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"Free parking in San Diego Downtown", "Gas Lamp Quarter" - how to get?
Want to park for free in San Diego downtown? May be possible, it mainly depends on where, how long, and if there are any planned events in the city. But for an average user, there are a few places where you can find a good bargain places to park. Listed below are some of the places that I have used and they have reasonably worked fine.
- Horton Plaza: If you need parking for less than 3 hours, just park at Horton Plaza parking lot that is at 4th and F street junction. Do not forget to validate your tickets at the machines that on each floor. Can find more on Hortom Plaza parking details here.
- For the events parking, the san diego county office offers plenty of parking and shuttle service. Obtain more details on the San diego downtown parking maps, shuttle services, and time schedules here.
- Ace Parking has plenty of parking spaces that offer just $8 per day on an average day.
- If you are closer to sea port village, then you can get two hour parking for free for just buying a drink at one of the food places.
- If you decide to hunt for a street parking spot, then here is a general overview of where to look for street parking spaces in San diego downtown area.
"Free parking in San Diego Downtown", "Gas Lamp Quarter" - how to get?
Want to park for free in San Diego downtown? May be possible, it mainly depends on where, how long, and if there are any planned events in the city. But for an average user, there are a few places where you can find a good bargain places to park. Listed below are some of the places that I have used and they have reasonably worked fine.
- Horton Plaza: If you need parking for less than 3 hours, just park at Horton Plaza parking lot that is at 4th and F street junction. Do not forget to validate your tickets at the machines that on each floor. Can find more on Hortom Plaza parking details here.
- For the events parking, the san diego county office offers plenty of parking and shuttle service. Obtain more details on the San diego downtown parking maps, shuttle services, and time schedules here.
- Ace Parking has plenty of parking spaces that offer just $8 per day on an average day.
- If you are closer to sea port village, then you can get two hour parking for free for just buying a drink at one of the food places.
- If you decide to hunt for a street parking spot, then here is a general overview of where to look for street parking spaces in San diego downtown area.
The Hollywood Sign

The sign is said to measure 450 feet long, its mammoth letters are 45 feet high, and it's visible from all parts of Hollywood. It was erected on 1923 as an ad sign for real estate development in Beachwood Canyon, the Sign originally read "Hollywoodland." The last four letters were removed in 1945, after Hollywood had become the world's movie capital. The Sign had already become a well-known landmark. To note one event on 1932, during the Great Depression, one despondent young actress, Peg Entwistle, even jumped to her death from the Sign's giant letter "H."
The original sign contained thousands of light bulbs, which were changed daily by a caretaker who lived in a small house behind one of the Sign's giant "L's."And in the 1998 Disney remake of "Mighty Joe Young," the over sized ape climbs the Hollywood Sign and perches in one of its giant letter "O."
There is no easy way to reach the Sign itself, which is located atop an undeveloped hillside, far from roads. And if you did manage to reach the area, you would discover that the Sign has been fenced in to keep out the curious, and that a new high-tech alarm system has recently been installed. So all you have to do is to look at it.
The best way to see the Hollywood Sign is to drive up Beachwood Drive (north of Hollywood Boulevard). The Sign is clearly visible most the way up Beachwood, although the hills begin to obscure the view of the Sign near the top of the drive.
Here's a tip for you to follow to get more close and a good view of the Hollywood Sign:
The Hollywood Sign is located atop Mount Lee, in the Hollywood Hills, northeast of downtown Hollywood. For the best view, take Beachwood Drive north up into the hills. To reach Beachwood Drive from Hollywood & Vine, take Hollywood Boulevard east (a quarter mile), to Gower Street. Turn left (north) up Gower (three blocks, under the freeway) to Franklin Avenue. Turn right (east) on Franklin, then immediately turn left (north) up Beachwood Drive, into the hills. It's a long, twisting drive. To reach Beachwood Drive from the Hollywood (101) Freeway, take the Gower Street exit, then turn right (north) up Beachwood Drive.