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Tala Council Newsletter July 2012

As the new President of Tala, I have had a busy first few months in office and have just become a yiayia.  There is a lot to do and you will recall that I promised transparency, good management and advised that laws would be enforced.

As a first step, a regular newsletter will be produced by the Council.  This will be available on  For those who do not have access to a computer, copies can be collected from the council office.  The website will also include details of what entertainment is coming up in Tala and at the Kamares Club.  All this information will be under ‘Announcements’ for the time being.   The next issue of the newsletter will be issued on the 21 September.  A binder containing the council minutes will also be available for residents to view if they wish, in the council office.  Please note that this binder cannot be taken out of the office, nor the contents copied. 

An urgent priority was the formation of a welfare group for those aged 60+.  We have furnished the premises, have the fire certificate and have just received the final authorisation slip.  The centre will, therefore, be officially opened on Tuesday 17 July  and everyone is welcome to come along between 8.30am and 10.30 am  on that day to hear what is proposed and to listen to your suggestions.   The intention is to operate the centre for coffee and a simple breakfast for the time being, with arranged activities and outings.  I have also obtained permission from the Co-Operative Savings Bank to use the former office of the Bank to provide additional space for the Centre and to allow the Post Office to move into what was the banking section of the Bank.  I do not yet have any date for this work to start.

I also recognise that dogs are a problem in Tala.  Owners of dogs must have licences from the council and again information regarding this can be found under Announcements.  In addition to the licence, there are also other responsibilities – the main ones of which are:
- dogs must be walked on a lead and not allowed to run freely
- owners must clear up after their dogs. 
- owners have a responsibility to prevent their dog creating a nuisance due to barking. 

When I took office, I realised that the Council offices were in need of some urgent repairs.  Some work has been done, but, now the summer weather has arrived, repairs to the roof will also be carried out.  In addition, the working conditions for the staff were not ideal and the technology they had was insufficient.  There is now a proper counter and seating in case you are waiting for attention and the technology issue has been addressed..

One of the major concerns to anyone using the road into Kamares was the state of the telegraph poles.  These were leaning at a dangerous angle as a result of the subsiding properties above.  I am pleased to say that the Electricity Authority has straightened these and there is now no immediate risk of them falling onto passing cars. 

We have now completed the cleaning of all the green areas, and can also advise that Leptos have undertaken to keep the green areas in Kamares clear.  We are currently working our way through clearing the empty plots which the owners have neglected to clear.  The owners will be charged for this work, as in the past they have not been.  I hope you have noticed that, as a council, we have made strenuous efforts to clean weeds from the pavements and have a general tidy-up.  I am also regularly approached by residents regarding green areas.  If
you have a green area close to your house and wish to adopt and maintain this, please contact me.   There will be some restrictions as to what you can and cannot do with the area [for instance you will not be able to fence or wall it, or incorporate it within your own garden] but as we have limited staff to carry out all the outside work required within the community, we would prefer to see well maintained green areas instead of ‘dumping grounds’.

In view of the cost of the annual clean-up, we have been investigating suitable alternatives.  We have, therefore, decided to purchase a Bob Cat with various attachments which means that we will be able to clean the roads, pavements and green areas throughout the year.  The cost of the Bob Cat equates to the cost of the annual clean up which is done in May to July each year.  We are also lucky that we have two council employees who have HGV licences who are able to drive the vehicle.

I was also concerned about the risk of fire in the village, particularly as one of the council vehicles is the designated ‘fire vehicle’ fitted with the requisite equipment for emergencies.  As this vehicle was being used on council business and taken out of the village on a regular basis, the Council have acquired an additional vehicle so that the ‘fire truck’ will remain in Tala at all times.  In addition, we have agreed with the ‘fire watch staff’ that for the summer months they will patrol around Tala so that they are immediately available should a fire break out and also to act as a deterrent to arsonists.  Should you spot any sign of fire, please ring Daniel on 99 699125 or Nikos on 99 630613 for immediate attention.

As a Council we have appointed FirstBiz to prepare a masterplan for Tala and to investigate availability of EU funding.  We have several infrastructure projects in mind as a result of the information provided by you in the questionnaires and further information will be provided in future issues.

With regard to the condition of the roads in Tala, we are restricted to essential repairs only until the question of the sewerage has been resolved.    Some urgent repairs have already been carried out, but any further asphalting will be done later in the year when the temperature has reduced.

I hope too that you have noticed the additional road markings on the main roads around the village, and the additional road signs which have been installed.   You will also have been aware of the works carried out by the Electricity Authority on Stephanie Hill and Miltiadi Stylianou.  I am pleased to advise that the damage caused has  been repaired.  We are also reviewing pavement needs in other areas of Tala.

Collection of waste is also a cause for concern.  If you are not aware, the dump in Paphos has been closed which means that all our waste has to go to Limassol.  The dump closure in Paphos is the first step in moving towards additional sorting and recycling of waste materials [as required by the EU] and an increase in the cost of general refuse collection.

