To fully appreciate this entry you first will need to travel to You Tube and watch a preserved clip of a broadcast by Keith Olbermann in which he dresses down Bill O’Reilly for his attributing the events of the Malmedy Massacre to the United States Army, rather then to the German SS. Overall the commentary of both men has aspects that are correct, Keith Olbermann is correct in asserting...
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Malmedy Massacre etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Malmedy Massacre etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Amazing Second World War Pictures: Part 3
By Tarihçi at 00:37
berlin battle, german deserter hanged, Malmedy Massacre, second world war
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American soldiers cut loose the body of a hanged german deserter. Picture was taken near Schweinfurt/Bavaria in Germany, April 1945.After the capitulation: Thousands of German helmets ready for meltdown.A Jewish boy has a look of fear as a SS soldier with a slight smirk prepares to cut the Jewish boys...