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My Own Monster

Album: "Katy Hudson" (2001)

My Own Monster

I turn my head, there's nothing there

All I own is my thoughts for my fears

I close

5 Yaşında Hacker

5 Yaşında Hacker

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde yaşayan 5 yaşındaki Kristoffer von Hassel, şifreyi bilmediği halde Microsoft'un internet üzerinden Oyun oynanmasını sağlayan Xbox ağına girdi.
Klavyedeki boşluk tuşuna defalarca basan ardından şifre bölümünü gelişi güzel doldurup ''Tamam'' tuşuna dokunan çocuk, oyun ağına girmeyi başardı.
Boşluk tuşuna arka arkaya basılması ile hesap açılabildiğini gören çocuğun babası durumu Microsoft yetkililerine bildirdi.
Microsoft derhal güvenlik açığını kapattı ve küçük çocuğa 50 dolar ve internet üzerinden ücretsiz oyun oynamasını sağlayacak bir abonelik hediye etti.

Galatasaray - Fenerbahce Maçı 6 Nisan

Lütfen 1 kez logo yanındaki reklama tıklayınız sizin için emek veriyoruz.

                          Maç 1-0 Galatasaray Galibiyetiyle Sonuçlanmıştır.

Youtube'a Girmek

Youtube'a Girmek

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Resimli Anlatım





APRIL 5 = The Rosenbergs Are Sentenced to Death

"I consider your crime worse than murder. Plain deliberate contemplated murder is dwarfed in magnitude by comparison with the crime you have committed. In committing the act of murder, the criminal kills only his victim. The immediate family is brought to grief and when justice is meted out the chapter is closed. But in your case, I believe your conduct in putting into the hands of the Russians the A-bomb years before our best scientists predicted Russia would perfect the bomb has already caused, in my opinion, the communist aggression in Korea with the resultant casualties exceeding 50,000 and who knows but that millions of more of innocent people may pay the price of your treason. Indeed, by your betrayal you undoubtedly have altered the course of history to the disadvantage of our country."

Fuchs - Greenglass - Rosenberg

So concluded Federal Judge Irving Kaufman in sentencing Julius Rosenberg and his wife Ethel to death for the charge of espionage on today's date, April 5, in 1951. The highly publicized case of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg on a charge of espionage - specifically the passing to the Soviet Union of scientific information that enabled them to produce an atomic bomb - began with the arrest of one Klaus Fuchs in 1950. Mr. Fuchs had worked at the headquarters of atomic development in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Following his conviction for passing classified information to the Soviets, the U.S. government began a full investigation of the Los Alamos operation which lead them to David Greenglass, a Fuchs accomplice. The arrest of Greenglass in turn brought about the arrest of Julius Rosenberg, and his wife Ethel, who was the sister of Mr. Greenglass. Julius Rosenberg had been an electrical engineer for the army during World War II, and had worked in atomic development during those years.

Greenglass: Stool Pidgeon or Just a Liar?

Both Julius and Ethel were members of the American Communist Party, and thus were viewed with suspicion, especially at this time in history, when the Korean War was in it's bloodiest phase,
and Cold War animosities were at their highest point. But beyond this, Mr. Greenglass had confessed, and had implicated the Rosenbergs as having recruited them to join their circle of spies. Both Julius and Ethel acknowledged their Communist party ties, but denied having engaged in any acts of espionage. They accused Greenglass (pictured, above) of having fabricated his story of their involvement in order to gain a lesser penalty for himself. The government prosecutors who had announced that they were were seeking the death penalty for the couple offered them a more lenient punishment if they would change their plea. But the Rosenbergs refused. The trial that followed resulted in the conviction of Greenglass, the Rosenbergs, and two other conspirators. Greenglass and the others were sentenced to 15 to 30 years in prison. But the Rosenbergs were sentenced to the electric chair. Subsequent appeals were denied, and pleas for executive clemency were denied by President Eisenhower.

