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Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 5

Homepage > All Movies and Series > All Indian and Series > Actor Lists > Aamir KhanMoviesid=01 Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 > Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 5

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Moviesid=01 Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973  Big Archive
Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 5
Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 5

Three brothers are separated as children after their parents are murdered. The only way they can find each other is through a family song only the brothers know.


Yaadon Ki Baaraat,
1973 Movies,
Indian Movies,
Aamir Khan Movies,
Aamir Khan,

Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 4

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Moviesid=01 Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973  Big Archive
Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 4
Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 4

Shankar (Dharmendra) and Vijay (Vijay Arora) watch the death of their parents with horror as they are shot in front of their eyes by three masked men. While their brother Ratan (Tariq) is whisked away by their maid-servant, the two manage to get away with the help of the one of the three masked men, Jack (Satyen Kapoo). Unfortunately, the two brother separate. Shankar takes to a life of crime with the assistance of Ismail Batliwala. Vijay is rescued and taken care by an elderly Mr. Verma, who is employed by a wealthy family. While Ratan (Tariq) becomes singer Monto. The police eventually apprehend Jack and he is sentenced to jail for over 15 years. Shankar anxiously awaits his return so that he can extract his revenge. Vijay falls in love with the rich and wealthy Sunita (Zeenat Aman) and impersonates the rich Kunver Singh in order to meet Sunita's approval. Mr. Verma does not approve of this behavior. Sunita eventually comes to know of Vijay's real identity, and has nothing to do with him. In shame, Vijay relocates to the city where he works as a waiter in a hotel. Ironically, Shankar works for the owner of the hotel Shakhaal (Ajit); while Ratan sings in the same hotel as "Monto". None of the three brothers know of the other. Shankar is obsessed with revenge; Vijay hides in shame; while Ratan sings a song which could unite the three brothers. This was the song the family sang during happier times. But things get worse when Shakhaal finds out that Jack is out of prison, and has him killed. Then he abducts Sunita and eventually Vijay and Ratan, and invites Shankar to witness their deaths.


Yaadon Ki Baaraat,
1973 Movies,
Indian Movies,
Aamir Khan Movies,
Aamir Khan,

Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 3

Homepage > All Movies and Series > All Indian and Series > Actor Lists > Aamir KhanMoviesid=01 Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 > Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 3

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Moviesid=01 Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973  Big Archive
Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 3
Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 3

  Shankar, Vijay and Ratan lives a poor lifestyle with there mom and dad, a painter by profession. When there dad witness a robbery; he and his wife are killed by a gang of masked men, with there three children bearing witness to this in which they eventually turn to different directions. Years later, they are now grown up young men: Shankar is a thief; Vijay is meek while Ratan sings in a hotel for the right amount. Shankar has high hope of one day finding the killer of his parents, his searches leads him to notorious smuggler Shakal and he begins to work as hit-man for Shakal, by first snatching a priceless diamond necklace, robbing a precious idol and hoodwink the police. Now Shankar is wanted by the police and has now enter the crime world so much that Shakal now asks him to abduct wealthy Sunita and hold her for a ransom. Not knowing that he has accepted a contract to abduct his brother's girlfriend which might create a rift between the brothers instead of they uniting and to make matters worse Shakal is non other than the killer of Shankar's parents and he has plan to do away with the off springs just as he had do away with there parents.


Yaadon Ki Baaraat,
1973 Movies,
Indian Movies,
Aamir Khan Movies,
Aamir Khan,

Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 2

Homepage > All Movies and Series > All Indian and Series > Actor Lists > Aamir KhanMoviesid=01 Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 > Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 2

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Moviesid=01 Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973  Big Archive
Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 2
Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 2

