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Beijing etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Beijing etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Flat Stanley Climbs the Wall

Have any of you ever heard of Flat Stanley? Me neither. Until a little while ago. Mr. Lovely's very lovely niece is doing a project in school where you have to draw a person (aka Stanley), color him in and then send him to your relatives and friends. Then they take him somewhere, Disneyland or the Golden Gate Bridge, and take a photo of him living it up in said place.We took Stanley to the Great Wall....

Notes On China

I am going to have to do a few China recaps, since I couldn't get onto blogger, I didnt really post too much. However, today I am short of time, so I will leave you with a few random facts about China.- % of population under the poverty line (US$1/day) in 1979: 64%-% of population under the poverty line in 2007: 10%-Average annual income in Shanghai 2007: US$3090- Average annual income in urban areas...

Kung Fu Fighting

Have you ever taken the subway in a big city? Have you done it during rush hour? With your next 6 months worth of clothing on your back? We usually try to avoid the subways during rush hour times and sometimes if we do have our luggage, we will walk or even spring for a cab rather than bashing people with our items. However, when you live in a country with approximately 1.5 billion people, you get...

Summer Palace in Winter

Near Beijing, there is a palace that the royals used to use in the summertime. it is called the Summer Palace.  It gets really hot in the summertime in the city, so they enlarged Kunming lake and built a palace on the hill next to it, where they went to swim and relax. Today we went to see this...