Guardian: Did you think you would leave the Bunker alive?

Flegel: We simply didn't think about it. We knew, naturally, who had the say, who was in charge, and couldn't talk about it. The soldiers gradually left. Suddenly they were gone. Afterwards many of us went to the U-Bahn in the hope that when they got there they could escape even if they met the Russians. Everybody was trying as bravely as they could to get out of this bedlam intact. And then it was finished.

Guardian: After Hitler's death most of the SS officers tried to break out. You stayed behind. What happened?

Flegel: We knew the Russians were approaching. As we were in the bunker a (nursing) sister phoned up and said: 'The Russians are coming'. Then they turned up in the Reichs Chancellery. It was a huge building complex. The Germans were transported away and we were left. The Russians treated us very humanely. They came to the entrance and we negotiated with them. First of all they sent someone to talk to us and to have a look round. By this stage there were only six or seven of us left, not more. They looked here and there. They (the Russians) were selected personnel and they behaved quite decently. They found everything stored downstairs. Anyone who needed anything went downstairs. The Russians respected this. The Germans were no longer responsible for anything. It worked. I stayed in the bunker for another six to ten days.

Guardian: After the war, in November 1945, US intelligence officers interviewed you about your time in the bunker. Do you remember much about the interview?

Flegel: They invited us to have dinner with them and treated us to six different courses in order to soften us up. It didn't work with me, though. They tried to soften us up with exquisite food. I did have a couple of meals with them.

Guardian: Why did you choose to remain silent for 60 years about your experiences?

Flegel: It was because after 1945 people started pointing fingers at each other and suggested that so and so was infected (ie a Nazi). There were a great many people who didn't say anything. And after that it remained a source of controversy. I didn't discuss it with my family. While I was in the bunker I had no idea whether my parents were alive or dead. In fact, they both survived the war. We were just glad to have survived.

Guardian: You recently saw Downfall, the Oscar-nominated film about the bunker and Hitler's final days. What did you think of it?

Flegel: It was good. They got a few small details wrong but generally it was right. I even recognised myself as a nurse.

Guardian: Do you regret your role in the Third Reich? Or was this an exciting period for you?

Flegel: It's difficult when you have a society (the Nazis) and it's discussed afterwards by the left or the right. Often it's seen wrongly. Everyone has their own opinion.


HISTORIC MOMENTS: Daily Mail Headline May 2, 1945: "Hitler Dead"

The most dramatic news of the war
Admiral tells Germans: "The fight goes on." Himmler ignored
    Daily Mail, Wednesday, May 2, 1945 doenitz ADOLF HITLER, is dead. Grand Admiral Doenitz (pictured right), Commander-in-Chief of the German Navy, has been appointed the new Fuhrer. The German radio gave the news to the world at 10.25 last night in the following words: "It is reported from the Fuhrer's headquarters that our Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, has fallen this afternoon in his command post in the Reich Chancellery fighting to his last breath against Bolshevism. "On April 30 the Fuhrer appointed Grand Admiral Doenitz as his successor. The Grand Admiral will now speak to the German people." Admiral Doenitz, who immediately came on the air, said his task was to save the German people from annihilation at the hands of Bolshevism. For that aim, only the war would go on. Germany would have to continue the fight against Britain and America as long as they "hindered this purpose". The naming of Doenitz as the new Fuhrer comes as a bombshell. It suggests that what remains of Germany has been split into two camps � those who wish to fight on, led by Doemtz, and those who want to surrender, led by Himmler. It is significant no reference was made in the announcement to Himmler, who has already offered unconditional surrender to Britain and the United States, and was expected to comply with the Allied demand that capitulation must be made also to Russia. None of the big names of Nazism were there to pledge support to the new Fuhrer. Where was Goebbels? Where was Ribbentrop? No marshal or general was called to the microphone to give force to an Order of the Day by Doenitz calling on the Army to fight on. 'WE FIGHT SOVIETS' Doenitz said: "German men and women, soldiers of the German Army, our Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, has fallen. The German people are bowed in sorrow and reverence. "Our Fuhrer had recognised very early the grim danger of Bolshevism and consecrated his life to the struggle against it. "At the end of his struggle he met a hero's death in the capital of the German Reich. "The Fuhrer's life was given entirely to the service of Germany. His struggle against the stormfloods of Bolshevism was made not only for the sake of Europe but also for the whole civilised world. "The Fuhrer appointed me to be his successor. Fully conscious of the responsibility, I take over the leadership of the German people in this fateful hour.
      "My first task will be to save the German people from the advance of the Bolshevist enemy. For this aim only the military struggle continues. "For just as long, and as far, as the reaching of our aim is impeded by the Anglo-Americans, we shall continue to defend ourselves against them.
    "The continuation of the war by the Anglo-Americans cannot benefit their own people, but can only serve to spread Bolshevism in Europe." APPEAL TO NATION Doenitz then appealed to the German people: "Give me your confidence, because your road is my road. Keep order and discipline in town and country. "Only thus shall we be able to mitigate the suffering which the coming times will bring to us. "If we do what is in our power, the Almighty will not abandon us, after we have suffered so much and made so many sacrifices." Finally, as "Supreme Commander of all branches of the Wehrmacht," Doenitz issued an Order of the Day to the Army in which he expressed his determination "to continue the struggle against the Bolsheviks until such time as the fighting troops and the hundreds of thousands of families of the German

