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Today etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Today etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Fix Today

When you hear someone say that they are worried about the future or nervous about what may happen tomorrow, you usually see someone that is not prepared for what is coming. The worry actually makes sense. If you are not ready for tomorrow it will be difficult. The worry is not just about how scary tomorrow is. The worry is more about what they are not doing today to prepare for tomorrow.

Each day stands alone in terms of action. But each day has an impact on future days as well. If you do something today, it will put you in a better position for tomorrow. This is easy to see in the work environment. If you put off a project or a follow-up, it is still there tomorrow and you will have more work to do because of the other tasks that come with the job.

Unfortunately, it is not always as easy to see how one day impacts another when it comes to health. If you don't work out today, there is technically nothing that will make tomorrow harder to work out or to get as much done as you want to. It just doesn't work that way, so when we put off exercise on one day, we are in fact building the habit of not doing it and it becomes more difficult to get started when we finally want to do it.

"If only there was some way for you to make yourself do it." I've heard people say this. I've heard people ask me if I can make them do it. I've yet to make anyone do anything. In fact, I've yet to see anyone make anyone else do anything that they didn't want to do. Health has to be a choice and if it is something you want to do, you will find a way to do it. You may not be able to force yourself, but you can support yourself and find others to help support you. You can also plan and set your schedule so that it supports you. When you do that, health can fit in and become part of your routine.

If you don't make health part of your regular routine, you will constantly be worried about what tomorrow looks like. You won't know when you are going to get your workout in. You won't know what you are going to eat or when you are going to eat it. You likely won't have any goals. You may have a wish or two like: "Someday, I want to be healthier", but it will be difficult to get started.

Tomorrow is something that we are trained to think about. We are trained to prepare for tomorrow. We are also taught to use today to make sure tomorrow is as we pictured. This is the concept that we need to apply to health to make sure that we are achieving it. What we do today makes tomorrow what it is...or isn't. If you do what you set out to do, you will be reaching goals. If you do not do what you set out to do, you will not be reaching goals. It doesn't get any simpler than that.

In order for tomorrow to look like you want it to look you have to do something today. You can look ahead all you want. You can try to think of the reasons that tomorrow will be a challenge. You can worry and you can sweat the details of tomorrow. If you do that, I can assure you that you will be right.

It may sound a bit contradictory to say that not thinking about tomorrow is a good strategy. How can you set goals today that impact tomorrow and say that tomorrow isn't important? Well, I'm not saying that tomorrow isn't important. What I'm saying is not as important as today is.

Tomorrow doesn't matter until you get to it. Tomorrow may not even come. I don't mean that as a doom and gloom outlook that suggests that we could all die today. It is more about the fact that tomorrow will look completely different in the way it plays out.

If you have a clear plan and can take action based on that plan, you have some control over your future. In fact, you have a great deal of control over your future. If you simply let today happen, tomorrow will keep changing on you and before you know it, you won't know what to expect. How can you succeed when things are changing and unexpected? Well, it is very difficult.

That is why today is the only day that matters. We've talked about the importance of getting started today. Clearly, that is something that rings true. If you don't start, you can't move forward. If you don't take a step today, when tomorrow comes, you won't be anywhere but the same place you are now.

It all comes back to the day you are in. The only day you can control is today. You can't control what happened yesterday. You can't control what will happen tomorrow. Well, there is the gray area that can mean the difference between success and failure. If you don't take action today, you are determining what tomorrow will look like. Likewise, if you are taking action, you are determining that tomorrow will be different based on the actions you are taking.

So, I guess you can actually control tomorrow. Short of developing super powers, the only way to be in control of tomorrow is to take control of today. By taking action today, you are taking the steps you want to take. That will lead you on your path toward the goals you've set. By planning today what you will do tomorrow, you are preventing unforeseen issues from derailing tomorrow's actions. You can't take tomorrow's actions until tomorrow, but you can set yourself up to take them.

In other words, you can take today's steps today and that gets you on the right track for a successful tomorrow. The only way to insure a successful tomorrow is to .

Business Health Expert Joe Byrd uses his passion and expertise to bring business and health together. He integrates health education in lifestyle topics such as Stress Management, Weight Management, and Smoking Cessation into businesses in order to accomplish the following:

Improving Employee Health

Decreasing Health Care Spending

Increasing Your Employee Productivity

Improving Employee Satisfaction and Retention

Joe applies his craft in the business world by making health part of business strategy. As he helps companies invest in their employees, together they create healthy and successful cultures.


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Core Strength - 3 Huge Reasons to Focus On Core Strength Starting Today

ByAndrew R Reichelderfer

Many people hear the words core strength, and they simply have no idea what that means.

What is core strength, and furthermore how will it help you to strengthen your core muscles, and what muscles are your core muscles anyway?

These are all very common questions so don't feel bad. By the end of this article you'll have the answer to all of those questions, and then some...

What does core strength mean? I didn't even know I had a core!

Alright so when you hear people say that you should focus on core strength, what they're talking about is strengthening those muscles that make up the core of your body.

Basically, if you took your body and chopped off your legs under the pelvis, and your arms at the shoulders, that would be your core (minus your head, but let's not go chopping that off just'll need your eyes to finish this article).

The muscles that are left are the pelvic muscles, your abdominal muscles, your oblique muscles (the muscles that cover your ribs), and your glutes (your butt). There are other more interior muscles that make up the core muscle group as well, but let's keep this simple...and keep you awake.

In essence, these are the major muscles that make up the foundation of your body which protects your ever-so-important spinal cord and your vital organs.

So, with all that being said, let's get to the point of why core strength is extremely important.

3 Extremely Important Reasons to Focus on Core Strength...(and 1 maybe not so important...)

1) It's What Makes You Look Ripped (Yes, we start with the not-so-important pure vanity reason)- When you start building your core muscles, you start to build and bring out those muscles that well...let's say that the opposite sex seems to notice.

You know... the six-pack abs type of look? Well that's what happens when you put the spotlight on your core muscles. You get that sexy body and slender looks that the boys and girls just seem to love.

I brought this up first because let's face it...we all want to look better and more sexy. So now that we got that out of the way...

2) You'll Become a Better Athlete or At Least More Athletic - Whether it's running, boxing, football, basketball, or whatever sport you fancy...the athlete with a strong core will always be the better athlete.

Your core strength is what determines your speed, your agility, and your power. These three things are almost always what will determine whether you're a winner or loser in the world of sports.

3) No More Back Pain - For many this is a huge one. In fact according to experts, 80% - or 4 out of 5 people - will suffer some sort of back pain in their lifetime. It's also the second biggest reason that people visit the health clinic, only behind the common cold.

At any given time in the United States alone, 31 million people are suffering from some sort of back pain. That's pretty startling wouldn't you say?

If you already suffer from back pain, then it's probably not startling at all for you. In fact you might even feel a little better, just knowing that you're not alone.

But what's now unique to you, is that you now know that the way to both stop your back from hurting now, and keeping back pain from plaguing you over and over is to build core strength.

What this does essentially is to protect all of those smaller muscles in your back from getting too overly taxed and strained. This is most often what causes back pain, along with pinched nerves. But again, a strong core will keep these problems at bay, because you're now using the more major muscles in your body to do all of the heavy lifting, and not over burdening the minor ones that aren't meant for that.

So there you go, if you've ever needed a reason to increase core strength, you've now got three, with the last one being a huge one for 4 out of 5 people in the USA alone.

Now the issue is how to build core strength... and get all of the benefits of looking good, being a better athlete, and getting rid of back pain fast and forever. Click the link at the bottom to find out more!

Click here to find out more about your core and other muscles in your body!

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