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Arnav meets Sheetal and Aarav - Episode 367 - Pics

He introduces Sheetal to Khushi

Arnav meets his old college friend, Sheetal and her son Arav

Arnav scolds Khushi for risking her life while saving Aarav

Anjali and Payal spend time with each other

Anjali shares her feelings with her

Khushi saves a small boy from the kidnappers - Episode 366 - Pics






Khushi Shares Five Simple Health Care Tips for Diabetes!


Hello friends, as you all know I was dead scared when little Arnav fainted. After being checked by a doctor, we came to know he is a diabetic. Even Arnavji is suffering from diabetes and for a diabetic person it is very important to maintain a healthy and disciplined lifestyle. So here are a few simple tips that I learnt from Arnavji which can help you stay in check if you are a diabetic.

1) Follow a disciplined timetable:

Eat your meals on time. Do not skip/miss meal as it could lead to weakness or health complications. Regular workouts help in keeping the sugar level in control while also contributing to your overall fitness.
2) If travelling, plan ahead:

If you are travelling somewhere, pack extra medicines and insulin syringes. One never knows when one might need extra insulin. It is better to be carrying extra medicines and insulin than being sorry for later. Also, carry your doctor’s prescription of the medicines, syringes and lancets with yourself.

3) Keep a check on tests:

Always make a chart or book to keep a check on when you took the last shot or had your tests done. It will help in keeping a check on your sugar level and also work as a record of your insulin shots, medicines and tests.

4) Always carry snacks:

Usually work doesn’t allow much free time, so you may overlook your eating patterns and not eat between the meals. This may not always be good for health. So pack snacks that can be eaten whenever you get the time.

5) Consult a doctor for diarrhea and vomiting:

Consult a doctor for diarrhea and vomiting medicines. A person is suffering from these illness tends to dehydrate and that’s why doctors prescribe glucose via medicines. But a diabetic person cannot be given glucose as it will increase the sugar level in their blood, which could be dangerous.

These are just basic things to take care of if you are a diabetic person. Do take your doctor's suggestions and advice whenever needed. Feel free to share more tips on diabetes health care. And do let me know if these tips were useful.


Spoiler Pics - 30th October 2012 - Basketball Match Between Arnav and Sheetal






Preview Preview









Creature of Habit

I am a creature of habit. I find that it makes things easier. Rather than scrambling around in the morning or forgetting something, I feel like if I always do it the same way, it is less likely to go wrong. There are a few things I always do.

Keys: The keys always go in the same place. It a nice empty place where they can't get piled in with a bunch of other things. They have their own place of honor and they always go there. When I am on the move, they always go in the same pocket of my purse, every time.

Coffee: I almost always set up the coffee the night before if I am working the next day. That way I can get up, turn on the pot and then start getting ready for my day while it's brewing. However, I am not really a coffee snob. I have been known to make a whole pot and just nuke it the next day if there is some left over.

White Board: I have a white board where I write my weekly schedule: to do, running, shopping and evening activities all go on the board. Each Sunday, I wipe away all the things I got done and rewrite my coming week's items. It makes me feel like I have accomplished something, even when it's minor (I also leave the finished things up on the board until Sunday so I can revel is the joy of getting them done).

Black Pants: I own several pairs of black slacks. I find it's much easier to just grab a random pair of pants and snatch up a shirt and voila, I have an "outfit". It's not super exciting, but it's efficient.

Water Plants: I have this little ritual when I get home where I water the veggies and pick anything that's ripe. It feels good and seeing food that I have grown (not killed!) is very satisfying and I find it's a great way to wind down after a long day.

Alarm: I like to get up early and have a bit of extra time to get a few things done. Sometimes its something online, or maybe it's updating my planner or organizing a little bit. Either way, it makes me feel more productive during the day to not have rushed around in the morning.

Lunch: I always pack my lunch the night before. I suppose it's all the same, since it takes the same amount of time whether you do it at night or in the morning, but by doing it at night I have that little bit of extra time to do my organizing or whatever in the morning.

Shower: The routine is always the same. Get in, wet everything, shampoo, shave, rinse, condition, soap, rinse, done. I do not dawdle.

Read on Bus: I have a half an hour bus ride to get home and lately this has been the only (sigh, I know) time I have been reading. So, no matter how much I feel like I need to reply to that email or google this or that, I always take that half an hour to read my book.

As you can see from this list, it could probably be summed up by saying (1) I like to prep in the evening to save time in the morning and (2) I like routine. True. So true.

What habits do you have? Are there any weird ones? What is your shower routine?

A Brief History of the Great Syrian Revolt (1925-1927)

Foreword: This is just a brief outline of the Great Syrian Revolt (sometimes termed as The Great Druze Revolt) so there are bound to be stuff missing, since this is a summary!
Military band marking the proclamation of Faisal as the King of Syria

As you might already know, after the First World War, the Ottoman Empire was divided between France and the United Kingdom. UK got Iraq, Jordan and the Palestine region while France got the Levantine region, consisting of Lebanon and Syria.

So why the revolt?

Now, the problem was that the Arabs fought on the British side during The Great War and wanted to establish their own state in the region of Syria (and beyond). So, in March 1920 (under King Faisal of the Hashemites), the Kingdom of Syria was proclaimed. The French were not amused and 4 months later, the Kingdom of Syria fell when the French invaded and occupied Damascus.

The years that followed 1920 were hardly peaceful, bastions of resistance towards the French sprung up across the country but they lacked centrality or unity. It was usually a single ethnic group with limited coordination with other factions. Alawites, Druze, Bedouins, Sunnis all individually attempted to revolt against the French in the following five years after 1920. Though the French had control of the urban areas (with the aid of the social elite) of Damascus, Aleppo and others, very little evidence of a French presence existed in the villages.
Damascus in flames, circa 1925.

In 1925, another open revolt emerged in Syria. What makes this one different from previous attempts was the presence of multiple factions (Alawites, Druze, Sunnis etc.) in a de-facto alliance. I use "de-facto" because, like previous revolts, no centrally-coordination was present.

The revolt was initiated by the Druze leader and Syrian nationalist Sultan al-Atrash issuing a call to arms and resistance against the French. The revolt was successful in its initial stages and lead to the capture of Druze-majority cities in the south of Syria (see here), owing to the minimal presence of French soldiers (there were 14,397 soldiers in Syria in 1925, compared to 70,000 in 1920). The French countered this by deploying thousands of soldiers from its colonies, with weapons superior to those of the Syrian rebels.
Sultan al-Atrash and soldiers at Hauran

The revolt was not put down until the spring of 1927, after the French had retaken all the major cities of Syria. The uprising led to the French government to conclude that direct rule over Syria was too costly, owing to the transport and supply of soldiers. A year after the uprising, France declared an amnesty to the Syrian rebels but proclaimed that Sultan al-Atrash and other leaders of the rebellion would be exiled.

This was not a problem.The French sentenced Sultan al-Atrash and other national leaders to death, but al-Atrash escaped with the rebels to Transjordan and was eventually pardoned. In 1937, after the signing of the Franco-Syrian Treaty, he returned to Syria where he was met with a huge public reception.