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antiques etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
antiques etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

1920's Bungalows

Who doesn't love a cute house? For me the cutest and the ones that make me sigh the loudest are bungalows from the 1920's. Our town has a plethora of architectural styles from across the years and happily for me there was a major building boom in the 1920's. I love driving or walking the streets admiring all the houses.

The word "Bungalow" is somewhat generic. According to The Bungalow Book by Charles E. White published in 1923: "The term "bungalow" is a misnomer when applied to many American homes. To the average householder the term suggests a low, single-story dwelling with or without a second floor. In the minds of American it conjures up visions of a squatty building hugging hillside or meadow, with windows divided into little panes, verandas or porches extending along one or more sides and a low, overhanging room in the shelter of which trellises clime from the ground, covered with creeping vines. A pergola extends outwardly from a diminutive white doorway spanning a brick terrace or irregular shaped stone flagging; little children run gayly about in the garden picking bright flowers with which the sunny rooms are to be festooned. 
      In America, the word "bungalow" is hard-worked, vacillating, meaningless but it has become so firmly rooted in American mind that the term is now practically sanctioned by good usage.
A bungalow should be a home with all the charm and individuality of the approved house of two stories.
There is something cozy about a bungalow, inside as well as outside, and this most desirable quality makes an appeal to many who, having viewed with satisfaction the better class of bungalows feel a tug at their heartstrings and a desire to create the same type of building for their own home. At the same time an architectural effect on attainable with any other type of building is made possible in the bungalow. Who can forgo the charm of the low, broad roof line, the little front entrance with it quaint door opening so close to the ground, the low outlines of the little building which seems to nestle to snugly in its setting and offers so little competition with Nature as it rests modestly against the sky line, instead of rearing itself aggressively above the horizon.
The diminutive seems to appeal intensely to humans; the little bungalow attracts all eyes even the eyes of those who, with ample means to carry out their most cherished wishes, are yet attracted toward the sweet simplicity of the bungalow types, its freedom from pretense, and the artistic manner in which it fits the landscape.
The adaptation of the bungalow from Indian to American conditions has so changes its design that it is no longer recognizable, but the word "bungalow: has remained and will probably always exist as an architectural term applied to the low, single-story or story-and-half cottages with which we are familiar."
I am not sure if Charles E. White really clears up the question of what a bungalow actually is, but generally they have no more than one and a half stores, have broad eaves with a low pitched roof, generous front porches and ooze charm.

Recently I realized just how much I love bungalows! Several houses have gone up for sale in the neighborhood and I just had to go to the open houses. The ohh and ahhing I did in the bungalows! Even though the non-bungalow I went through was an old small house, it didn't have quite as much charm.
Somehow, those 1920's architects managed to get everything just right. The living space feels spacious without being enormous, there are plenty of sunny windows and just enough quirks to make it charming. The minute I step through the door I feel right at home!

All of these floor plans have similarities to the floor plan of my little bungalow, but this one is the most similar.
I hope you have as much fun browsing these as I did! Do you have a favorite style of house that makes you want to cozy in?

The Price of a Mirror.....

The things one will do for a good find.....
I have keeping an eye out for a mirror to hang in the front entry. I haven't really been looking too hard, just keeping it in the back of my mind. Last Saturday while antiquing with sister Becky and her husband I found one!!
It was old, not too fancy, the perfect size, heavy as heck .............and came with a desk.
I love all the age spots!
Unfortunately, the mirror couldn't be sold separately, it was on consignment. The only reason the mirror and desk were a pair is the owner wanted to sell them together and they are both painted the same strange lavender color.
After a bit of mulling, I decided I really liked the mirror and could probably find a purpose for the desk. So I bought it and we carried it out to the car. That is when the fun started!
After trying to fit the desk(the mirror of course was no problem) in the car seventy different ways; on it's side, flipped to the right and left,  with half the back seats folded down, with all the back seats folded down, through the trunk into the back seat, through the back seat into the trunk, we finally discovered the only way it was going to fit was across the back seat. Which only left seating for two people........
 I was about to start the gyrations all over again when it started to Rain.
 My brother-in-law then shoved the mirror and desk in the back seat and crawled in the trunk himself!! (For those of you who might be worried, we left the seats folded down so he could keep us posted on how comfy the trunk was.)Thankfully we hadn't too far to drive. But we laughed all the way home! The things one will do for a good antique.

The culprit.
Mandy has decided to take the little desk under her wing. We have visions of a Potting Bench! Hence the board under it, a future shelf. I will keep you posted as I have a feeling it's story has not ended yet.