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APRIL 9 = Lee Surrenders to Grant at Appomattox

"What General Lee's feelings were I do not know.  As he was a man of much dignity, with an impas- sable face, it was im- possible to say whether he felt inwardly glad that the end had finally come, or felt sad over the result, and was too manly to show it. Whatever his feelings, they were entirely concealed from my observation; but my own feelings...were sad and depressed.  I felt like anything rather than rejoicing at the downfall of a foe who had fought so long and valiantly, and had suffered so much for a cause, though that cause was, I believe, one of the worst for which a people ever fought, and one for which there was the least excuse.  I do not question, however, the sincerity of the great mass of those who were opposed to us." 

So wrote Ulysses S. Grant in his memoirs as he described his meeting with Robert E. Lee on today's date, April 9 in 1865.  Lee, the commanding General of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia knew that his army was surrounded by Union Army forces under the command of General Grant, and that he had no further hope of military success.  With his force reduced to 28,000 men and running low on provisions, Lee realized that surrender was his only alternative to further pointless bloodshed. "There is nothing for me to do now but to go to General Grant," he said, "and I would rather die a thousand deaths."

The War Finds Wilmer McLean

A meeting was arranged in the small town of Appomattox Court House, at the home of a local town resident Wilmer McLean.  It was an amazing coincidence, but McLean (pictured below) had his home commandeered as the headquarters for Confederate General P.T. Beauregard during the first major engagement of the war, the First Battle of Bull Run (July 18, 1861). A Union cannonball landed in McLean's kitchen, so he subsequently moved his home to what he thought would be a quiet corner of Virginia, where the war would not find him. But find him, it did!  The meeting between the two men went amicably enough, with Grant agreeing to allow the Confederate officers to keep their horses:

"I took it that most of the men in the ranks were small farmers."  Grant said. "The whole country had been so raided by the two armies that it was doubtful whether they would be able to put in a crop to carry themselves and their families through the next winter without the aid of the horses they were then riding."

There was an  entire Confederate army facing General Sherman to the South of Appomattox under the command of Joseph E. Johnston.  In addition, there were other Confederate forces scattered throughout South and all of these could still fight.  But the leaders of these armies took their cue from General Lee instead of Confederate President Jefferson Davis.  Davis called for the fight to continue, but these armies would surrender as General Lee had done.  Thus the surrender at Appomattox effectively brought the American Civil War to an end. And Wilmer McLean could afterwards say quite correctly: "The Civil War began in my kitchen, and ended in my parlor!"


"Memoirs and Selected Letters" - Ulysses S. Grant Literary Classics of the United States Inc., New York, 1990.  pp. 735 - 740.

+ 86.


What is "My Fitness Dream?"

I get asked the question a lot: "What is your ultimate dream with fitness? Where do you want to take this?" and that is a damn good question. Admittedly, it is one that I have never truly thought about. That is only because I am so wrapped up in my corporate job, paying all of my bills on time, etc. To start, I do know that I always want to be better. My goal is to be better today than I was yesterday. Health and fitness are my passions. There is no end to this. I want to keep going until the good man above calls me home.

People ask: do you want to compete? 

I love bodybuilding. Besides MMA, it is my favorite sport. People underestimate the absolute dedication and raw, hard work that goes into being a figure, bikini, body, or physique competitor. Every single day of your life while in contest prep, you are practicing. A competitor does not just practice 2 hours a day then play a game, and hopefully win. Training for a fitness competition affects every single aspect of your life. Clean diets, rigorous workouts, putting together a routine, posing, and plenty of rest are your top priorities. You have to engage in this 24/7 for months up until your show. Most of my friends compete and every boyfriend (which isn't many at all, ha) I have ever had, bodybuild. It's in my blood; it's second nature to me. I enjoy supporting them, assisting in prep, and being with them on their journey. However, I do not think it is for me.

Personally, I am all about "balance" with a healthy lifestyle. I want to enjoy my food. I want it to taste good. I train hard after work - really damn hard, and that is how I like it. I cannot fathom adding a fasted cardio session on top of that first thing in the morning before a long day at my 8-5. I love to go out with my friends and be social on the weekends. I want to travel. I want to do things outside of the gym. Most of them are still physical activity related, but I digress. Unfortunately if you choose to compete, you have to give up that balance (mostly) for months at a time. Your schedule is normally fasted cardio, work, evening workouts, plenty of sleep, extremely clean food, not going out, spending a LOT of money for competitions, and the list could go on. Plus, most people are 15-20 pounds slimmer for their competitions than they are at their "normal" weight. Mentally, that would be hard on me especially with my past history of childhood obesity and bullying. I fear what that would do to my emotional and mental state. 

