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Look What I Found This Week

This week, since the weather has been so un-winterlike, I decided to do a little "spring" cleaning. Since I travel so much, all my stuff (except for my one suitcase that I travel with) is in storage. This week, I went through that storage, to see what I could get rid of. Of course, if you are like me, you know that sometimes going through your storage to "get rid of it" results in a walk down memory lane. So, grab a beer (inspired by Kim) and look what I found this week! In addition, I did do a few other things. They are also included below.

Before I went crazy and started doing a major sorting movement, I had my extended family's Christmas party (in January)! It was great to see all the cousins! 

My Dad (yup, that's a kilt) and cousin
Some of my younger cousins -- pretty in pink
I went running. Only twice! I have been slacking due to the fact that I have had so many other things to do this week! I need to get back on track, so to speak! 

I found a new trail! A little overgrown but FUN!
Instead of running, I have been helping re-roof a house! It is a lot of work! 

I also went to an auction -- not to buy anything, but to see how it worked, in case I want to sell anything. can get some darn good deals on things! I saw one 46 piece dish set, a nice one too, go for about 5 dollars! 

Okay, so you have gone through old stuff, right?
I wonder if you keep as strange of things as I do. 

{1} My diary from when I was about 8. Complete with fool proof locking device!

 {2} My first medal from my FIRST running race! 1986.

{3} My first digital camera!

{4} My "best friends" necklace from Jr. High! Remember those!?

{5} SO MANY books. It is really hard to get rid of them though! 
*in case you can't read, they are "travel/memoir/reference" and "Not Read Yet" *

*These are the "not read yet" books! 
A whole box. I am SO embarrassed! I need to get a move on with my book reading goal!*

But...and you should be very proud, I got rid of FOUR bankers boxes of books! FOUR! I am sad, but happy!! 

And, last but not least, we had a bonfire. To burn the old files I threw away (tell me, WHY did I keep some of them?) as well as....the Christmas tree! How sad. Except I don't know if you can see or not, but my parents were VERY excited about it. 

Okay now, you need to help me. Am I normal? Or do you keep things too? What item is it hardest for you to get rid of? What do you do with your Christmas tree once you take it down?



Sonunda 10.000...

Sonunda 10.000 'i geçtik. Yaklaşık 1 ay önce kurduğum Facebook kişisel sayfam 25 gün sonunda 10.000 i gördü. Nice 10.000 lere sizlerin desteği ile 20.000 olmak dileğiyle sayfamı beğenen bütün takipçilerime teşekkürler...


Gonore yani halk diliyle Bel Soğukluğu nedir gonore tedavisi gonore belirtileri nelerdir?

Gonore, Neisseria gonorrhoeae’den ileri gelir. Gonore, mesanedeki idrarı boşaltan kanal (üretra¹) ile ilişkili akıntıyla kendini gösteren ve bu bölgenin iltihaplanmasıyla karakterize bir hastalıktır. Bu bölgenin iltihaplanması; cinsel birleşmeyi izleyen, 2.5 gün kadarlık bir kuluçka döneminden² sonra başlar. Hastalık önce üretranın ön kısmına bulaşır, kısa zaman sonra idrar çıkarırken yanma olur, iltihaplı akıntı görülür. Erkeklerde üretra, epididimis, prostatla ilgili idrar kanalı ve idrar kesesinin iltihaplanması görülebilir. Kadında üretranın iltihaplanması, rahimde iltihap, fallop borularından bir ya da ikisinin iltihaplanması ve seyrek olarakta perihepatit oluşabilir.
Gonore tedavi edilmesi gereken önemli bir hastalıktır. Gonore tedavisinde penisilin grubu antibiyotikler etkilidir.

Devamı şurda HPV Virüsü Nedir?