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YEMEN : Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun Son Vilayeti

YEMEN - Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun Son Vilayeti

Osmanlı Devleti, onbinlerce vatan evladına mezar olan Yemen meselesini halletmek için devletin egemenlik hakkı saklı kalmak kaydıyla, orada özel bir yönetim kurulması kararını almıştı. Uzun süren görüşmelerden sonra 11 Ekim 1911 tarihinde imzalanan antlaşmayla, 400 yıldır akan kan durmuş, aynı zamanda Trablusgarb ve I. Dünya Savaşları ile Kurtuluş Savaşı süresince, hep dost olan güvenilir bir müttefik kazanmıştır.

Ancak, 30 Ekim 1918 tarihinde imzalanan, Mondros Ateşkes Antlaşması’nın 16. Maddesine göre, Yemen ve Asir’deki Osmanlı kuvvetlerinin en yakın İtilaf devletleri garnizonlarına teslim olmaları gerekiyordu. Yemen Valisi Mahmud Nedim Bey ise, merkezi hükümetten resmen emir almadıkça İtilaf ordularına teslim olmaktan kaçınıyordu. Aynı görüşü paylaşan İmam Yahya da, İstanbul’dan özel bir memurun gönderilmesini şart koşuyordu. Bunun için Mütareke hükümlerini kendilerine bildirmek üzere yüzbaşı Ömer Subhi Bey gönderildi. Ancak Subhi Bey’in de gelmesi durumu değiştirmemiş, Mahmud Nedim Bey, zaman kazanmak için olsa gerek, bu kere Dahiliye Nezaretinden kesin bir emir gelmedikçe teslim olmayacağını ilgili makamlara bildirdi.

Yemen İmamı Yahya bin Hamideddin de, Yemen’in İtilaf devletleri tarafından işgaline razı olmadığı gibi,Osmanlı birliklerinin kesinlikle teslim olmasını istemiyordu. Birinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında gerek hükümet ve gerekse ordu nezdinde, siyaseten ve maddeten çok büyük yardımlarda bulunmuştu. Bu süre içinde hiç bir yabancı devlet veya Osmanlı Devleti’ne düşman bir devletle münasebete geçmedi. İmam Yahya, yabancılar tarafından yapılan her türlü teklifi reddetti. O, ordunun ve idarecilerin İngilizler’e teslim olmasıyla, memleket için doğacak büyük mahzurlar ve vahim sonuçlara dikkat çekiyordu. Onlara, teslim olmaları durumunda meydana gelebilecek her türlü sorumluluğu üzerine alarak, durumu vilayet makamı ve ordu kumandanlığı ile tüm yerleşim birimlerine tebliğ etti. O, tek bir neferin bile Yemen’den ayrılmaması taraftarıydı.

Ayrıca Osmanlı Devleti ile yapmış olduğu antlaşmaya dayanarak, tüm yabancı devletler ve bilhassa İngiltere hükümetine sert protestolar gönderdi. Yemen’in her türlü müdahale ve yabancı saldırılardan korunması için mahalli gelirlerin tümüyle ordu ve mülki memurlara harcanacağı beyan edip, teminat verdi. O, teslim olma konusundaki itirazı için, sarf edilen çabalardan yegane maksadının, Osmanlı ordusunun ve Osmanlı idaresinin eskiden olduğu gibi Yemen’de devam edip, Osmanlı kimliğinden ayrılmama olduğunu söylüyordu .

Yemen’in bir başka yüzü de, burada görev yapan askeri ve sivil memurlardı. Neredeyse 40 aydır maaş alamayan bu insanlar, büyük bir yokluk ve sefalet içindeydiler. İmam Yahya dahi , son derece sıkıntı içinde olan bu memur ve ailelerine geçinebilecekleri ölçüde para ve hububat yardımında bulunmuştu. Bu durumu defalarca dile getirmiş olan Yemen Valisi Mahmud Nedim Bey, hükümete başvurarak, Yemen'de bulunan komutan ve subaylarla, bunların ailelerinin hak ettikleri maaşların hiç olmazsa bir kısmının ödenmesini talep etti. Üstelik, Yemen'deki tüm idari teşkilat görevlerine fiilen devam ediyordu. Bu gelişme üzerine, 18 Nisan 1922 tarihinde toplanan Meclis-i Vükela, Hariciye Nezaretinin yazısını da gündemine aldı. Yapılan görüşme sonucunda, Osmanlı Hükümeti ile İtilaf devletleri arasında kesinlik ve geçerlik kazanmış bir antlaşma mevcut olmamasına ve hukuken Osmanlı Devleti'nin hiçbir parçasının terk edilmiş ve ayrılmış sayılamayacağına göre, her türlü maddi ve manevi bağlarını korumakta olan Yemen'in, Osmanlı Devleti'nden ayrılmış sayılmasının caiz olamayacağı, bu nedenle Yemen'de bulunup da, Mondros Mütarekesi'nden sonra üstlerinin izniyle orada kalan komutan ve subaylarla, askeri memurların maaşlarının derhal ödenmesi için Harbiye Nezaretinden gelen yazı üzerine, gerekli işlemin derhal başlatılması konusunda Maliye Nezaretine talimat verilmesini karar altına aldı.

