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Tutorial Blogspot etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Tutorial Blogspot etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Installer Related Post With Scrool Function - Hello my friend, how are you today, hopefully in good health. In the my previous post about seo tips I've talked about the importance of using heading tags H1 on the blog title and post title and Breadcrumb Navigation for Your Blog.

In this post, I will share about how to make Related Post With the scroll function. Related post useful as a reference for visitors to find articles related to the article he was reading. It can make our blog visitors last a long time to read our article on the our blog.

Okay, let's start how to build widgets Related Posts With Scrolling Functions under your blog post.
1. Login to your blogger
2. From Dashboard, click the Layout
3. On the menu tab, select Edit HTML
4. Check the small box Expand Widget Templates
5. Find the code <p> <data:post.body/> </ p>
    Put the following code after the code : 

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<H2>Related Post:</H2>
<div class='rbbox'>
<div style='margin:0; padding:10px;height:200px;overflow:auto;border:1px solid #ccc;'>
<div id='albri'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var homeUrl3 = &quot;<data:blog.homepageUrl/>&quot;;
var maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel = 4;
var maxNumberOfLabels = 10;
maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel = 50;
maxNumberOfLabels = 3;
function listEntries10(json) {
var ul = document.createElement(&#39;ul&#39;);
var maxPosts = (json.feed.entry.length &lt;= maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel) ?
json.feed.entry.length : maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel;
for (var i = 0; i &lt; maxPosts; i++) {
var entry = json.feed.entry[i];
var alturl;
for (var k = 0; k &lt;; k++) {
if ([k].rel == &#39;alternate&#39;) {
alturl =[k].href;
var li = document.createElement(&#39;li&#39;);
var a = document.createElement(&#39;a&#39;);
a.href = alturl;
if(a.href!=location.href) {
var txt = document.createTextNode(entry.title.$t);
for (var l = 0; l &lt;; l++) {
if ([l].rel == &#39;alternate&#39;) {
var raw =[l].href;
var label = raw.substr(homeUrl3.length+13);
var k;
for (k=0; k&lt;20; k++) label = label.replace(&quot;%20&quot;, &quot; &quot;);
var txt = document.createTextNode(label);
var h = document.createElement(&#39;b&#39;);
var div1 = document.createElement(&#39;div&#39;);
function search10(query, label) {
var script = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;);
script.setAttribute(&#39;src&#39;, query + &#39;feeds/posts/default/-/&#39;
+ label +
script.setAttribute(&#39;type&#39;, &#39;text/javascript&#39;);
var labelArray = new Array();
var numLabel = 0;
<b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
textLabel = &quot;<>&quot;;
var test = 0;
for (var i = 0; i &lt; labelArray.length; i++)
if (labelArray[i] == textLabel) test = 1;
if (test == 0) {
var maxLabels = (labelArray.length &lt;= maxNumberOfLabels) ?
labelArray.length : maxNumberOfLabels;
if (numLabel &lt; maxLabels) {
search10(homeUrl3, textLabel);
<script type='text/javascript'>RelPost();</script>

6. Now find this code ]]></ b: skin>
    Place the following code before the ]]></ b: skin> code :

. rbbox {border: 1px solid # D8D8D8; padding: 5px;
background-color: # E0F8E0;-moz-border-radius: 5px; margin: 5px;}
. rbbox: hover {background-color: # EFFBEF;}
Change the code marked in accordance with the color of your blog, if you do not know the color code, please check theHTML Color Code 
# D8D8D8 : Color edge (border)
# E0F8E0 : Color Background
# EFFBEF : Background Color, too, but will be visible when the box is highlighted with the pointer

7. Then Click Save Template

Problems for Using Readmore :
For users of the facility Readmore then you sometimes see Related Post Widget also appears on your Home page, if you just want a Related Post only appear on pages Post! So Here's the solution!!

  • Find the code <data:post.body/>, When you find the code then you find there are two codes in your template (Usually there on the blog users readmore). Paste Code Related to the post after searching a second code of <data:post.body/>

  • Then Click Save Template

Look at the results ! Ok so this tutorial, hopefully useful for all of you, Do not forget to comment. Thanks

Add Nofollow Tags To All Your Blogger Label Links - In the my previous post I was sharing how to make a Showing Only Post Titles on Label Pages, but we need to know, use the tag "rel=nofollow" on the label / category is very important.

As we know, google algorithm newest panda is very concerned about the relevant content on our blogs, and google algorithms pandas did not like the name duplicate content blog. If your blog contains too many irrelevant content or duplicate content or your post quantity is less than 300 words and you have too many tags / category labels on your blog That makes no sense then you can be the next target of Google panda update. Will your traffic drop significantly.

Statement that the use of "rel=nofollow" on the label has been much discussed by seo experts, they concluded that the use of "rel = nofollow" on the label is an attempt to prevent spamming blogs that might occur on our blog.

