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Jobs etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Jobs etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Two Jobs at Nova Southeastern

[We have the following announcement.  DRE] The Department of Humanities and Politics at Nova Southeastern University has two job searches that might be of interest to the readers of the Legal History Blog (or their soon to finish/job searching graduate students).  We are currently conducting...

Economic History job at Vanderbilt

 [We share the following job ad.]Assistant Professor of History, Tenure-track Nashville, TN Open Date:  Oct 15, 2020 Close Date: Dec 15, 2020 Position Description Economic History. The Department of History at Vanderbilt University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor with excellent research on any topic within an economic framework, including...

Assistant to the Executive Director at NJCHS

[We have the following job announcement.  DRE]Assistant to the Executive Director for the Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical SocietyThe Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society (NJCHS) is seeking an Assistant to work in close partnership with the Executive Director promoting awareness of the important...

History Job at Harvard Business School

 [We share the following job posting. Note the deadline that is fast approaching: Nov.2, 2020.] Harvard Business School is seeking candidates with a Ph.D. in history for a tenure-track position in the Business, Government, and the International Economy (BGIE) unit.  While candidates may study any geographic region or time period, we are especially looking for scholars whose research...

Edwards to Princeton

The Princeton University Department of History has announced the appointment of Laura Edwards to the faculty. From the announcement:CreditLaura Edwards specializes in legal history. She comes to Princeton this winter from Duke University, where she was hired as an associate professor in 2001 and appointed...

Assistant Professorship in Legal History at Tilburg

[We have word of a listing of an Assistant Professor in Legal History job at Tilburg University, with a deadline of October 19.  DRE]Tilburg University | Tilburg Law School is looking for an Assistant Professor in Legal HistoryJob descriptionJob opportunity for an Assistant Professor in Legal History, in the department of Public Law and Governance (PLG). PLG is a large, diverse and interdisciplinary...

You Are What You Repeatedly Do

As a child, you probably heard your mother say something to the effect of, "don't make that face! You'll get stuck like that!" Well, as ludicrous as it sounds, she might've been on to something.Let's take, for example, someone who is a truck driver. His job requires him to be seated for 8+ hours at...