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Creme de la Cakeball

As a lover of sweets, I would go so far as to say you have not lived unless you have tried a cakeball.  Yes, they are that good!

I was introduced to a cakeball at one of my best friend's wedding, when she served them as favors.  Everyone was obsessed, and if you weren't quick to take your favor, people stole them off the table right under your nose.

She ordered her cakeballs from Kruffles in Los Angeles.  

images via Kruffles

Could the designs be any cuter?

But it was Creme de la Cookie in Dallas that instilled in her a love for cakeballs, and at her insistence, I made an impromptu trip to try out her original inspiration myself.

Let me just say, you will know where to find me if you ever happen to be in Dallas.  


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