If you're feeling confident and believe in, then please take the following steps:
1.From Dashboard - Design - Edit HTML - dont forget to give check "Expand Widget Template".
2. Search for this,

<a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'>
3. Replace it with this,

<a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag,nofollow'>
You have now successfully protected your links in the post labels from panda effect. Now lets correct the Label Cloud Links also.
4. Search for this,

<a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url'><></a>
5. Replace it with this code,

<a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url' rel='nofollow'><></a>
6. And click Save Template.

I hope this article useful to you, do not forget to give comments

Installer Breadcrumb Navigation On Blogspot - Hello my friend, how are you today, hopefully in good health. In the my previous post about seo tips I've talked about the importance of using heading tags H1 on the blog title and post title for the template SEO friendly. For now I'll share other tips for seo friendly template of your blog by using the Breadcrumb Navigation.

The meaning of Breadcrumb Navigation is a row of links internal links on the top or bottom of the page of the website that allows visitors to return to the previous page or to the bottom quickly.

So, how do I make? Follow these steps:
1. Login to Blogger
2. Go to the Layout -> Edit HTML
    Back up your Template by clicking: Download Full Template
    After that, check the Expand Widget Templates.

3. Copy the code below:

. Breadcrumbs {
padding: 5px 5px 5px 0;
margin: 0; font-size: 95%;
line-height: 2.3em;

Paste the code above ]]></ b: skin>

4. Copy the code below:

<b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl == == data:blog.url'> <b:else/> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType "item"'> <div class = 'breadcrumbs'> Browse »<a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'> Home </ a>» <b:if cond='data:post.labels'> <b: loop values ??=' data: post.labels 'var =' label '> <a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'> <> </ a> <b: if cond =' data: label.isLast! = "true" '>, </ b: if> </ b: loop> </ b: if> »<data:post.title/> </ div> </ b: if> < / b: if>

Code Paste the above code <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template'>

5. Then click Save Template.

Look at the results ! Ok so this tutorial, hopefully useful for all of youDo not forget to comment. Thanks ... 

Make Showing Only Post Titles on Label Pages - Some blog template that currently exist on the page click on the label that appears is the entirecontents of the blogthe content of their blogs or some of the content on that page. Wellin this tutorial, I want to discuss how to make the display labels on the blog page that appears only the title of our blog posts only (As the picture).

1. Login to Blogger
2. Go to the Lay Outthen to the Edit HTML
    Back up your Template by clicking: Download Full Template
    After thatcheck the Expand Widget Templates.

So for this tutorial is divided into 2 different versions:

1. Display Label Without Box
Look at the preview image, the image is a view that uses the boxthen what purpose Without BoxDisplay LabelWithout the box that appears here means only writing course (post title only).
Immediately, we begin the tutorial:

     <- Posts ->
     <div class='blog-posts hfeed'>

     <b:include data='top' name='status-message'/>

     <b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>
     <b:if cond='data:post.dateHeader'>

     <h2 class='date-header'> <data:post.dateHeader/> <h2>

     <b:include data='post' name='post'/>
Note: Look for the red code, use Ctrl + F
- After the meet, Replace the red code with the code below:

     <b: if cond = 'data: blog.homepageUrl! =
     data: blog.url '>
     <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
     <a expr:href='data:post.url'>
     <data:post.title/> </ a> <br/> <br/>

     <b:include data='post' name='post'/>
     </ b: if>
     <b:include data='post' name='post'/>
     </ b: if>
  - Then Save Template.

2. Using Label Display Box
Well, for this tutorial begins after installation tutorial "Display Labels Without a Box" in the save /finish.
Ok more ...

     <b: if cond = 'data: blog.homepageUrl! =
     data: blog.url '>
     <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
     <a expr:href='data:post.url'>

     <data:post.title/> </ a> <br/> <br/>

     <b:include data='post' name='post'/>
     </ b: if>
     <b:include data='post' name='post'/>
     </ b: if>
Note: Look for the red code, use Ctrl + F
          (Remember! HTML code above will be visible in your blog after you do the tutorial "Display Label Without Box


After the meetReplace the red code with the code below:
     <div style='padding:6px 0 6px solid 5px;border-right:1px solid #ccc;border-bottom:1px #ccc;margin-bottom:2px;background:#ffffff;color:#000000;'>
     <img alt = 'Arrow | Khamardos Blogborder = '0 'width = '12height = '12 'src='>
     <data:post.title/> <div</ a>

  Note(Green) : Replace with the appropriate color on the blog (Use the HTML Color Code)
            (Orange) : Replace the image URL arrows buddy icon

- Then Save Template ...

Been successful? Interesting is not it? Many of the benefits we are using this tutorialusually pagesfilled with postings label was heavy then after using this tutorial is expected to display and access tobuddy label pages will be felt quickly.