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The Best Movies of 2019

TOP 5 Hollywood Movies of 2019 

Where to watch: moviesailor 

01.Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame

Over the last eleven years, Marvel Studios has engineered a franchise in contrast to something the motion-picture show world has ever seen before. over simply launching an improbable run of multiple series that every center on distinctive characters and establish their own specific aesthetics, they’ve conjointly maintained associate degree vastly complicated continuity that expands with every new story. each movie maker UN agency contributes to the universe adds a brand new piece to the puzzle, carving out one thing totally different and numerous that's conjointly crafted to feature to the larger image.

Within this approach there square measure gradients, and it ends up in 2 basic styles of Marvel Studios films. On one facet you have got titles like Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Guardians Of The Galaxy, that realize their own corner of the expansive world and use that specific realty for comparatively contained storytelling. On the opposite facet there square measure titles just like the Avengers and Captain America: warfare, that square measure designed with the complete scope of the franchise in mind, and utilize specific details and components of the larger continuity to make one thing each reflective and new.

As tremendous and exceptional because the movies within the former class may be (and that’s pretty extreme), it’s those within the latter that create the Marvel medium Universe actually special. merely creating a cogent and fun blockbuster may be a ridiculous challenge all by itself, therefore you’d assume that at the same time incorporating huge|the huge|the large} details of multiple alternative massive films would be much not possible. And yet, the studio has been triple-crown time and time once more.

This brings U.S.A. to Joe and Anthony Russo’s Avengers: Endgame – {a film|a motion-picture show} that has been specifically delineate over the last four-and-a-half years because the movie that will be the last word capstone for the franchise, and exist because the story to that all of the previous twenty one chapters are leading. clearly that’s an improbable quantity of hoopla, and also the upshot is that it’s currently thought of {one of|one among|one in all|one amongst|one in each of} the foremost anticipated releases in history… however what’s even a lot of totally spectacular is that the undeniable fact that every ounce of that hoopla is completely even.

Simply put, Avengers: Endgame is one amongst the foremost formidable, fun, emotional, and beautiful blockbusters we’ve ever seen, and also the best film within the Marvel medium Universe canon to date.

Based on a script by patron saint Markus and author McFeely (who antecedently wrote four of the most effective films during this franchise), the motion-picture show picks up following the shattering events of last year’s Avengers: eternity War, and finds the living heroes (Robert Downey boy., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlet Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Paul Rudd, Tibeto-Burman Gillan, Bradley Cooper, and cheese Larson) determining the way to go on when Thanos (Josh Brolin) with success managed to gather all six eternity Stones and wipe out 1/2 all life existing. period of time and devastation is real following their defeat, however the titular team, living up to their name, isn't able to hand over. victimisation each their sinew and their brains, they concoct an inspiration that they hope won't solely cause defeating the Mad Titan, however conjointly right the horrific wrong that has been inflicted on the universe.

If it’s not obvious, the unclearness of that plot description is entirely intentional, because the surprises that unfold in Avengers: Endgame’s perfectly-paced 3 hour runtime will solely be properly appreciated once in person witnessed – and there’s a brand new one that comes around almost each 5 minutes as you’re looking at. whether or not it’s actors you ne'er expected in an exceedingly million years to indicate up; locations you ne'er thought you’d see; or plot twists that return from the car parking zone behind left field, it’s a motion-picture show that not solely keeps you perpetually shot concerning what may probably return next, however succeeds in dropping your jaw with each swing that it takes, each with the novel and also the acquainted.

In reflection, it seems like each alternative was the selection that the film required to form so as to achieve success. however at a similar time it's psychoactive  to acknowledge each however well the motion-picture show pulls them off, which the franchise as an entire has gotten to an area wherever they might truly be done.

Arriving half and parcel with all of those surprises is that the extraordinarily fun expertise that's looking at the film. Thus far, the greatness of the Russo brothers’ contributions to the Marvel medium Universe has been found within the dramatic weight and heft that they’ve delivered to these stories – at a steady increasing level from Captain America: The Winter Soldier to Captain America: warfare to Avengers: eternity War – and whereas all of that's still there, Avengers: Endgame conjointly incorporates a remarkably totally different tone. It’s most positively still associate degree emotional ride, and in moments is truly heartrending, however the character of its story conjointly permits it to be fun in an exceedingly manner that’s solely been practiced in little tastes in their previous options. it'll be a challenge for just about anyone to look at this one while not a goofy grin plastered on their face for the majority of the runtime (especially throughout the climactic third act, that is associate degree epic masterpiece in contrast to something else).

It would be subtractive to decision this film a personal letter to Marvel fans, as that paints it as pandering and undersells its broader attractiveness, however at a similar time it will desire an exquisite gift to any or all people who have spent the last decade-plus showing emotion partaking with the lives and adventures of those characters. The Russo brothers, Markus and McFeely, and also the true mastermind of it all, Kevin Feige, square measure utterly tapped  in to everything that we tend to worth concerning these heroes, {and each|and each} ounce of their shared appreciation flows through the veins of Avengers: Endgame in every moment. It’s still arduous to believe even when seeing it, however what once looked like associate degree not possible dream is currently an outstanding reality – and one that audiences square measure planning to wish to expertise over and all over again.

