Bayram Cigerli Blog

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"We wash your lotus feet with blood
The life force of our enemy.
We slay all those who would defy you
And with grim death seal their destiny."

I realized lately that since I began building this internet community of dark sided, alpha level, self improvement manuscript I have been on a mission to eliminate "fitness tags" that seem to hinder improvement from the mouths of weightlifters. They kind of drive a wedge between the factions of physical fitness. People want to belong. Its just human instinct. Attaching a label and following the rules of the community help people belong and move forward together. That's all well and good but I think it does more harm than good when people maintain their preference of lifting like its the fucking Hunger Games. Crossfitter, Powerlifter, Bodybuilder, Powerbuilder, P-90X-er, SEALfit etc.. Why limit yourself? What if you can perform, keep up, and compete with all of those classes seamlessly? I think at the dark hearted core of this blog that is my intention. Taking the best of every facet of fitness and molding it to create a superior human. A human that can adequately perform every possible physical task asked or expected of him. I want a legion of men who have base and knowledge of all things rooted in strength, image, and endurance. My intention is to to steer this cult of Iron Wolves into an open world of no rules, classic strength gains. Void unnecessary labels or logos. You are not one thing or the other. You are simply a person. A person who moves heavy things, endures discomfort at different speeds, operates on infinite knowledge, and you look good doing it. I always tell me friends "I wanna be strong as fuck and look good naked." I accept no compromise. By any means necessary.

I kinda hate to say this but this is honestly how I feel…..I am not impressed with person who can preform a 600 pound dead lift and cannot do 1 pull-up. The same goes for a person reppin' 400lbs. for 4 in the squat and cannot complete a single quarter mile lap on a track without puking/passing out/getting hurt. I understand people have their specialties, their focus is narrow and they are following their passion. I cannot argue faith so to speak. I support your endeavor. But this blog is not dedicated to just one school of lifting or one aspect of fitness. Its a full circle of physical and mental strength, endurance, physique, fortitude, dominance, and ultimately self satisfaction.

The intent and purpose of creating this blog was founded on the platform of spreading the belief that every man has positive control his existence. That you are the architect and creator of an ideal body. I want readers and followers of this bizarre corner of internet to understand how just a sliver of raw motivation can cause friction, which creates the spark, that births the fire that cannot be extinguished. I love to seeing people of all shapes and sizes doing whatever it takes to become a dominate force in the gym, in their life, and in the real world. A world filled with danger, split decisions, survival, defending what you love, protecting what you own, and living up to the ideals of what true strength is.

I have made several mentions in the past about incorporating new workouts, lifts,and eating habits into your life.  Like a chemist in the gym. experimenting with strange or difficult lifts.I practice what I preach. I have my workouts loosely structured for the week with wiggle room to the left and right. Say I wanna workout with a brother. I can adjust fire and sync up my lifts so our chest days fall on the same. Or if I have hit it hard four days in a row. Im feeling a little gassed and sore. Was expecting a rest on the 5th day but the motivation parasite latches onto me and hatches its eggs inside of my heart. I say fuck it! Im going in to lift with you bros. I call this my Wild Card.

On this day I come in to the gym hot. Not really knowing what I am going to hit but know that I wanna bring the smoke and get a good pump/sweat. I feel what muscles are good, which ones to avoid overworking, and take note of what lift is tomorrow.  I give myself a few ideas and then let them free. Here is an example of last weeks wildcard workout. Maybe something you want to try?

I hit the treadmill with my phone timer handy. I did 30/60's (running for 30 seconds, walking for 60 seconds) increasing my sprint speed by 1 mph each time until I could no longer keep up with the speed for 30 seconds. I started at walking at 3mph and running at 4 mph. The 3mph was the constant and the variable was my sprint. 5,6,7,8,9,10,11mph. I tapped out at 12mph. mainly because our gym is temporarily located in the basement and it can get painfully hot and muggy.

I jumped off the treadmill but was still motivated. I didn't wanna over due the cardio but knew I need a "gut check" exercise. Something weighted, something uncomfortable, and something that would push me to the brink of failure but tap the inner die-hard reserve I had inside of me. One that I did very fucking frequently in the Infantry. Like at least every two weeks I did some kinda of event for PT that made me hate myself but also made me a stronger solider.

On the fly I went to the white board and wrote 10% incline, 3.5mph, 1 minute. I grabbed two 15 pound dumbbells and walked  out on the treadmill with those settings. Each minute I would pause the treadmill. re-rack the DB's and go up 5LBS. I kept doing this until either my grip failed or my tiny heart showed. 15,20,25,30,35,40. I hit 40 and I was like "fuck. that last one wasn't pretty. Fuck it,  I gotta make it 45 just to satisfy my strange OCD when writing out  my lifts. grabbed two 45 pound plates and walked that 10% 3.5mph until failure. I made it 2 minutes and a few seconds before I tapped out. It felt great, it made my calves, hamstrings, quads, forearms, traps, and lungs burn. Next time I do that workout Im going to aim for 2:30 with the 45 plates. This is an example of the extremely important and vital task of creating attainable short term goals that keep my mind satisfied and my body getting stronger if even by just a few seconds.
Three classic physiques that are well within our limits to achieve. Textbook example of strength and thick build without being misshapen or gross. Which boils down to these dudes can still get laid.

 I didn't anticipate it at the time but I was actually helping my secondary dead lift muscles and strengthening all the parts of my body activated when dead lifting. It felt so good and was kinda fun I decided that Im going to patent that session and make it part of my Black Metal Fitness workout bible (something that I am working on as a downloadable PDF. Of course it will be free of charge. No profits just punishments)

So in conclusion of this workout, I managed to do meaningful cardio in the form of sprints and also gave myself that endurance style cardio using pyramid weights, steep incline, and little rest. Burning off my fat while building up muscle at the same damn time.

Terry Fox. Canadian runner and touted high school athlete. Lost his leg to cancer when he was 20. Ran across Canada to raise money to fight cancer. He ran every single day for 143 days he ran a total of 3,339 miles. That is the equivalent of running a full marathon every day. His cancer ultimately came back which killed him. He literally died running.
I don't ever wanna hear your busch league excuses or catch you pandering for sympathy. This man is the golden standard for die-hard. Always honored to pay my respects to the forefathers of discipline and motivation such as this man. 30 for 30 has a documentary about him. Its on Netflix now. It is required viewing. 
R.I.P to all the weights out there in America killed in the line of lifting. Your memory lives on in our gains. 


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