Doenitz cannot hold Reich together

    By WILSON BROADBENT Diplomatic Correspondent THE Prime Minister will make a full statement in the House of Commons today about the events in Germany and the new situation which has arisen following Hitler's death. That event came as no surprise to the British Government, for it confirmed all their information. But the deathbed appointment of Admiral Doenitz as Fuhrer was, as far as could be ascertained early this morning, totally unexpected. Of all the men who might have been entrusted to carry on the Nazi tradition � if that is his task � he was the last selection that anybody would have expected. His appointment raises many speculations and only the unfolding of events in the next few days, of course, can be a sure guide.
      A Whitehall official said last night: "This must be the end. It is difficult to imagine that a person like Admiral Doenitz can command sufficient support from the army."
    No Faith Obviously, Hitler, in his last moments, had no faith in his generals, otherwise he would have selected one of them to continue the fight. For instance, there is the Battle of Berlin to be continued. Admiral Doenitz is hardly the man who can command generals to wage this battle against hopeless odds.
      But what of Himmler, Goebbels, Ribbentrop and Goring?
    It is an easy assumption that Admiral Doenitz may have seized power in the absence of Himmler. Goebbels is believed to have remained in Berlin at Hitler's side. Yet the pomp and radio panoply which accompanied the announcement of Hitler's death indicated the practised hand of Goebbels. There must be some significance in the fact that Himmler's name was omitted from the broadcast.
      This striking omission is thought in some quarters to indicate that Himmler is still bent on negotiating a separate peace, regardless of other elements in Germany.
    Near collapse The whole situation created by Hitler's death and Doenitz's appointment suggests chaos and near collapse. It is assumed that Doenitz is in Hamburg, which would place him in a useful position to exercise some control over the land troops in Norway and Denmark and to organise what is left of the German navy.

Fool ships into Holland, and�
Surrender begins on three fronts

    REPORTS received in London late last night indicated that large German forces on widely separated fronts have begun to surrender piecemeal to the Allies with or without authority from Doenitz or Himmler.
      DENMARK. � German occupation forces were reported from Stockholm to be evacuating the country with all speed. King Christian and the Danish Royal Family are all back in Amalienborg Castle, Copenhagen. NORWAY. � Negotiations were said to be going on for the German garrisons to lay down their arms at the Swedish frontier to escape Norwegian reprisals. CZECHO-SLOVAKIA. � A delegation of German and Czech industrialists was reported by Luxemburg radio to have left Prague to meet Allied representatives and hand over the territories of Bohemia and Moravia. SOUTHERN GERMANY. � Goerlitz radio announced that an important announcement would be made by the Gauleiter of the Upper Danube territory this morning. ITALY. � Marshal Graziani and Lieut.-General Pemsel, German Chief of Staff of the Italian Fascist Ligurian Army, last night announced the surrender of that army HOLLAND. � Food ships for the starving Dutch are to enter Rotterdam almost at once. Food is also to enter the German-occupied area of Holland by road, starting to-day.


    Gorlitz (South Germany) Radio announces: "Important news will be broadcast between 10.30am and noon to-day." � A.P.

    Moscow radio said German announcement of Hitler's death "repeats the usual trickery and twists of Hitlerite propaganda."-A.P.

