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İlk Kelime

New Design Tool from Zazzle: CURVED TEXT

Zazzle has made New Design Tools:

Look at the - CURVED TEXT - on our New Magnet
of the Kingfisher from Costa Rica.
— Edelhertdesignstudio(@dvanduuren1) 20 januari2017

Related Post:

Also Read How We Use Curved Text on DIY-Cards


If anyone has need to visit the Central Post Office in town [near to Marks & Spencers], I understand that the building has been closed as part of the old town upgrade.

The Post Office, including post boxes, has, therefore, been moved into the Agapinor Hotel with the entrance just beyond the main hotel entrance.

Whether this move is permanent or temporary is not known.

Looking Back: January

The word of the month for January on our side of the country is "wet." It has seemingly been raining for the last month straight (or longer?) in the Bay Area, in what feels like a non-stop manner. In addition, the Sierras are getting snow (finally), so we will have plenty of runoff this Spring as well. You would think this signals the end of the water shortage in California, but from what I have heard, it's only a drop in the barrel (hehe). However, it is wreaking havoc on places like the area where my parents live, where the rain and runoff causes fast moving water which takes out roads and railways and leaves people without power and phones for days (5 and 14 respectively).

Running: Even with all the rain (and sometimes hail and snow), I ended up running 203 miles. I have to admit, although I know that I have definitely been getting back into it after a bit of a hiatus, I was surprised to see that I topped the 200 mark. No wonder my legs felt like jelly last week. Don't worry Mom, I took a rest week last week! In addition, I climbed about 30,000 feet. Due to the rain, I did not bike commute at all.

Reading: Because of the rain, and a bit of traveling, I read 9 books in January. Well, actually it was 8.5, since there was one that I lost interest in and ended up not finishing. I have to say, none of them were really great. I only gave two of the nine four stars (and none 5 stars) and they were:

Lily and the Octopus
The Marriage of Opposites

Travel: I went to Portland. One day before my trip, they had a snowpocolypse. When I got there, the world was white and my plans to run in Forrest Park were a bit overzealous. However, I still had a great time eating and wandering around a town nearly carless and sometimes nearly devoid of people. A couple of highlights were Ox, Upright Brewery, Powell's (duh!) and Forrest Park (see photo below). Other than that, I actually had quite a few weekends where I stayed local.

Home: I started my photo project; I started my backyard project. I am considering a rain barrel garden watering project. I did a mini yearly purge. Photos to follow!

How was your January? Have you started on any of your yearly or monthly goals? What is your favorite thing to do when it's raining/snowing outside?

Blakea nedir ?

Blakea : Meydan Larousse ‘ un 3.cildinde blakea ile ilgili var olanlar şunlardır : Blakea kelimesi bir isimdir. Güzel pembe çiçekli ağaç veya ağaççıktır. Orta Amerika ‘ da ve Antiller ‘ de yetişir . Üç dört kadar türü Avrupa ‘ da sıcak limonluklarda yetiştirilir . Melastomaceae familyasındandır. Buradaki bütün verilenler birer bilgidir.

Cizre Ulu Camii’nin Ejderha Başlı 'Tılsımlı' Kapı Tokmağı

Güneydoğu Anadolu'da, Dicle nehri kıyısında yer alan Cizre, Ortaçağın en
önemli bilim ve kültür merkezlerinden biri idi. En parlak dönemini Emevi ve
Zengiler döneminde yaşamış kentin, görkemli yapısı Ulu Cami'den günümüze ulaşan
kapı ve ünlü kapı tokmakları 12/13. yüzyıl Anadolu sanatının en önemli

Şırnak İli Cizre ilçesinde bulunan Ulu Cami, 639 yılında
kiliseden camiye