Julius & Ethel Are Executed

Many critics claimed that in the atmosphere of Cold War paranoia prevalent in the country, a fair trial for the Rosenbergs would be impossible to arrange. And further, many felt that a case based so heavily on the testimony of Greenglass was too weak to be believable. Nevertheless, the verdict stood, and remains controversial to this day. While many historians doubt the charge of espionage, others believe that the couple did indeed pass along information to the Soviets, but that the death penalty was too harsh, especially for Ethel whom they believe had a far smaller involvement than her husband. And letters make it clear that President Eisenhower was uncomfortable with the idea of executing a woman. Since the execution, with the opening up of some of the old Soviet records, decoded Soviet cables, codenamed VENONA, have supported courtroom testimony that Julius acted as a courier and recruiter for the Soviets, but there are still doubts remaining about the level of Ethel's involvement. Julius and Ethel themselves maintained their plea of innocence to the end. In a final letter to their children (who were adopted by another couple and have fought ever since to clear their parent's name), the Rosenbergs urged them to look to the future:

"Your lives must teach you that good cannot flourish in the midst of evil; that freedom and all the and all the things that make up a truly satisfying and worthwhile life, must sometime be purchased very dearly. Be comforted then that we were serene with the deepest kind of understanding, that civilization had not as yet progressed to the point where life did not have to be lost for the sake of life; and that we were comforted in the sure knowledge that others would carry on after us."

READERS!! If you would like to comment on this, or any "Today in History" posting, I would love to hear from you!!  You can either sign up to be a member of this blog and post a comment in the space provided below, or you can simply e-mail me directly at:  I seem to be getting hits on this site all over the world, so please do write and let me know how you like what I'm writing (or not!)!!


+ 115.
+ 76.

Ozicab Web Design

Ozicab Web & Graphic Design, Oğuzhan Cabbaroğlu tarafından 25 Mart 2007 de Ankara da internet dünyasına adım atmak isteyen kurum, kuruluş ve bireyler için yayın hayatına başlamıştır. Ankara da Web tasarım da altı yıllık tecrübesiyle önde gelen firmalardan biri olan. Her bütçeye uygun paketler ile internet dünyasının hizmetindeyiz.



Kurumsal ve Bireysel web sitesi tasarımı

Web sitesi güncelleme ve takip hizmetleri

Ticaret kanununa uygun düzenlemeler

Afiş, Banner vb. Grafik Hizmetleri

Arama motoru optimizasyonu (SEO)

Reklam ve tanıtım hizmetleri

Kurumsal Kimlik Hizmetleri

Growing Pains

Album: "Katy Hudson" (2001)

Growing Pains

You would think

that I could find

a simple song,

a photograph of mine

To show this

Sewerage article for Cyprus Living Mag

As a member state of the European Union, Cyprus is obliged to follow EU guidelines in many areas and one such is the requirement to control the pollution levels resulting from sewage discharge into the ground water.  In a move to assist Cyprus in this task, the EU have awarded a grant of 80% to some areas of Cyprus that will partially fund the cost of all work required to meet these requirements.

