Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive

and You think sailing is slow..

Current Location: Billabong's Location

During our development/testing of BlurbBits, we scoured the internet for interesting blogs that contain lat/long locations (or full georss support).

We found the Virgin Global Row site. This guy is trying to row around Antarctica

and it is expected to take 18-22 months (with One Stop).

After 17 days he's only covered 305 miles. We would typically cover this distance in less than 3 days, you driving on the freeway: 5 hours. I would NEVER take Billabong down there, waves travel around the world unimpeded by land, 40 foot seas are not uncommon. We added him to our BlurbBit examples. We can map his blog posts on an interactive map and/or create gadgets of map summaries or blog albums that can be shared or embedded on sites/blogs.

See Official Google Blog: The rowboat and the cloud to learn more about Google's role. Hmm.. wish we could have that level of support.

Go Olly go..

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