Shankar (Dharmendra), Vijay (Vijay Arora), and Ratan (Tariq) are three brothers. On their father's birthday, their mother taught them a song titled "Yaadon Ki Baaraat" which they held dearly to their hearts. As fate may have it, one day, the boys' father witnessed a robbery by Shakaal (Ajit), and his henchmen. To protect their identity, Shakal decided to kill the boys' father before he could go to the police. So one night, Shakaal and his men storm into the boys' father's room and kill both their mother and father. Shankar and Vijay witness the act and flee. They make their way to a passing train, where Shankar is separated from Vijay. Several years pass by and the boys have grown up. Shankar is haunted by the memory of his parent's murder and is now joined by his friend Usman on a crime spree around the city. Vijay was adopted by a fairly wealthy man who is the grounds keeper to the love of his life, Sonita (Zeenat Aman) And Ratan, was raised by the boys' maid, and changed his name to Monto. With his new identity, Monto started a band and does gigs a hotels for a living. Their only hope of reuniting is by remembering the song their mother had taught them... Yaadon Ki Baaraat.


Yaadon Ki Baaraat,
1973 Movies,
Indian Movies,
Aamir Khan Movies,
Aamir Khan,

Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 1

Homepage > All Movies and Series > All Indian and Series > Actor Lists > Aamir KhanMoviesid=01 Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 > Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 1

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Moviesid=01 Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973  Big Archive
Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 1

Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 1

Three brothers are separated after their parents' murder. Years later, their only hope of avenging their parents and reuniting as a family lies in the song they learned as children.


Yaadon Ki Baaraat,
1973 Movies,
Indian Movies,
Aamir Khan Movies,
Aamir Khan,

Moviesid=01 Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Big Archive

Homepage > All Movies and Series > All Indian and Series > Actor Lists > Aamir Khan > Moviesid=01 Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973

Moviesid=01 Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973  Big Archive
Moviesid=01 Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973  Big Archive
# Summaries, Storyline, Plot > all
 *Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 1
 *Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 2
 *Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 3
 *Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 4
 *Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 5
 *Yaadon Ki Baaraat-1973 Summaries 6


Yaadon Ki Baaraat,
1973 Movies,
Indian Movies,
Aamir Khan Movies,
Aamir Khan,

Zombi Simon Garth 3

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Sayı 3

Sayı 3

"Two Men of Note" Upon Our Tree

The newest ornament on our Christmas tree this year was handcrafted out of wood by our dear friend, Carolyn Senter. Drawing her inspiration from the first line of Vincent Starrett's "221B" -- namely "Here dwell together still two men of note" -- it features the profile of the immortal duo of Sherlockk Holmes and Dr. John H. Watson.

Carolyn has been selling her amazing crafts and donating the proceeds to projects in honor of her husband, Joel, who passed beyond the Reichenbach in June of last year. Most  important of these is an essay contest in his name, sponsored by the Beacon Society, to keep green the memory of the Master -- and Joel -- among young people. Read about it here.

All of Carolyn's worked is signed by "the Grice Patterson," the name under which she and Joel were invested in the Nashville Scholars of the Three-Pipe Problem. "The singular adventures of the Grice Patersons in the island of Uffa" is one of the intriguingly untold tales of Sherlock Holmes.

You Can Now Watch "A Berry Royal Christmas" On YouTube

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The charming BBC Christmas special "A Berry Royal Christmas" can currently be viewed on YouTube.

As alluded to by the programme's title, Mary Berry is a star in the special - which should really be an ongoing series every Christmas. Many viewers will recall that Berry was a judge on The Great British Backoff from 2010 until 2016. In the special, Berry is joined by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. During "A Berry Royal Christmas," Mary Berry visits numerous charities around the United Kingdom, where the staff of these organisations work throughout the holidays.

For further news and articles about Europe's Gotha families, join Eurohistory!

Myrtle Emma -- Christmas Stories

Six of the Morris kids, c.1930
Just in time for the Holidays, I have a few Christmas-themed excerpts from our memoirist, Myrtle Emma White. Christmas was certainly a big deal then (1920's/1930's), but definitely not the all-out commercial extravaganza that it is now. And for a rural family with eight kids and limited resources, Christmas was less about getting lots of stuff and more about family, making things as special as you could, and enjoying what you did have. As a parent myself, I feel confident in saying that Frank and Elizabeth Morris did everything they could to make it as special as possible for their children, while secretly wishing they could do more. I also feel confident in saying that their children were raised well enough to appreciate what they had and not to be upset that they didn't have more. It probably helped that likely none of their friends or schoolmates had much more than they did. Again, the experiences of the Morris family are noteworthy not because they are unique, but because they aren't. Their story is the story of countless other rural families of the time.