A central agency, SAPA, has been created to manage the EU funding grant, review existing sewage pollution and oversee the survey, design and installation measures necessary to ensure that Cyprus complies with the relevant guidelines.  A central common road based sewage collection system has been proposed and is already installed or in the process of being installed across the island.
Over the last 5 or so years, everyone will have been aware of the dust and inconvenience as SAPA have installed the pipework for this road-based sewerage system in Paphos and some surrounding villages.  
Whilst work has stopped due to the financial crisis,  SAPA are now starting to look to the next phase of the project and have started issuing invoices to residents of Peyia and Tala to generate additional funds to continue their island wide work.
Peyia is a municipality and, as such, there will be no Government funding for their project.  In addition, their council have elected to proceed with the road-based system.
Tala is a council and will therefore qualify for 80% Government funding for the project.  However, the council and residents have elected not to proceed with the scheme following a review of the terrain and technical difficulties that will result from installation of a common system in the Tala area and have formally confirmed to SAPA and Central Government that Tala does not wish to be part of the Project . 
The need to review existing sewage treatment methods has arisen due to a European directive that states that where there is a population in excess of 2,000, a sewage system should be in place to ensure that ground water pollution is kept within EU guideline.   The EU guidelines additionally allow for the fact that although a common road based system is preferable, such a common system is not mandatory where installation is considered to be technically impractical or not financially viable, and where an acceptable alternative can be installed. 
Although SAPA seem determined to drive Peyia and Tala down the road-based system route the review undertaken both by Tala council representatives and a qualified engineer, has highlighted the following reasons for rejection of the proposed common system by  Tala council and residents [although the same objections apply equally to Peyia]:
·         A road-based system and connected sewage processing plant is seen by other EU countries as an outdated method of dealing with sewerage.  Not only due to the cost of installation of such systems and the excessive excavation work required, but also due to the costs of processing the effluent to ensure that the final output is environmentally friendly.   In addition to the costs of the necessary pipework, system control and system monitoring, road based pumping stations are required and the cost of electricity to deal with the processing will prove expensive.

·         The terrain in the Tala area is such that many main road based pumping stations would be needed to ensure that sewage continues to move up hill to a main collection sewer and many throttling stations to control the speed of sewage in downhill areas. This is causing concerns over the environmental consequences of long term high energy consumption, attendant costs of power and ongoing and full 24 hour technical support, all of which will inevitably fall on householders.  There is also concern over odour nuisance, contamination and health hazard due to overflows resulting from flooding on common roads due to poor drainage, power failure or mechanical/electrical breakdown and blockage, to which all sewage pumps are prone.  All these potential issues  will lead to groundwater contamination which will breach EU environmental guidelines.  In addition, the introduction of road based pumping stations will require availability of emergency power units, back-up pumps, emergency ground based storage tanks to cover pump failure, 24 hour maintenance support with necessary qualified staff, suitable vehicles and tankers to deal with pollution cleanup from flooding, a full inventory of spare pumps and spare parts and dedicated warehouse and office facilities.  It is clear that Tala council will be unable to fund these high costs and that no alternative funding method has been considered.  As such, this plan for a common road based system in Tala is considered to be financially and technically impractical.

·         The installation of a common road based sewage system will also require that many householders would have to install domestic pumps to lift their waste up to the main sewer connection in the road above their plot.   This is also causing concerns over the environmental consequences of long term high energy consumption and attendant costs of power, which will, again, inevitably fall on householders, together with the high costs of ongoing maintenance and operation.  In addition, there is also the prospect of odour nuisance, domestic contamination and health hazard due to overflows and damage within domestic property resulting from heavy rain, flooding, power failure or mechanical/electrical breakdown and blockage, to which all both road based and small domestic sewage pumps are prone, and which would again lead to groundwater contamination in contravention of  EU environmental guidelines.

·         Any road based system in hilly terrain that requires multiple pumping stations and relies on electricity will be a concern when power cuts are a regular occurrence.   Tala was recently the subject of three separate extended power cuts over a 24-hour period.

·         The road based project would be very expensive and the expenditure, pollution and long term upheaval due to noise, dust, traffic disruption and inconvenience would be unjustified given that the existing domestic treatment units currently installed domestic treatment systems in Tala work perfectly well.

·         The processing station near the airport has not been designed to have sufficient capacity to deal with waste from Peyia and Tala.

·         There has been no public presentation, input taken from the community or process of consultation on the design, costs and timing or the project as would be a normal process in any other EU member state. As a consequence of the lack of transparency to date and the technical difficulties associated with the installation of a common road based system, Tala council and the residents will continue to resist the unjustified proposal made by SAPA to include Tala in the common system.

