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Calories Burned on Elliptical - Benefits and Drawbacks

ByTarsha Clark

Many people obsess over the best way to burn those unwanted calories. While there are many ways to skin a cat (so to speak), calories burned on elliptical trainer is great because they are low impact, dual action devices that are easy on your body. If you're contemplating ways to burn calories, you should understand the benefits of elliptical training.

Calories Burned on Elliptical Machines - A Full Body Workout

One of the greatest benefits of calories burned on elliptical machines is the ability to gain a full body workout. Many elliptical machines are equipped with hand poles that allow you to move your arms simultaneously with your legs. Good elliptical machines work out your arms, shoulders, chest, back and legs all at the same time. This is in contrast with the use of a treadmill, which allows you to work out your lower body only. Elliptical trainers give you the best of both worlds and help you save valuable time.

Low Impact

Some people choose to jog in an effort to burn calories and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Jogging outside or on a treadmill has its benefits, but there are also some major drawbacks. One disadvantage of jogging is that it can negatively impact your knees if it is done on a consistent basis. This happens to lead to one of the benefits of elliptical trainers. They are low impact trainers that do not cause pain in your knees or negatively affect your joints. It should be said that you may experience pain in your knees if you already have an underlying condition.

Convenient to Use

Another great benefit of using an elliptical trainer that is often overlooked is its convenience. Many machines can be stored under your bed or in a nearby closet. If you desire to train outside, elliptical trainers can easily fit on your deck or patio. Although some home models don't have all of the features offered on machines found in professional gyms, calories burned on elliptical home models are just are just as effective and real as going to a health club.

Slight Drawbacks

It would be irresponsible for me to neglect mentioning what some people consider a drawback of using exercising machines. Some people find the dual action (using your arms and legs together) to be sort of awkward, and prefer to use a treadmill or go walking or jogging. I should say that there are some elliptical machines that only offer lower body exercises. However, that kind defeats the purpose, in my opinion.

Trying an elliptical machine at a local gym or equipment store can give you a better idea of what to expect. Maintaining good posture and refraining from leaning into the handles are some key things to remember when focused on calories burned on elliptical trainers.

Ready to burn those unwanted calories and lose weight fast and effectively? Visit to Learn More about Calories Burned on Elliptical Trainers.

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The Number of Calories Burned on an Elliptical Trainer

If you have been trying to lose weight or just lose fat, then you probably already realize that dieting alone won't do it. You will need to get off of the couch and get more active. Although going for a walk is an easy thing to do, it is not always the most efficient in terms of your use of time. If you want to burn a lot of calories, then you will need to do something more vigorous than walking and that is why a lot of people are choosing elliptical trainers.

How Many Calories Burned on the Elliptical?

There are a few reasons why you can burn so many calories on an elliptical, and the first reason is because it makes you work most of your body. Although it may look like your legs and hips are doing all the work, your entire body is engaged and that means that you are burning calories.

You will find that half an hour of working out on a cross trainer is worth about an hour or more of walking at a very good pace. For instance, the calories burned on an elliptical for an average weight man is upwards of 800 calories per hour. Next to running, only swimming comes close to this kind of number. If you were walking, you would be lucky to burn 300 calories per hour.

How Do You Know How Many Calories Are Being Burned on an Elliptical?

There is no single number of how many calories you can definitely burn on an elliptical cross trainer because it depends on so many different factors. The calorie counter on an elliptical machine will give you a good estimate, but you should keep in mind that the number is based on a person of average weight. If you weigh more, then you will burn a lot more calories than someone who is slim.

In addition to your weight being important in the calculation, you should also keep in mind your overall state of fitness, your age, your gender, and how fast you are going. If you are really moving at top pace, you can actually burn up to 1,000 calories per hour, but you would have to be in pretty good shape to do that!

Calories Burned: Elliptical vs. Treadmill

Another reason why calories burned on an elliptical trainer is so good is because this machine is so much easier on your joints. Your feet never leave the pedals, so that means that there is no impact on your joints - your hips, knees, and ankles will thank you for it. Also, when you are on an elliptical, your arms and shoulders are moving, and that means that your core muscles (your abdominal muscles, obliques, and rear) are also moving. So, not only are you getting a much better workout on the elliptical than you are on the treadmill, but you are burning more calories.

What Should You Know About the Elliptical Trainer?

Before you get on any elliptical machine at your local gym, you should have someone show you all the features and how to use it. Most of the models that are in gyms these days have a number of programmable features, some of which are specifically designed for weight loss. By simply climbing on board, pressing a button or two, and starting to move your feet, you will be able to start burning calories. It may be a tougher workout than simply walking on the treadmill, but if you are looking to lose weight, lose fat, and burn calories, then getting on an elliptical is definitely worth your time.

For further information on the Calories burned on an elliptical then visit our website. Alternatively click here for elliptical trainers

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