You will be aware that we have a pilot scheme underway for the collection of garden and other non-kitchen waste from your homes.  This came about as there were problems operating the garden waste dump in Tala – mainly due to the fact that if the site was left open, anything and everything was dumped.  If it was locked, there were problems with people obtaining and returning a key. 

We have been collecting garden and other waste from homes for a couple of months now with a view to acquiring sufficient garden waste to see if it is worth our while to obtain our own shredder or to pay someone with a shredder to make the waste into compost.  Further information will follow in later editions.

I frequently receive complaints about the state of the Pafilia building site near to the Co-Op Bank.  Following a meeting with Pafilia, I am pleased to advise that I have received a promise that they will tidy up the site and replace the scruffy hoardings.  I have also been advised that they hope to restart work on the project before the end of this year and continue until completion.

Those of you who live near to the football pitch will also have noticed some activity.  Unfortunately in the current climate we have to ensure the safety of the Council’s assets, whether it be machinery or vehicles.  We are, therefore, in the process of creating a secure storage facility for these assets.

You may not be aware that the kindergarten and junior schools in Tala come under the control of the Council.  Whilst the Education Authority funds the teaching salaries and provides the education materials, the Council has a certain responsibility for the premises, provision of catering facilities and secretarial staff.  Following a discussion with the Head Teacher there, the Elementary School now has a much needed shaded area.  The children are also benefitting from the free karate lessons promised by Daniel Andreou in the election campaign, and I am pleased to say that we have a summer school in operation this year.

Those of you living near to the site of the new kindergarten have been inconvenienced greatly during the last 12 months, not only by the building work, but also due to the fact that the road had to be lifted as it was collapsing.  Unfortunately, complications arose when the contractor tried to rebuild the road, but I am glad to say that the road is now finished and we are back on track to open the new kindergarten in September for the new school year – unfortunately some 12 months behind schedule!

One final issue close to most people’s hearts is the lack of cemetery in Tala.  You will be aware that an exchange of land took place some 2 years ago, allowing the new Church to be built and providing a large piece of land for the cemetery.  Unfortunately, the land is not in the name of the village and it is, therefore, impossible for the Council to borrow money to fund the cemetery project at the present time   In addition, extra money will possibly be required to improve the roads in that area.  I will keep you posted as to developments.

If you wish to be active in your community and offer your services [whether it be helping at events, being involved in the various committees which will be set up, or providing assistance with the welfare centre, youth club and activities, sporting activities or a woman’s group, please contact Cathi Delaney on toffee@primehome.comor John Moffat on

Areti Pieridou

Coming events at the Amphitheatre: [all listed on]

15 July – Greek theatre.  Το ταβλι του Δημητρη Κεχαιdη
A Greek comedy, in Greek, based on the contemporary age we live in.  Two gentlemen are playing backgammon and their minds wander . . .  Show starts 8.30pm.  €5 payable on the door.

22 July – Frontline Band tribute show to George Benson & Carlos Santana.  This event has unfortunately been cancelled due to illness.

28 July – Greek theatre.  Δοννα Τερηδονα
In Greek.  For children.  Starts 8.30pm.  €2 payable on the door. 

2 August – Greek Theatre Η Γιαλλουρου
A Greek comedy in Greek.  A young shepherd falls in love with a girl in his village and the play tells the story of the many comical excuses and lies the girl has to tell to her mother in order to see the boy! Show starts 8.30pm.  €5 payable on the door.

5 August – Festival arranged by the Youth Club – further information will follow shortly.

8 August – Greek Theatre Η κοινατη. . . χαμστερ 
In Greek.  A modern version of Snow White – for children and adults. Show starts 8.30pm  €2 payable on the door.

12 August – Greek Theatre Ετρηπησεν η Πογγκαμας  Greek comedy, in Greek -  a tale of today – we have a hole in our pocket . . . the money just disappears! Show starts 8.30pm   €5 payable on the door.

20 August – Phil Collins tribute – new booking and further information will follow shortly.

August – Date to be announced – show put on by the pupils of the summer school in Tala

15 September – The Devil Wears Primark by Kathleen Ruddy. 
The brand new comedy production from the writer of Sex, Chips & Ouzo.  Tickets available from Cartridge World or Cathi on  or 26 653132 at €15 up to 31 July, thereafter €20.

16 September – Frontline Band
Rock, rock, rock!   This band can really play as anyone who has heard them can confirm. 
Doors open 7pm.  Show starts 8pm. €5 payable on the door

22 September – The Rat Pack Show
After rave reviews, the Rat Pack show makes a return visit to the Amphitheatre. See Dean, Frank and Sammy come to life before your eyes.  Times yet to be announced, but event will be ticketed.   Tickets will be €10.  To pre-book tickets, please email 


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