The first of Myrtle's stories is about Christmas breakfast. It's a short segment, but in it you can really feel how much the family looked forward to this time together. The second passage is actually an excerpt from a larger chapter entitled The Seasons. We'll see the rest of it another time, but here I've included Myrtle's remembrances of the Fall/Winter holidays -- Halloween, Thanksgiving, and of course, Christmas. I find interesting Myrtle's takes on the first two, and how different they are from ours now. For her, Halloween was far from being the fun/candy/dress-up time that my own four year old looked forward to for months this year. Instead, she was so scared that she hid away, not participating at all. And Thanksgiving was "just a day home from school". They had a nice meal, but it was not the big, get-together-with-family holiday we know. I feel like that may not have fully formed until after WWII, when car travel was more universal and more easy. (Granted it was a few decades earlier, but in a previous post we saw that John W. Banks threw a party on Thanksgiving night in 1884, never even mentioning that it was Thanksgiving.)

Myrtle's recollections of childhood Christmases tell of joyous, though not extravagant, affairs. I don't know how many of today's kids would find it sufficient, but it sounds pretty good to me.

Christmas Breakfast
We were all up early. Our father had the kitchen cook stove fired up with the split wood. The room was warm and cozy. We had opened our gifts of things we needed. Then we found games, books, and candy that we all shared.
Mother put on her Christmas apron, trimmed with red binding, and looked very festive. She got the griddle from its sturdy hook on the back of the pantry door. It showed an arc on the door from swinging back and forth when the door was opened and closed. The griddle was long and black, with handles molded on both ends. Mother used the stove lid lifter with a wire cage handle to slide the griddle to the heat of the stove. We were happy to be eating breakfast together and enjoying the smell of pancakes.
I stood by the stove with my elbows on my hips and held my plate rigid to get my pancakes. We had syrup and blackberry jam. The berries we had picked on a warm summer day, still glistening with the morning dew.
My father liked dried beef gravy on his pancakes. He liked to tell a story about our neighbor Lizzie B., who made gravy with the dried beef tied to the spoon. We laughed about the idea, but did not think it was true.
We had cups of hot Ovaltine and talked about our Christmas day that was just beginning.

The Seasons (Winter Excerpt)
Halloween was a scary time for us. We never participated in it. Neighbors would come, but I had my hiding place and was never interested in who came. 
Thanksgiving was just a day home from school, but Mother always made a special dinner with turkey, pumpkin pie, and her canned vegetables. We all liked soup and Mother could make the best from almost anything. Of course, her soup with vegetables from the garden made us pick out things we liked best, but we ate it all. Potato soup was also very good. We weren’t so keen on eating onions but we ate them too.
My brothers worked in the mushroom houses in Avondale, Pennsylvania. They wore head lamps to see the mushrooms. They would bring home mushrooms not good enough for shipping. Mother would cream them and we liked them over toast. You had to acquire a taste for them, for that was dinner.
The snow would come in winter and cover everything. It would pile up until we would be walking over fence tops and, when the lane was dug out, the snow was piled over our heads. School was closed so we would sled and make things in the snow, knowing we had a warm house to come home to. Mother made snow ice cream. I never knew how she made it, but it was a winter treat on a snowy day.
Christmas was a time to get excited, but we never knew just why. We had a small cedar tree that sat on the round living room table. It had shiny balls and tinsel but, of course, no lights. Our presents were more like what we needed than special gifts. Mother cooked a goose, guinea hen, or maybe a pheasant and, of course, sweet potato pie and vegetables from the cellar, and maybe Jell-O from the icebox. Everyone was happy and well. Candy came in a five-pound box decorated with holly and Santa. We were eager to have some and could have our choice of what piece we wanted. When the box was nearly empty, we would ruffle through all the empty papers and were happy to find a last piece.
Wintertime kept us indoors a lot, but the cozy heat from the stove took the energy from us and we played more quietly.