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Weight Lifting Tips

Weight lifting tips is very necessary for getting the most benefit from your workout. Moreover; it will also reduce the chances of sustaining a serious injury. The primary weight lifting tip is to warm up before starting your workout. Do warm up at least for five to ten minute before getting started because it is very necessary for cardio vascular vessel to get the blood flowing.

One more weight lifting tip, which is very much important before weight lifting, is to stretch all your muscles. It is always better to start with weight that you can handle at least ten to twelve repetitions, to build strength. Then as you progress and add more weight, with six to eight repetitions while always remembering to keep good form.

Before moving up to higher weights make you're comfortable with the increase because if you go over the top with heavy weights, it may tear and damage the muscle.

A spotter is advised when you progress to very heavy weights, it not only helps minimize any possible injuries. A spotter can help you get those extra one or two reps which can really help make a difference. Perhaps, if you're unable to complete the full six to eight reps, lower the weight. Similarly, do not lift more weight than your limit especially if you do not have any spotter because it can end with an accident.

Remember never hold you breath when completing a rep, as it can lead to broken blood vessels or worse. It is very important to breathe freely through out the exercise. When doing a unilateral exercise, always start with your weakest side first and after that complete only as many repetitions on your stronger side. Never overwork your strong side, just because you can complete more reps.

You need to continue doing exactly the same reps on both sides, another thing sometimes due to our skeletal structure we're not 100% symmetrical. So one side looks bigger and more developed then the other side, don't worry, just keep doing the same amount of reps on both the left and the right side. As you gain size and muscle, it should even out and you won't notice any difference.

Work on all of your major muscles and muscle groups especially legs, abdominals, chest, back, shoulders and arms. It is important to exercise muscles in a balanced way. Don't just workout the top half of you body and not your legs, it will look out of proportion!

Sample Foods For Building Muscle Mass

Choosing the right way to eat to build muscle mass can be a little overwhelming. But once you start eating the way you need to, it will become second nature to you. Following is a list of good foods for building muscle mass...

White meat chicken or turkey
Canned tuna
Canned salmon
Fresh Fish
Red meat like steak or roast

Complex Carbohydrates:
Yams, Sweet potatoes, Acorn squash

All water based types.
Lettuce, Cabbage, Spinach
Bok Choy, Leeks
Green Beans
Broccoli, Cauliflower, Radish
Zucchini Squash

1 Apple
1 Orange
1/2 Grapefruit
3 Small Apricots
1 Banana
1/4 Melon
1-Cup Berries, Grapes
1 mango, small papaya

1 yogurt
1-Cup low fat cottage cheese
1-Cup non-fat milk (I use vanilla soy milk instead!)
1/2 Cup non or low fat cheese

Wheat Products:
2 slices whole wheat bread
1 bagel
2-Cups pasta
Whole wheat tortillas

Snack Foods:
Rice cakes
Non-wheat cereals
Plain popcorn
Raw Vegetables
Dried Fruit

A good diet is well-rounded and contains some of each of the food groups. You should also include a supplement in your diet which we will share in the next post. Remember that you should be eating 5 or 6 smaller meals every day instead of three large ones. Space your meals about 2 to 2 ½ hours apart. Try out a few of these meal plans to start out with.

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