However, I change my mind a lot on this. One day I want to do it and one day I do not. I may compete in Figure one time just to say I did it, but being an IFBB pro is not something I feel plausible to strive for.

My ultimate dream? To be a motivational speaker.

I enjoy public speaking and I thrive in crowds and being around people. Most of all, I am so passionate about what I want to speak about. I want to travel to schools, universities, businesses, churches, auditoriums - anywhere that will have me. I want to speak about my childhood; what I went through, how I lost weight, and how I taught myself about proper nutrition and exercise. My weight loss journey is not just about my body - I came from too much pain for it to be that restricted. My weight loss journey is about coming to believe in myself; getting over hard times like an abusive step father, high school bullying, and health problems. It is about engraving the power of positive thinking in my mind. Hustling for my dreams. Empowering other women. Self love that goes deeper than the hair on my head and the foundation on my face. 

I want to share my heartache, pain, low moments, and the beauty, strength, and power of taking control of your own life. If everyone loved themselves as much as they put love in their partners, children, jobs, material things - imagine how much of a wonderful of a place this world will be. If everyone stopped being so jealous of other women, what they do not have, what they wish they had, etc. and learned to appreciate diversity and what they already have, and loving the uniqueness about them - imagine how wonderful that would be.

That is where I one day wish to take Fitness Blondie. This is why I write. This is why I share things I am ashamed of, my weaknesses, and my afflictions. This is why I open myself up for the entire world to judge me -- in hopes that someone, somewhere can find hope and strength from my words and love themselves for who they are even - their imperfections. Most importantly, my mission about self belief. One can overcome any obstacle they encounter in life. You truly can do anything you want.

Ideally, my blog would be launching pad. I would provide information on bookings and seminars, have an affordable exercise clothes line, and write books/articles. Those are my dreams with fitness. I hope to one day look back on this specific blog entry, smile, and say "If only I knew then what was to come..."

