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Kannada movie - Sangama - Ganesh, Vedhika

Starring: Ganesh, Vedhika
Music Producer: Devi Sriprasad

Watch Kannada movie Sangama free - Ganesh, vedhika

Devi Sriprasad proving his mettle in Telugu mainly wondered whether he deserves such a warm reception. That is his humbleness. On his debut in Kannada he felt the producer S.V.Babu, lyricist Kaviraj, director Ravi Verma and artists made me feel special and feel at home disclosed the eminent music director Devisriprasad.

Read more about the Music Review of the Kannada Movie Sangama. and Listen to the Kannada movie Sangama songs at


- Dil Mange More
- Muddu Muddu
- kodu kodu varavanu
- Madhumasa
- Hey Mr.Balu

Health Benefits of Weight Training - It Offers More Than Just Weight Loss

Most people know that a weight training program can provide many health benefits; but do you know that weight training is also very effective for weight loss? If you have a strong discipline and commitment to follow through a weight training program, you could have developed some great muscles and lose those body fats you hate.

The mechanics of weight training is that it works on toning the muscles. Toned muscles not only add to the overall good appearance of your body but also burn more calories. If your muscles are well toned, your body is able to burn fat very efficiently, even when you are sleeping.

Another great advantage of weight training is that it helps speed up metabolic rate by building muscle mass. As you know that our metabolic rate naturally slows as we get older. So, weight training can actually help turn around a declining metabolic rate. Also, you will become energized after your weight training session and have more energy for the entire day.

Besides toning the muscles and losing weight, another great health benefit of weight training I can think of is that it also helps strengthen our bones; hence decrease the risk of developing osteoporosis. Our body contains more than 650 different muscles and if you follow a weight training program consistently, all these muscles get toned to help you burn more calories and energize you.

There is a false belief, especially among women, that weight training will give them big muscles. This is a myth; the truth is that weight training can improve your muscular endurance; that's why you see many athletes do weight training regularly. When your muscles get more strength, you will develop well-toned muscles and increased metabolism instead. This combination helps you to lose weight faster.

You see, when your body gets into good shape, losing weight becomes a natural result. Weight training makes your body strong and fit, it gives you the confidence to complete many of your daily physical activities. You will be less prone to injuries such as those occurring in your lower back because of the strength increase in your back muscles.

Other health benefits you could expect from weight training include lower blood pressure, increased HDL blood cholesterol (good cholesterol), reduce risk for heart attack, diabetes and colon cancer. Even those who suffer from depression can benefit from weight training as many people had experienced an increase in good mood and positive vibes when they weight train.

Go download our brand new and FREE ebook: "Exercise Without Effort" at our Fitness and Health Tips site. If you're interested in working out at home, check out our complete home gym system that costs under $50 at

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20.yüzyıl başlarında Trsitan ve Traza ve yandaşlarının Fransa'da oluşturdukları bir yazın çığrı.Sözcüklerin sözlük anlamlarına değer vermeyen ,dil kurallarını tanımayan,anlatımda başıboşluğa ve kapalılığa dayanan Dadaizmi,Tristan Traza şöyle tanımlar:''Kağıt parçaları üzerine sözcükler yazın,bunları bir şapkanın içine atın ve karıltırın,sonra da birer birer çekip bir kağıdın üzerine sıralayın;işte Dadaizm.''.Buna , '' Dada Okulu'' da denir.Adını ,çocukların ''da-da'' sözcüğünden almıştır.

Chandrayaan-1 PSLV launch by ISRO - Indian Mission to Moon

Indians are fascinated by Moon from ancient days and now 21st century india is ready to land on moon! Chandrayaan is the mission towords that dream.

On 56th indepence day, August 15 2003, India's Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee announced. "Our country is now ready to fly high in the field of science. I am pleased to announce that India will send her own spacecraft to the moon by 2008. It is being named Chandrayaan-1". In Sanskrit (language of Ancient India) "Chandrayaan" means "Moon Craft".

More about the ISRO's Moon Mission can be read here.

Chandrayaan-2: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is planning 2nd moon mission Chandrayaan-2 in 2011. Russia's Federal Space Agency (Roskosmos) is joining with ISRO for development of Chandrayaan-2 Lander/Rover.

