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SEO Optimization etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
SEO Optimization etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

The Basic Concept Of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - This paper describes the basics of SEO. To master the SEO it helps you understand the basics of SEO. This paper I got from fellow blogger, then I translate into English.

As Kang Rohman wrote in the previous that Blogspot Tutorial will be focused to study SEO (Search Engine Optimization) especially for bloggers/ BlogSpot users. I just want to skim someone’s opinions out there that blogger engine is not SEO friendly, it certainly not true because all get back to the engine users itself, whether to use blogger, Wordpress, Drupal, etc. If you didn’t understand how to apply various SEO techniques on the engine you used, it just a big zero.

Previously, Kang Rohman wants to instill the basic concepts of SEO that you should to remember, there are among others:
  1. Natural and think like human being

  2. Search engine indexes the blog content

  3. SEO is a competition

  4. SEO techniques is not only one

  5. Natural And Thinking Like Human Being

In research, there are similarities in pattern of thinking between search engine and human being, perhaps it because the programmer of search engine is indeed human being. Here are a few:

Search engine prefers blogs with original posting. In real world, other people’s act of piracy is consider unpleasant and it’s against all aspects of community, as well as search engine itself, it refers blogs with original contents than those with other blogs copied from another resources or in other word copy paste.

Don’t like to be deceived. In SEO there is term named Black Hat SEO, that is SEO optimize which applies search engine deception technique for examples hidden text, hidden link, keyword repetition, etc. which basically are deception techniques, and some of techniques that are not desirable by the search engine.

Glad to informative blogs. Many people pay attention to others just because the others often to put forward some useful information, as well as personal or especially for public. Search engine is the same.

Do not like excessive. Only few peoples who like overact behavior, as well as search engine it doesn’t like overload blogs.

Like the recommended blogs by many parties. Search engine would like the recommendation, in this case is given a backlink by other blogs. Backlink in blogosphere is like recommendation or endorsement.
And many others

Search Engine Indexes The Blogs Content

All you have to bear in SEO that is search engine indexes the entire contents in our blog and as the search engine consideration to prioritized your blog position.

Maybe you have heard of SEO tips before in choosing a domain name , at least one keyword from your blog’s main topic, the post tittle should contain the target keyword, the first paragraph should contain the target keyword. Or maybe you have heard about “Content Is the King”, it’s not apart from the search engine has indexes what you have provide in blog and forward it in search engine.

An illustration, I tried to write the “Blogspot Tutorial” keyword in Google search engine, and here are the results.

Optimizing Your Blog Titles As Keywords - In my previous posts I've been sharing and how to optimize the speed of a good blog for access to our blog visitors, we will discuss how important the title of our blog to further optimize our blog keywords on search engines, etc.

As we know, the title of our blog is a brand or a characteristic that is owned by the blog. For example the title of this blog is "Sharing SEO | Information Tips Tricks Tutorials About SEO and Blog", so the blog title that I made it the brand or the hallmark of my blog is "sharing the SEO". So obviously, sharing SEO keyword here is that I reinforced to achieve rated first page of google. Another example that we can take, I have a blog with a brand "Khamardos Blog". So, for this case I increase the keyword is "Khamardos Blog" too.

Why the blog title (Brand) is so important for us ? , Examples of benefits that have a major influence of the brand that is sitelink (Insya Allah will be discussed at the next post), by improving the quality of our brand that we've done a google sitelink tips on how to obtain easily.

How to make a good blog title for our blog? Tips fundamental here is how do we create a word that is logical, correct, and not hard to be remembered by visitors. For example this blog brand "Sharing SEO | Information Tips Tricks Tutorials About SEO and Blog", so it is clear from the brand we know that my blog is delivering a variety of info, tips and tricks and tutorials about seo and blog for the readers.

Another example, never use the attributes (except the comma (,), and the vertical line (|)), numbers, symbols, and so forth in the title of our blog. It is clear, because in its use to use a brand that is memorable and simple for visitors. Some blogs that I met, many use the phrase "Welcome to ...". "Hello ..." etc. in the use of his blog title, I think it is less effective because of competition for those keywords I think it is very difficult, and visitors are also rare to find keywords with the word.

There is one important tips in improving the title of our blog is to emphasize the title of our posts. The point here is our post title includes us as our blog title, it could certainly improve the quality of our posts as well. For these tips I've discussed it in my post about the Swap Blog Title with Post Title in Blogspot

Hopefully this time my article useful to you, do not forget to comment if there is something to ask.

Add Nofollow Tags To All Your Blogger Label Links - In the my previous post I was sharing how to make a Showing Only Post Titles on Label Pages, but we need to know, use the tag "rel=nofollow" on the label / category is very important.

As we know, google algorithm newest panda is very concerned about the relevant content on our blogs, and google algorithms pandas did not like the name duplicate content blog. If your blog contains too many irrelevant content or duplicate content or your post quantity is less than 300 words and you have too many tags / category labels on your blog That makes no sense then you can be the next target of Google panda update. Will your traffic drop significantly.

Statement that the use of "rel=nofollow" on the label has been much discussed by seo experts, they concluded that the use of "rel = nofollow" on the label is an attempt to prevent spamming blogs that might occur on our blog.

If you're feeling confident and believe in, then please take the following steps:
1.From Dashboard - Design - Edit HTML - dont forget to give check "Expand Widget Template".
2. Search for this,

<a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'>
3. Replace it with this,

<a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag,nofollow'>
You have now successfully protected your links in the post labels from panda effect. Now lets correct the Label Cloud Links also.
4. Search for this,

<a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url'><></a>
5. Replace it with this code,

<a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url' rel='nofollow'><></a>
6. And click Save Template.

I hope this article useful to you, do not forget to give comments