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What makes Pilates so Cool?

It seems everywhere you turn someone is doing Pilates. Some thought this might just be a fad, but as the years pass more people are discovering the benefits of this great exercise. We have always recognized the value of core building and flexibility, and have seen amazing results in people of all age groups and fitness levels. To understand the benefits, you must first understand the exercise.

What is Pilates?

This form of exercise was developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s with a focus on building core muscles. He developed the basics of the exercise while in a British Interment Camp during WWI. He coined it "Contrology". His goal was to teach people to use their mind to control the core muscles combined with breath awareness to improve posture, core strength and overall physical health. For a while it was only practiced by a few dedicated students who kept the tradition alive until mainstream fitness trainers recognized its value and began to teach it to a new generation of students.

Pilates in Practice

One of the most noticeable aspects of this exercise is that it doesn't involve a lot of repetitions for each move. The movements are done purposely and with precision to yield results. Many Pilates programs focus around the 6 principles and these core ideals are what gives Pilates its powerful results.

Centering: Focusing on the center or core of the body.

Concentration: Being mentally engaged during the exercise to bring about maximum results.

Control: Every motion is done with complete control over the whole body.

Precision: The moves are precise and careful attention is given to maintain proper form.

Breath: Using a full breath is important. Fully inhaling and exhaling during the exercises.

Flow: Fluidity and grace are important components of the exercise.

Join Us!

Our Pilates instructors use holistic and innovative techniques to allow you to experience the amazing benefits of this program and enjoy every minute of it. You can choose from direct one-on-one sessions or join a class. We practice a wide range of exercises that will be a great addition to your current work-outs or the start of something extraordinary.

Get More Information or Sign-Up Today

To get more information or to schedule a session please call 970-920-9595 or visit us at



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