Yeni Birkac Turkce Oyun

Yeni Birkac Turkce Oyun

Yeni Birkac Turkce OyunOyun sektörü başlı başına zahmetli ve riskli bir sektör. Yapımcılar sektörü dikkatle analiz eder ve oyuncuların ihtiyaçlarına göre oyunlar geliştirirler. Şu sıralar ülkemizde, oyuncuların ne istediklerini bilen bir ekip var: Toyo Games. Eylül 2013'de İzmir'de kurulan Toyo Games ekibi, bizler gibi oyunculardan oluşuyor. Bu yüzden firma, oyunculara istediklerini verebilecek gibi gözüküyor ve Türkiye'de kalıcı olmak istiyor. Peki, firmanın hedefleri neler? Öncelikle fiyat politikasını, Türkiye standartlarının altına çekecekler. Yani ekip, kaliteli ve ucuz bir hizmet almak istediğimizin farkında, ikinci olarak oyuncular ile etkileşimi üst düzeyde tutarak ihtiyaçlarını karşılamayı planlıyorlar. Çünkü bir oyunun bir oyuncu üzerinde bıraktığı etkiyi çok iyi biliyorlar. Diğer yandan firma, lokalizasyon çalışmalarına da büyük önem veriyor. Yani oyunlar, kaliteli bir biçimde yerelleştirilecek ve bu oyunları tamamen Türkçe olarak deneyim edebileceğiz. Toyo Games, ilk etapta Türk oyunculara iki farklı oyun sunuyor: Akıllı Çay Bardağı 2 ve Legend of Fighters. Ben, Legend of Fighers hakkında bir şeyler karalayacağım. Oyun sistemini, sınıfları ve daha çok şeyi bizzat deneyimledim. Legend of Fighters, çok sevdiğim bir tür olan "side-scroll"a ait. Side-scroll'u bilmeyenler için açıklayalım: Genellikle soldan sağa doğru ilerleyerek yağmur gibi üzerimize gelen düşmanları yok ettiğimiz oyun türü " Metal Slug gibi oyunlar bu türü mensup" dersem anlayacaksınız zaten. Legend of Fighters, "2.5 boyutlu" diyebileceğimiz grafikler ile karşımıza çıkıyor; anime tadındaki görseller oldukça etkileyici. Legend-of-Fighters oyunu
Oyunda; Şövalye, Gezgin, Kovboy ve Ninja olmak üzere dört farklı temel sınıf bulunuyor. Bu dört sınıfın her biri kendi içerisinde farklı iki sınıfa ayrılıyor. Ninja sınıfı üst üste hızlı saldırılar gerçekleştirebiliyor ve büyülerle düşmanı adeta şamar oğlanına çeviriyor. Oyunda her sınıfa ait pek çok yetenek bulunuyor. Her yeteneğin efekti ve reaksiyonu birbirinden farklı. Toyo Games, oyunda 50 farklı yeteneğin ve 300 özel becerinin yer aldığını söylüyor. Toyo Games'in PvP savaşlarında büyük hedefleri var. Oyun, e-spora hazır hale getirilmek isteniyor ve oyunun potansiyeli göze alındığında bu ihtimal hayli yüksek görünüyor. Son olarak oyundaki eşya geliştirme sisteminden kısaca bahsetmek istiyorum. Oyundaki karakterlerimizi geliştirmenin önemli yollarından biri de giydiğimiz eşyaları güçlendirmek. Eşyalarımızı altın ve materyal biriktirerek güçlendirebiliyor ve savaşlarda avantajlı konuma geçebiliyoruz. Tabi ki eşya gelişimi sırasında eşyamızın yok olma riski de yok değil. Bu riski ortadan kaldırmak için ise esanslar biriktirmemiz gerekiyor. Oyunla ilgili son olarak şunu söylemek istiyorum ki oyunun çok erken bir safhasını test etmeme rağmen oyun neredeyse tamamen Türkçe idi. Bununla birlikte çevremdeki kişilere oyun oyna diyebiliyorum. Tabi ki ufak teke hatalar da bulunuyordu ancak büyük oranda başarılı bir yerleştirme uygulanmış Legend of Fighters'a. Toyo Games'i bu konuda tebrik etmek istiyorum.


Hwang Chul Soon

Hwang Chul Soon's Day in the Life (Short Version)

Faith Won't Fail

En İyi Fitness Müzikleri (Motivasyon Artırıcı Müzik Listesi)

Motivasyon, her spor dalında en önemli husustur. Motivasyonunuz ne kadar fazla olursa, yaptığınız sporda o kadar başarılı olursunuz. Mesela daha fazla ağırlık kaldırırsınız, daha çok koşarsınız, daha iyi basket oynarsınız, daha uzun süre suyun dibinde kalırsınız gibi:)

Motivasyon arttırıcı etkenler oldukça fazladır. Örneğin, sizi izlemeye gelen kız arkadaşınız, veya before/after fotoğrafları, yaz tatili ve plajda kendinizi hayal etmeniz gibi. Bir diğer en önemli faktör ise -> MÜZİK! 

Motivasyon artırıcı müzikler nelerdir? Sizinle kendi listemi paylaşmak istiyorum ama lütfen 'ulan bunla spor yapılır mı ya!' demeyin, herkesin listesi kendine:) İnanın benim kardeşim 'Mabel Matiz - Sultan Süleyman' ile spor yapıyor:))

Gelelim 'benim için' motivasyon artırıcı en iyi fitness müziklerine(sıralamayı önemsemeyin):

Store'daki en iyi fitness uygulaması için : BloodPump Fitness App
  • Maitre Gims - Bella
  •  k'naan - waving flag
  • italobrothers – this is the nightlife
  • Akon - Crank it up
  • David guetta Neyo Akon - play hard
  • Apollo - can't stop the rock
  • Pet Shop Boys - go west
  • metallica - wherever i may roam
  • Drowning Pool - Bodies
  • Roy Jones - Can't Be Touched
  • Tupac - California Love
  •  Madonna - Girl Gone Wild
  • dj pantelis ft.akon - right now ( radio mix)
  • Bomfunk Mcs - Freestyler
  • Dhanush - Why This Kolaveri Di
  •  Maroon5-One More Night
  • INNA feat. Yandel - In Your Eyes
  • J_Balvin_-_Tranquila
  • R.I.O_feat_Nicco_-_Party_Shaker
  • Fatboy Slim - Rockafeller Skank
  • Thrift Shop feat.- Wanz
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