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Exercising? etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Exercising? etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Did You Know That You Can Cope With Stress and Anxiety By Exercising?

ByBob S Heiny

Can't find time to get to the gym every day? When you are really busy and under stress of deadlines and meetings it is difficult. What if you could have less stress in your life, look better and even lose weight by just getting some daily exercise. Would that make a difference? Getting aerobic exercise can reduce your stress and anxiety by up to 50%. While a workout isn't the be all end all for getting rid of the things you need to do, it will help your stress level. Just taking a morning run and then only half the stress! Wow!

Here are just some of the reasons exercise works for lowering your daily stress and anxiety.
Exercise gives you time to think. Most of the stress we have is in our mind because we worry about doing work and fixing the problems instead of just doing the work and fix the problems. When you exercise you have alone time to clear your head and focus on your problems and issues without a ton of distractions. Then, after your work out you can work on fixing the problems instead of just worrying about them.
Exercise gives you more energy. If you exercise in the morning, you get an energy boost to keep you going during the morning and into the afternoon. Stress makes you tired and you feel run down during the day and exercise can prevent that. You may still feel tired during the first few weeks of your consistent exercise, but be diligent and your energy will continue to improve.
Exercise improves your mood. The aerobic exercises that you do help you feel happier and ready to face whatever happens during the day by producing chemicals that make you feel that way. It increases the blood flow to your brain, thus furthering the happy and energetic feeling. The less stress you will have to get you down the better you will feel about life in general.
Exercise helps you sleep. A good quality on a regular basis night's sleep helps reduce stress better than anything, helping you cope with the stresses of everyday life. It not only recharges your tense, achy muscles, but refreshes your mind and helps you process all the information from your busy day. But you need to remember to do the aerobic exercises a good while before bedtime or you may be revved up and not able to sleep.

Try yoga or stretching if you either can't do an aerobic workout or don't think it is enough. Both of these are good for your sore, tense muscles and help to clear your mind and help you relax. Also, if you don't have time in the morning, these can also be done at night without interfering with your sleep (they may even help). You can learn the poses and movements by finding a book or taking a class and then you will be able to achieve your stress reduction.

Make a plan, take your class, find your book, start a workout routine and you will soon feel less anxious, less stressed and more relaxed every day.

Would you like to get rid of pain and be healthier YOU? Check here to find out how: Secrets to Ideal Fitness, and many more tips.

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