Remember Wine & Love? Nora used to host this, but she has since stopped doing it. However, she is getting married soon and so I though I would honor her by doing her old meme! Congrats Nora! I am sure as I write this she is running around like a chicken with her head cut off, trying to get all those...
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Wine and Love etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Wine and Love etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Wine and Love (6)
It's time for this week's Wine and Love, hosted by Nora. This is where you list the things that are happening this week that are making you reach for the wine and all the things that you love!WINE: - Not working. It sucks. I wouldn't mind it if I knew that I had a sure thing coming at some point,...
Wine and Love (5)
Happy Thursday and Welcome to March! You know the drill; today we talk about what makes us whine, or why we feel like we need a glass of wine, vs what we love! Thanks to Nora for hosting. Make sure to go over to her site and link up! {Wine}- Top Chef is over! I won't spoil anything but the one I wanted...
Wine and Love (4)
I have not done one of these in a while! In case you forgot, or you haven't done this before, here is the scoop. You list what things this week are making you reach for the wine and what things you are loving! Easy, right? You can go over to Nora's site for a linkup! Things that are making me reach...
Wine & Love (3)
I decided to do Nora's Wine and Love today, since Thursdays are now dedicated to 12 Weeks to Better Photos posts! And I like Nora's Wine and Love, so I thought I would do it today and link up with her when she posts later in the week. I hope she doesn't mind! You know how this works, you list what made...
Wine & Love (2)
Wine and Love, brought to you by Nora, is a list of things that make you want to reach for a bottle of wine vs. things you love for the week!WINE:- The same project as last week's meeting. The drama continues. There are a lot of high profile people involved. Actually, there are simply a lot of PEOPLE...
Wine & Love (1)
Well this week I am in need of some wine, so I decided to participate in Nora's Wine & Love series. What it entails is listing things that make you want to drink a glass of wine (bad) and things you love (good) for the week. So, without further ado:WINE:~ I have a big meeting today with some important...