Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Last Week (4)

Whew. I have been a bit MIA the last week or so, because of the holiday, an unplanned trip to San Francisco, friends visiting and more. So hold on to your hats, grab a PBR or your favorite summer cocktail and check out what's been happening while I was gone.

Men. You can't live with them and you can't send them to the grocery store. 
Exhibit A: Make coffee. 
1.5 cups of grounds + 6 cups water = something resembling Turkish coffee.
Exhibit B: Go to the grocery store. 
Meat, cheese, condiments and...booze. Lots of booze (not all pictured!)

Top: Santa Cruz's Wilder Ranch
Bottom: Three Sisters, OR

I ate my first garden veggies. Basil and chives. 
Small but delicious. 
I am also growing (not killing!) several others and can't wait to eat them.

We had friends over for the 4th.
There was wine and conversation. 
Good times.

I took them on a hike through the redwoods. 
You want the free tour? Come visit! I still have limited availability!

Oh the bookstore. I went, but instead of buying books (since I am banned) I wrote down some new finds.
A few on the list (pictured below):
The Wilder Life: My Adventures in the Lost World of the Little House on the Prairie

A sign inside a local store. 
Are we allowed to say this in public now? 

The temperature while I was in Oregon! 
Summer? Hello? And I hear people are having a heat wave. 

I dropped a jar of pickles. 
My biggest regret? I wanted the jar to store beans in. 
Also I got glass pretty much EVERYWHERE. I was finding it in corners for days afterward! 

On my runs, I go past these every day. 
Do you know how hard it is not to run with scissors and a bag and bring some home next time? 

Beer fest. 
Verdict? I can't drink $30 worth of 4 oz beer. 
But I tried. 

How was your week? Who does the shopping in your household? Do you like artichokes?

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