Chandrayaan-2 will consist of the spacecraft and a landing platform with the moon rover.

The rover would move on wheels on the lunar surface, pick up samples of soil or rocks, do a chemical analysis and send the data to the spacecraft orbiting above.

Sweating is Good For Your Health, Especially During Exercise

Many people don't like to perspire as sweat makes them feel sticky and uncomfortable; sweat may not smell good and could leave some undesirable stains on our clothes. But sweating or perspiration is essential to good health and fitness, especially during exercise; it serves as a biological cleaning system for our body.

You see we drink water for many important physiological functions; water helps cells and tissues to transport important elements or compounds such as sodium and sugar throughout our body. Water also helps blood flow and provides structural cohesion and lubrication between all important body parts. It also helps control the temperature in our body.

The human body temperature helps regulate its internal environment so as to maintain a stable and constant condition. When body temperature gets too high, we'll experience fever and ultimately heat stroke. If it's too low, we'll feel cold. The body's ability to regulate its internal physiology to maintain stability in response to fluctuations in the outside environment is known as 'Homeostasis'.

For example, perspiration has a huge effect on body temperature, especially during exercise. As we exercise, chemical reactions speed up and mechanical motion is taking place in our body. These activities produce heat energy that moves from inside the body to the outside, along the surface of the skin, carried along with our sweat, which in turn raises our body temperature. Sweating also plays a small role in keeping the amount of body fluid in homeostasis or equilibrium.

Our body is constantly seeking homeostasis; an inability to maintain homeostasis may lead to disease, a condition known as homeostatic imbalance. Diseases which result from a homeostatic imbalance include diabetes, dehydration, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, gout and any disease caused by the presence of a toxin in the bloodstream.

As you can see, our body must always maintain its equilibrium in order to function properly. Exercise and sweating definitely help our body to achieve that; that's the reason why we're often advised to exercise regularly.

If you can't remember or understand what has been discussed so far, just remember one thing: "Exercise and sweating not only can help keep us fit and healthy but more importantly, they also help regulate and maintain an equilibrium in our body".

Find out more Fitness and Health Tips at our site. You will also discover how to get a complete home gym system under $50 at


20.yüzyıl başlarında Almanya'da doğan bir sanat cığrı.Amacı,insanın iç evrenini,duygu ve düşüncelerini bütün çıplaklığı ve ayrıntılarıyla,dışlaştırmaktır.Yazın alanındaki önemli temsilcileri,Eliot ve Kafka'dır.


Ortaklaşa Türk halk yazınında en yaygın ve en kısa şiir türü.Genellikle dört dizeden oluşur.Çoğu aşk üzerinedir.Türlü özlemler,üzüntüler,sevinçler,kıskanmalar,pişmanlıklar... manilere konu olabilir.Manilerde ilk iki dize,uyak düzenini kurmak için söylenir;asıl konu ,üçüncu ve dördüncü dizelerde açıklanmır.Yedili hece kalıbıyla oluşturulan manilerde ,uyak örgüsü ''aaba'' biçimindedir.Örneğin:

Ayağında kundura
Yar gelir dura dura
Abenim nazlı arim
Geçerken bize uğra


Bir görüşü savunmak,eleştirme ya da bir konuda bilgi vermek amacıyla gazate ve dergilerde yayımlanan düşün yazısı.Makaleler,sanat ,bilim,kültür,eğitim,politika vb.alanlarda yazılabilir.Fıkraya göre daha ayrıntılı ve uzundur.

Divan Yazımı

Türklerin İslamlığı kabul etmeleriyle (11.yüzyıl) başlayıp Tanzimat'a(19.yy) değin süren yazın çığırı.Başlıca özellikleri:
a)Halktan kopuktur,aydınlara özgüdür.
b)Dünya görüşü,duygu,düşünce ve konu bakımından Arap-Fars yazınının etkisini taşır.
c)Dili,Osmanlıca dediğimiz Türkçe ,Arapça ,Frasça karışımı yapay bir dildir.
ç)Şiir,düzyazıya göre ön planda tutulmuştur.
d)Şiirde,aruz ölçüsüne bağlı kalınmış,söz sanatlarına büyük yer verilmiştir.
e)Düzyazılar,süslü,ağdalı,anlaşılmaz bir Osmanlıcayla oluşturulmuştur.

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