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Monday Escapes: Travel Wish List 2012

At the beginning of the year, instead of making a resolution I will probably not end up keeping, I prefer to dream and plan into reality a fantasy travel spot.  Last year, these were my picks (I made it to Belize and Guatemala-2 out of the 4).  This year will be much more challenging with a baby on the way, but I am hoping I can make it to one of these places:

1. Sweden

I don't know why watching the new American version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo makes me want to visit Stockholm, as it appears downright cold and ominous in the film (I wrote about this phenomenon last year).  But in general, I have a strong draw towards wanting to visit many places in Northern Europe, and this tops my list.  And let's not forget the design and fashion influence that this country wields, which I would love to see in person.

2. Charleston, South Carolina

I don't want to ignore all of the wonderful places I have yet to see in the U.S., so I try to make it to a new U.S. city once a year as well.  Charleston has been on my radar for quite some time for the ambience, restaurants, and great shopping I have read and heard about it from bloggers and friends who have visited.

3. Caribbean

We always like to spend time at a new beach locale once a year.  There is nothing like a rejuvenating trip to a white sand beach with an abundance of palm trees to help you revive and recharge.

4. San Diego

Just so I'm not setting myself up to fail, I will add San Diego to this list.  I already have multiple trips in mind for friend's weddings and baby celebrations I plan on attending!

What places are on your travel wish list?

*Images via Pinterest


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