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6 Tips for an Exercise Plan You'll Stick To

ByBob S Heiny

You and I both know that the best way to live healthy and lose weight is to eat the right foods and exercise regularly. Below are 6 Tips for you to set up a plan that you can exercise and stick with it easily.

1. Work out with a friend. The buddy system works really great to help you both stick with your exercise plan. When you set up your calendar and have the workouts scheduled you are less likely to cancel because you are messing up not only your schedule, but your friend's schedule also and you are more likely to just go. Having a friend with you encourages you both to keep pushing and do what it takes and since you are talking while you exercise you don't get bored and the time will just fly.

2. Just have fun. Working on the treadmills or elliptical machines burn the calories but are also pretty boring. If you are bored and also in pain, you are more likely to make excuses not to go to your workout. Try new exercises and machines until you find something you like and can have some fun with because if you are having fun you will be more likely to keep going.

3. Mix it up. You probably already have the problem of going to work out if you are bored. Even when you like certain exercises, you will get bored doing the same ones all the time. Instead of that, find several that you like and vary them and alternate and you will less likely be bored.

4. Reward yourself. Is there something you really want, an electronic device, something for your car or something you can't live without? Set up a system of rewards so you will stick to it, i.e."if I don't miss a session for at least two months, I can get that gadget". If that is too long a period of time, shorten it to make smaller segments between your reward. If you reward yourself too much and aren't getting anywhere, have your friend hold you accountable and you can hold them accountable to get a lot more done.

5. Be realistic. Making a plan is great, but don't get too drastic and make it unrealistic. If you don't really run much and try to run too much in one day, every day, you won't be able to stick to it. Start with short runs and make gradual increases as you increase your strength and endurance. Start with three days a week for 30 minutes and stick to it for a few weeks before you work longer and harder and more days. You may progress more slowly to start, but it makes more sense to do it that way if it helps you stick to it and you will still progress.

6. Get a personal trainer. You pay a personal trainer to help develop your plan, but they also help keep you on track and accountable. They give you tips to motivate you and help keep you serious. They are expensive, but worth it if it keeps you going and keeps you serious about losing weight. The cost also motivates you to keep going.

It takes time to get healthy even with a good plan, but if you find one that works for you it is all worth it and you will be more healthy and fit.

Would you like an exercise plan to get rid of pain and be a healthier YOU? Check here to find out how: Secrets to Ideal Fitness, and many more tips.

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