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Qigong etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Qigong etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Keep-Fit Qigong Self-Massage for Health Improvement

Patting is a straightforward form of Chinese Massage Therapy for keep-fit enthusiasts falling into the category of External (Wei Dan) Qigong. Its effects can be somewhat more profound than simple skin rubbing approaches in the treatment of underlying conditions. Patting helps to strengthen the bones and tendons, encourages the development of muscle-tissue, lubricates joints, enhances the circulation of the blood and improves the metabolic functions. Patting, when applied to the torso, can improve the functions of the internal organs.

The exercises involve oneself only and the participatory activity thus generated leads to patting being considered superior to and more effective than 'passive massage' (i.e. massage which is performed upon you by third parties). After such exercises the body feels 'lighter' and more comfortable and the consciousness feels clearer. For more advanced or 'serious' patting enthusiasts a number of simple technical aids exist including sand and rice-bags.

Sample Patting Exercises

These can be performed with the palm, bottom of the fist or the simple equipment mentioned above. The exercises can be performed both walking and standing by assuming the following body positions.

1. Patting the Head

Drop your shoulders and elbows and smile. With your left palm pat the left-top of your head from front to rear 50 times then repeat the exercise 50 times with your right palm on the right-top similarly. Next do the same to the right and left sides of your head, keeping your mind calm and your breathing natural throughout.

Regular practice prevents and treats dizziness, headaches and deficiencies in blood supply to this area.

2. Patting the Arms

Using the same starting instructions pat each of the four sides of the left arm with the right palm from top-to-bottom 25 times in sequences of 5