·         There has been no survey, design, cost analysis, feasibility study, project plan or Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the project and no soil testing has been performed to ascertain whether the existing Tala systems do actually exceed EU guidelines in respect of groundwater contamination.  As a consequence of this lack of preparation, it is clear that there is no basis for calculating or levying a charge for work where the scope of work has not been defined or agreed.

·         The EU has provided funds such that 80% funding from the Government has been made available for Tala to upgrade existing sewage treatment methods if found to be below EU standards but the Government does not now have the necessary funds to cover Tala and there is no early prospect of the Central Government being in a financial position to meet this funding contribution.  The earliest anticipated date for such funds being available is 2020. 

·         The inability of Central Government to provide SAPA with the necessary funding for those parts of the project that have already been started and are currently incomplete would indicate that SAPA is looking to obtain funds from Tala residents to finance other incomplete projects in Cyprus and not the Tala area from which the funding is requested.

·         There is no detailed understanding of the technical and financial challenges that will apply to any future installation of a common system in the hilly areas that comprise Tala.

·         Review of other road works installations in Paphos and nearby villages demonstrate that the road surfaces where pipes have been laid and manholes installed would never be reinstated to the original quality.

·         In the event that soil testing is performed per EU guidelines and the existing Tala domestic treatment units are found to be below EU Emission guidelines then an EU acceptable upgrade alternative is available.  The alternative solution to satisfy EU requirements is to add an additional treatment Pod to existing domestic treatment units.   The cost for this would be considerably less than the road-based system and would not necessitate disruption to the roads and the resultant associated expenditure.   In addition, the costs of a common system and the processing of Tala waste would be avoided and the maintenance costs of each individual domestic unit would not be the responsibility of Tala council, SAPA or Central Government but would remain under the control of the individual householder as at present.  Such pods are widely used in the rest of Europe and are currently being installed in remote areas across Cyprus.  They are environmentally friendly and remove all the concerns raised by both council members and residents alike.

As a first step, Tala residents have rejected the unwarranted charge from SAPA and wish to see the charge withdrawn until further investigation is undertaken to determine the actual current pollution levels in Tala and whether any new measures should actually be taken with the resulting high expenditure incurred, both to Government, SAPA, Tala council and the Tala residents.  In addition, and if current pollution levels are found to be below EU guidelines, they believe that there must be a full technical and financial study to determine the viability and suitability of a road-based system and on the acceptance of the EU acceptable proposed upgrade pod or other alternative. 
Following a meeting at SAPA on 19 February, the charges for sewerage for Tala residents have been frozen until the end of 2016.  This then gives the council and residents time to negotiate further with the appropriate Government Ministries.
Peyia residents wish to see a public meeting so that the design, timetable and costings of the project would be disclosed and, as a result of their recent vocal objections, it is expected that this will now take place.
Given the alternative which is available, one might ask why SAPA is so keen to persevere with an antiquated, expensive, hard to maintain and non-environmentally friendly road-based sewerage system in Tala and Peyia which will incur a large financial burden on Central Government, Tala Council, Peyia municipality, residents  of both communities and additionally cause disruption and deter tourists from enjoying their time in Cyprus.

Yet Another Spring Hill Brewery Update

Spring Hill Brewery (courtesy John Medkeff, Jr.)
Almost a year and a half ago I wrote the first post about the Spring Hill Brewery, which was located on the north side of Barley Mill Road, just east of Barley Mill's crossing of Red Clay Creek. For a full refresher I suggest going back to review the original post, but the short story is that it was a brewery run by the Biedermann family for about 30 years, from 1881 until the early 1910's. I was able to piece together a good part of the Spring Hill story, but a few holes still remained.

