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Law and literature etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Law and literature etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Fishman on Trollope's Lawyers

James Fishman, Pace University School of Law, has posted A Random Stroll Amongst Anthony Trollope’s Lawyers:Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) resides in the pantheon of nineteenth century English literature. Overcoming a miserable childhood, he became an official with the post office and is credited with introducing the familiar red mailbox. While working full time in his postal position until 1867,...

Female Imprimatur: Women in the Lawbook Trade.

[We have the following announcement of an online exhibit at Boston College Law School.  DRE]Female Imprimatur: Women in the Lawbook Trade.  This exhibit was inspired by the 100th anniversary in August 2020 of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which granted suffrage to some—though certainly...

Laske's "Law, Language and Change"

Caroline Laske, a research fellow at the Ghent Legal History Institute (Belgium) and the holder of a Heinz Heinen fellowship at the Bonn Centre for Dependency and Slavery Studies (Germany), has published Law, Language and Change: A Diachronic Semantic Analysis of Consideration in the Common Law (Brill,...

McClain on the 19th Amendment Centennial and Trollope's Palliser Novels

Linda C. McClain, Boston University School of Law, recently has posted two articles.  The first is What Becomes a Legendary Constitutional Campaign Most? Marking the Nineteenth Amendment at One Hundred, which is forthcoming in the Boston University Law Review 100 (2020): 1753-1769What most becomes a landmark anniversary in the legendary campaign by women (and some men) for woman suffrage that,...