WAGNERIAN CONCERT OF DEATH 90 minutes of radio suspense

    From THE DAILY MAIL RADIO STATION THE 90 minutes before its announcement of Hitler's death last night were the most dramatic of the war for the German radio. Stand-by warnings were repeated continuously. While the world waited in suspense, the solemn music of Wagner rolled out from the last stations of the Reich. And the "Achtung" interruptions came with fanfares and drum rolls. From Bremen, in English, listeners were told that an announcement by the German Government would be broadcast at 9pm. Not since Hitler came to power had that term "German Government" been used over the radio. All major announcements were made "by the Fuhrer". From 9 until 9.30 Hamburg Radio was putting over Wagner's "Tannhauser" and a piano concerto by Weber. At 9.40 the "Stand-by" warning was given again. This was followed by Wagner's "Twilight of the Gods". An announcer came to the microphone, at 9.43, shouting: "Achtung! Achtung! The German broadcasting system is going to give an important German Government announcement for the German people." More music followed, from Wagner's "Rhinegold." At 9.57 the "Achtung" warning was repeated and the announcer added: "We are now going to play the slow movement of Bruckner's Seventh Symphony" (commemorating the death of Wagner). Abruptly at 10.25 the music stopped. There came three rolls of the drums � a moment's silence, and then the news of Adolf Hitler's death. This was followed by the German National Anthem the Horst Wessel song, more drum-rolls, and a three-minutes silence. All German radio stations scrapped the midnight news bulletin and repeated the announcement of Hitler's death.

German Hyper-Inflation of 1922 to 1923

An interesting event of the interwar years in Europe (1919 – 1939) was an incident that occurred in the German Weimar Republic between 1922 to 1923, an incident in which the currency of Germany lost almost all real value.  The collapse of the value of Germany’s currency was due to a series of different forces that came together to put an incredible strain upon Germany’s economy between 1919 to 1922.  First Germany, under the Treaty of Versailles, was required to make a series of reparations payments to France and Great Britain, reparations payments that had to be made in gold backed currency.  Second Germany with the end of the First World War had to switch its economy from a wartime economy, based upon heavy government borrowing and spending on items of war, to one of peacetime productivity in which the Weimar government greatly diminished the amount of money the German government pumped into the economy.  Third Germany, due to territorial losses, entered the 1920s with less industrial productivity and a smaller raw materials base upon which to build its economic recovery, although Germany even in this diminished state was still a dominant economic power in Europe.  Fourth Germany from 1919 – 1922 went through a period of strong political unrest, during this period several armed coups and attempts to overthrow the government shook public confidence in the stability of Germany politically and socially.  Fifth, and finally, the Weimar government due to intense political pressure could not raise taxes to meet the expanded social support obligations it had taken on with the end of the First World War, as part of Germany’s movement from a monarchical imperial structure to a socialist republic.  This intense political pressure came from parties on the political right in Germany, who treated any effort to raise taxes by the Weimar government as a form of appeasement to the Allied powers and their demands for reparations, demands many in Germany considered unfair and inflammatory.

So the German Weimar government, unable to raise sufficient capital through borrowing, unable to raise revenue in taxes, needing to finance the private sector’s efforts to change the economy to a peacetime footing, needing to pay for social services and the function of government, and needing to purchase gold to back the banknotes with which it paid the Allied reparations, resorted to the only technique available to it to meet these needs: it simply issued more currency into the economy.  Vast amounts of currency, the collapse of the value of the Reichmark to other currencies was rapid and total, from early 1922 to late 1923 the Reichmark to the US Dollar fell from 7000 marks to the dollar in December 1922 to 4,200,000,000,000 marks to the dollar in December 1923.  This sudden collapse in the value of currency had several interesting impacts on Germany society, first it meant that those who lived on any fixed incomes found the value of their income disappearing quickly.  Those who owed debts on items found the value of that debt collapsing quickly, meaning a debtor could repay a debt with currency worth far less then the currency they had borrowed, in buying power terms.  German businesses often took advantage of this fact to purchase new equipment at effectively deep discounts, paying the debt as late as they could with vastly devalued currency.  The collapse was only arrested from 1924 onwards through careful conservative banking, currency deflation through issuing a brand new currency, and fiscal stringency.  The net effect of this economic collapse though was many Germans coming into the mid-1920s found themselves starting over economically.