Since I never consider any topic ever "Closed", the discovery of a few more pieces of information prompted the first follow-up post several months later. Most of this post covered the August 1909 explosion at the Wooddale Quarry, which I thought had marked the end of the Spring Hill Brewery. Also included were bits of aerial photos from the 1930's that I speculated might be of the Biedermann property, or what was left of it by then. Still, though, there were three main questions that were not sufficiently answered, at least in my eyes. When did the brewery truly cease operation (and why)? Where exactly was it? And what did it look like? I'm very happy to say, that with a huge assist from a new friend and fantastic resource, I think I have pretty good answers to all these lingering questions.

A couple months back you may have noticed that there was a comment on the brewery post from a man named John Medkeff. John is a Delaware beer historian, and has done years of research on the 300+ year history of brewing in the state. He runs a FaceBook Group on the subject, has his own website (still under construction, but already looking great), and is working on a book due out next year (2015). Turns out he was thrilled to find that someone else had heard of Spring Hill, a topic he himself had done a fair bit of digging into. I contacted him and he was gracious enough to share with us some of what he's found. John also arranged for us to explore the property where the brewery was located, but more on that in a moment.

July 9, 1911

The first thing John told me seems likely to be the answer to the first of our queries: When and why did the brewery finally close? I had speculated that the 1909 explosion was the ultimate demise of the brewery, partly because I could find no record of it any later than that. I just hadn't looked in the right place yet. As it so happens, Herman Biedermann did in fact rebuild Spring Hill after the disastrous explosion of 1909. Unfortunately for him, though, misfortune did not stay away long. As the article above states, a fire in early July 1911 destroyed the brewery and did some damage to the house as well. Even though it's a little difficult to get a sense of depth and distance in the top picture, you can see that the whole complex (brewery and residence) was pretty compact. According to John's research, this 1911 fire does seem to have been the end of Spring Hill's operational life.

As to the second question -- the exact location of the brewery -- John and I may have found the answer during a recent "recon" mission to the area. The old Biedermann property is now owned by the Mt. Cuba Center, and through a contact he has there John was able to get us permission to walk around the site and take a look. We went out on a soggy Saturday morning (although the rain let up for most of our walk) to see if we could find any evidence of the location of the house or brewery. We ended up finding two locations where something definitely once stood.

Likely remains of Spring Hill, 1933

The first site was a couple hundred yards north of Barley Mill Road, and consisted of a few ground-level stone foundations. They weren't much to look at, but they were certainly the remains of something. As hard as we tried to match up the site to the picture, nothing really jumped out at us as being definitive proof that this was the spot. After poking around that location for a bit we made our way back to the road, and while on our way back stumbled upon another site.

In addition to some stone foundations of something, we found a stone-lined well and several small pieces of what had to have been walls. Nothing very impressive in their own right, but significantly more than the first site. After looking at the site as a whole and consulting the old maps and aerial photos (links to the two pictures here and here), I'm convinced that this second location -- not far from the road -- is where the Biedermann's home and brewery once stood.

George J. Biedermann  (courtesy John Medkeff, Jr.)

The final lingering question (in this list, at least), what did Spring Hill Brewery look like, is obviously answered by the picture at the top of the page. It's a pretty significant photograph, and one we should all thank John for tracking down from a descendant of the Biedermanns. As I figured and John confirmed, Spring Hill was the only commercial brewery in the county located outside of Wilmington, at least until the 1990's. This picture is the only one we know of showing the brewery. And as a bonus, John also found a photograph of George J. Biedermann (1866-1905), the second operator of the brewery. The Biedermanns' family history is an interesting one, very entwined with the close-knit German community of the time. For the full story, be sure to keep an eye out for John's book next year. I know I will. In the mean time, if any more information comes to light I'll be sure to add it to the story.


Age of Empires 3 oyununu dünya çapında olduğu kadar Türkiye dede en çok oynanan oyunların başında gelmektedir aşağıda yer alan Age of Empires 3 oyununa dair hilleleri kolaylıkla oyuna uygulayabilirsiniz tek yapmanız gereken bir kaç kolay adımı uygulamak.. Hepinize iyi oyunlar.

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