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german soldiers funny pictures etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
german soldiers funny pictures etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Funny photos: German soldiers - human side: Russian front

The formidable German soldiers during the Second World War were human too. The photos below shows that. I guess these pictures were taken when things were going well during Barbarossa. It was only after that things started going horribly wrong for the Germans. I wonder how many of them returned home.

Funny how these hardened ideological driven men play with a kitten.

Puppies in the famous German helmets, the Stahlhelm.

There were over-weight guys in the Wehrmacht too! Guess he must be the cook.

This is where one sleeps when away from home.

Some kind of comic act?

These men are enjoying their drink.

How did he manage to get hold of this one?

Everyone does that.

The soldiers watch the amorous swine.

The officer petting a baby pig

This one adores the dog

This officer likes squirrels

The Germans make fun of a captured Russian prisoner.

He is enjoying his drink on Stalin's head.


Are they gay?

German soldiers on the eastern front. 1941. Hardly the lovely picture of a superior Aryan. (Image by Franz Krieger)