Watch and download: moviesailor

02. Alita: Battle Angel

 Alita: Battle Angel

Release date: February 14
Cast: Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, Keean Johnson, Mahershala Ali
Director: Robert Rodriguez (Sin City)
Why it's great: The first issue you notice area unit the massive eyes, beckoning like portals to a different dimension. Alita, a bionic man discovered in an exceedingly yard by a presumably mad someone consumed with grief over the death of his girl, is contend by the role player Rosa Salazar, United Nations agency appeared in 2 of the Maze Runner YA adaptions and last year's Netflix hit Bird Box, however she's dropped at uncanny life via technology Alita producer and co-writer James Cameron developed for his alien environmental music Avatar. (Cameron was originally aiming to direct Alita however he got sidetracked by the planet of the Na'vi.) Compared to Avatar, or different recent colourful acts of gonzo-world-building like Jupiter Ascending or Valerian: town of k Planets, Alita: Battle Angel moves in fits and starts, often troubled to merge Cameron's hyper-earnest, ponderous sensibility with Rodriguez's additional garrish, ironic approach. Still, once the film connects, like within the ridiculous and kinetic "motorball" sequence that finds our hero warding off bestial attackers in an exceedingly violent game of X-Games tag, it's as exhilarating as this kind of reality-altering, money-burning sci-fi blockbuster gets. maybe fitting for a story a couple of character's sophisticated relationship to her own body, the film takes time to feel comfy in its own CG skin.
Where to watch: moviesailor

03.John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum

John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum

Release date: May 17
Cast: Keanu Reeves, Halle Berry, Laurence Fishburne, Mark Dacascos
Director: Chad Stahelski (John Wick: Chapter 2)
Why it’s great: Whether he is slamming associate enemy within the face with a book in an exceedingly library or dodging stray bullets whereas pace down a Manhattan street on horseback, John Wick remains calm. The always-on-the-run assassin, returning for the third entry during this astonishingly resilient series, shows weakness, pain, and even vulnerability, however no weapon will puncture the armor of stillness Reeves brings to the role, and his performance is what makes these movies thus riveting. The story is usually silly -- Wick has been declared "excommunicado" by the order of assassins he wont to belong to and should hunt down recent allies across the world -- however Reeves and his collaborators, together with series director Stahelski and therefore the top-notch stunt team, ne'er lose sight of the core parts that build Wick tick. while the mythology grows a lot of difficult, the solid expands to introduce funny named characters just like the human (Billions break-out Asia Kate Dillon) or The Director (Angelica Huston), and therefore the fights become even a lot of elaborate, Reeves floats through the film. notwithstanding a number of the original's underworld grit has been shined away, replaced with scuff-free comic-book sumptuousness and spirits industrial ambiance, the series stays committed to easy pleasures. aboard Tom Cruise's a lot of externally stressed Ethan Hunt, Wick remains the most effective action hero Hollywood should provide.
Where to watch: moviesailor

04.Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

Release date: July 26
Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, Emile Hirsch
Director: Quentin Tarantino (The Hateful Eight)
Why it's great: Both riotously funny and achingly melancholy, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood could be a film concerning associate degree trade in a very tough transition amount. Similarly, the film, which mixes the relaxed  hang-out atmosphere of Jackie Brown with the additional externally bold expressive style of Inglourious Basterds, signals a shift modish for film maker, a generation X icon approaching his self-proclaimed artistic twilight years. whereas Robbie's Sharon poet and also the medico Family give the historical heft to the fabric, the friendly relationship between DiCaprio's fictional actor Rick physicist and Pitt's made-up stuntman geological formation Booth is that the core of this dazzling, beguiling epic in miniature, that unfolds over a handful lazy afternoons in 1969. Ever the fanboy, the director relishes the possibility to recreate the Western TV shows, dime store novels, platitudinal commercials, and booze-fueled shoptalk these days '60s l.  a.  , however he additionally captures the additional unchanged pleasures of sharing those cultural commodities with the opposite individuals in your life. film maker is not essentially declaring that the facility of cinema will cure loneliness, raise the dead, or amendment the tragedies of the past. he is simply suggesting it will alleviate the pain.
Where to watch: moviesailor

05.Hail Satan?

Hail Satan?

Release date: April 19
Director: Penny Lane (Our Nixon)
Why it's great: While Devil has been around for a protracted time, the Satanic Temple, the first focus of this artful documentary, was based in 2013 by Malcolm Krauthead and Lucien Greaves. The interpreter for the cluster, Greaves speaks authoritatively and humor regarding the organization's larger political, social, and system goals, that focus on spiritual freedom and also the separation of church and state. (Justifiably, the Satanic Temple doesn't like once governments install the Decalogue in State Capitals.) although they wear black and infrequently get pleasure from serious metal, these are not the Satanists of the Satanic Panic within the '80s, that gets a CliffNotes treatment here, or the robe-wearing fanatics from horror films. exploitation repository material of Sunday school cartoons and news programs, Lane offers the viewer a crash programme on Satanism's place in history whereas additionally accenting the activist nature of contemporary Satanists. Despite some repetitive interviews, Hail Devil works as a funny, thoughtful primer on a bunch that solely trolls with the most effective intentions.
Where to watchmoviesailor



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