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Craven University Fellow etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Craven University Fellow etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

'Enough to satisfy the most ardent enthusiast for Greek ceramography'

As students arrived at the BSA they were faced with quantities of unpublished pots and fragments from excavations, chance finds and old collections. As George C. Richards expressed it in relation to his study of fragments from the Athenian akropolis, there is ‘enough to satisfy the most ardent enthusiast...

Oxford and Craven University Fellowships

Craven FellowshipsThe Fellowships shall be open to all who shall have passed the examinations required for the degree of Bachelor of Arts and who shall not have exceeded the 28th term from their matriculation. They shall be of the annual value of £200, and shall be tenable for two years. One Fellow shall be elected annually in Michaelmas Term by a committee of five persons appointed for the purpose...

BSA Students and the Church of England

Several of the BSA students were ordained members of the Church of England. Five Oxford men were ordained after their time in Athens. There is one Cambridge student who was admitted as a student after ordination.Rupert Charles Clarke (1866-1912) was the son of Frederick Ricketts Clarke, a printer in Taunton, Somerset. His father died when he was young, and his mother Elizabeth continued to run the...