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Lever etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Lever etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Back Lever Progressions And Training

The Back Lever is an excellent beginner static exercise, and will give tremendous benefits in lower back and chest strength. This article will be about the six progressions to a full lever.

The german hang is not as much a strength exercise as a conditioning hold for your joints. Even if you can do a tuck back lever, do this first for a few weeks, because if you don't your elbows will have a great chance of injury should you make it to the higher progressions of the back lever. To do the german hang from rings, grab the rings, hang, and bring your legs overhead so that you roll backwards, and are again hanging, but this time with your arms behind you. make sure your palms are facing the ground, as this is necessary for your elbows. To do them from a bar, grab the bar with your palms facing you, chin up position. From here roll backwards until you are hanging. For both of these, you should feel the strain on your elbows, but if there is a lot of pain stop for a while.

The second progression is the tuck. To do this, you follow the same rules as for the german hang, but instead of hanging, you pull your body up so that it is near parallel to the ground. For this one you must also make sure that your palms are facing the ground, ensuring that your elbows are locked and your arms are straight. When you can hold these positions for at least 15 seconds each, you will be ready to try the progressions in the intermediate series of progressions.

These next two progressions are significant steps from the first two, mainly in how much they tax your lower back muscles. The difference is that these will require your lower back to straighten out, creating much more tension and demand for strength.

The third back lever progression is the flat tuck back lever, which is exactly the same as the tuck back lever from the link above, except that you contract your lower back muscles, causing your back to straighten completely out. This should make the move much more difficult, and do not be surprised if you have back soreness.

Once you can hold the flat tuck for 15 seconds, you can move onto the straddle. To do the straddle lever, get into the flat tuck position, and then extend your legs while spreading them. It is necessary to keep your legs in line with your back, do not let them sag. Only attempt this progression after you are very good at the flat tuck, i.e. holding it for 15 seconds is no big deal.

The final two progressions are the half and the full back lever.

To perform the half back lever, get in position for a flat tuck, and then extend your legs, but keep you knees bent. You must keep your back straight, so don't sag your legs down, they must be in line with the rest of your body. If you do this correctly, you should feel a massive burn in your lower back, which should be struggling to hold your legs up. If you can hold this for 15 seconds straight, its time to practice the full lever.

To do the full lever, get in an inverted hang, which is when you are upside down while hanging on the rings, and extend your legs all the way up. From here, lower down until you are parallel with the ground, and hold. If you can hold that for three seconds, then congratulations, you just did a back lever!

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