Historically this incident is interesting because it has an impact on many key events that happened later in the 1920s and 1930s, first and most critically this incident undermined the faith of the German public in the capacity of the Weimar government to effectively lead Germany.  Although from 1924 until 1929 public confidence increased in the capacity of the Weimar republic to govern, this disaster was blamed on the policies of Weimar and when the Germany economy collapsed again due to the events of the massive global economic contraction of the 1930s, the public took this as further proof the Weimar state could not lead Germany effectively.  The German hyperinflation of 1922 through 1923 hurt Germany’s economic recovery in the mid-1920s, many German businesses having bought considerable new equipment during  the hyperinflation to take advantage of a period of unintentional “discounts” in cost found themselves with too much productive capacity for the demands of the Germany economy.  Germany halting payments on the reparations, in part due to the hyperinflation, lead to the French and Belgian occupation of the Ruhr territory in 1923, an event which further seemed to indicate the weakness of the Weimar government.  (On a side note the policy of passive resistance implemented by the Weimar government, requiring it to pay millions of Germans who agreed not to work to prevent France and Belgium gaining benefits from the occupied productive resources of the Ruhr, simply lead to more expenditures by the Weimar government in worthless currency.)

Finally though the hyperinflation of 1922 to 1923 gave considerable political capital to both of the extreme ends of the German political spectrum, the extreme right and the extreme left.  Many in Germany in reaction to these events, and the future economic collapse of the 1930s, were increasing willing to consider more “radical” political solutions to Germany’s perceived and real problems.  Political capital gained from these events, as well as the apparent weakness of the Weimar government it seemed to indicate to the German public, certainly played a part in the eventual rise of Adolph Hitler to political leadership in Germany.  It certainly lead in part to the political instability Hitler attempted to take advantage of on 9 November 1923 with his failed putsch attempt in Bavaria, an event that helped spark Hitler’s national political career in Germany.

The Coming of the Third Reich, Richard J. Evans
The Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany, Warren B. Morris, Jr.

The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, Paul Kennedy

Hitler's love affairs: Lida Baarova

He said she reminded him of somebody both "beautiful and tragic" in his life. To her horror, she later realised this was Hitler's former lover and half-niece, Angela Raubal, who was found dead in her Munich flat in 1931, aged 23, after shooting herself in the heart with a pistol.

Hitler was quite a lady's man when he wanted to be: Seen here with Lida Baarova

In her autobiography, The Sweet Bitterness of My Life, published posthumously in Germany in 2001, Czech movie idol, Lida Baarova writes of life in the Nazi upper echelons, where elegantly dressed ministers mingled with the film world elite.

The beautiful actress Ledi Baarova for whom Goebbels fell and Hitler was interested in for some time.

It was Hitler who first fell for Baarova, then 20, during a visit in 1934 to a film set in Berlin. Three days later she was summoned to tea at the chancellery. He said she reminded him of somebody both "beautiful and tragic" in his life. To her horror, she later realised this was Hitler's former lover and half-niece, Angela Raubal, who was found dead in her Munich flat in 1931, aged 23, after shooting herself in the heart with a pistol.


Lida Baarova was born Ludmila Babkova in Prague on May 12 1910, and made her first film, The Career of Pavel Camrda in 1931. Three years later she was signed up by a German company and cast in Barcarole as the innocent sexual pawn of squalid male intrigue. Of the other Czech and German films in which she appeared in the 1930s, Vavra's Virginia and Krska's A Fiery Summer are the most notable.

Baarova reminded Hitler of his first love, his cousin, Geli Raubal

Several more meetings followed, despite the protests of Gustav Fröhlich, a jealous actor with whom Baarova was living. But the Führer did not press himself on her.


She arrived at the wheel of her BMW, which (as she remembered) Hitler seemed to consider rather too liberated. On this occasion, however, he found his tongue to the extent of telling her that she reminded him of Gerri Raubel who, he encouragingly explained, had committed suicide on his account. Another time, Hitler told her that she should become a citizen of the Reich: "You could do well for yourself," he promised. But Lida Baarova remained immune to these blandishments, telling him that she preferred to remain a Czech. The tea invitations ceased.

Source: Sunday Times