İmam Yahya’nın, bu konudaki tüm gayret ve uğraşıları, Osmanlı kuvvetlerine verilen teminat ve defalarca yaptığı açıklamalar, hiç bir zaman kabul görmemiştir. Dört sene içinde, Osmanlı ordusu ve yerli gönüllüler tarafından elde elde edilen büyük zaferler, âdeta yok sayılarak harp malzemesi ve cephanenin büyük kısmının depolandığı Lühec bölgesi kuvvetleri, tüm mühimmatıyla birlikte İngilizler’e teslim olmuştur. Bu gelişme üzerine, derhal tertibat alan İmam yeni kuvvetler toplayarak, cephe almış ve bunda da başarı sağlamıştır. Durum bu merkez iken,İmamın teslim olma konusundaki tüm uyarılarına rağmen, ordunun bazı komutan, asker ve memurları İngilizler’e teslim olmaya karar vermiştir. İmam Yahya, almış olduğu tedbir ve kararlarla Yemen’in Osmanlı Devleti’nden ayrılmasını kabul etmeyerek, devlete olan samimiyet ve bağlılığını ispat etmiştir.

Türkiye ile bağlarını hiç bir zaman koparmamış olan dost ve kardeş Yemen’le olan sıcak ve samimi ilişkilerimiz, tarihten gelen bir süreçle almış olduğumuz güçle sonsuza dek devam edecektir.

No-Equipment Cardio Workouts For Weight Loss

Here is an article from Craig Ballantyne of Home Turbulence Training about cardio workouts for weight loss without using any fancy equipment. These workouts will be very handy during the days when you don't feel like travelling to the gym or jogging on the street because of bad weather.

You don't need fancy machines to do cardio circuits for weight loss. You can do cardio without equipment, at home! And you'll burn fat. Here in Toronto, it rained non-stop on Sunday. So I skipped the walk to the gym (where I was going to do intervals), and did a bodyweight workout at home.

This is a great routine that you can save for any rainy day, or even better - challenge some of your buddies prior to next week's super bowl party at your house. The workout will take away some of the guilt while you pound nachos and wings, like I know some people tend to do when they watch football.

For my bodyweight workout, I decided to make one up from the exercises in the 6-month manual, rather than following one of the pre-made routines. Plus, I didn't want to do a lot of upper body stuff, because my Monday workout is heavy pressing and rowing. So I ended up creating a huge circuit, as there were just too many exercises in the manual that I wanted to do.

If you have the manual and exercise descriptions, you can do this workout the next time you feel like a change. If you don't have the manual, you'll probably have no idea what some of these exercises are...but at least now you know what you are missing.

And as I went through this workout, a workout I called "Ghetto Cardio", I got to thinking about some of the home gym setups that clients tell me they have.

You know, the more money people spend on exercise machines (like those elliptical machines), the easier and less effective their workouts become. Here I am doing the Ghetto Cardio workout, one that didn't cost me a cent, and some people have thousands of dollars worth of cardio equipment in their basements that won't give them the same "functional strength and endurance" results as bodyweight training.

And those aren't the only benefits you can get from a mid-day bodyweight circuit workout. In fact, during this workout, I relieved my computer-related upper body stress and tension, and the exercise stimulated my thought process, allowing me to plan 4 workouts for Monday's clients, and 4 newsletters this week. All in 20 minutes.

So here's the workout, and I did this circuit twice, and then some of the exercises I did a third time:

Prisoner Squat x 15
Sumo squat x 15
T-Squat x 20
Siff Squat x 20
Walking lunge x 20
Spiderman pushup x 16
Stickup x 12
Cross Crawl x 30
Inverted Rows x 12
Spiderman climbs x 24
Plank x 60 seconds
Side plank x 30 seconds
Y-squat x 20
Close grip Pushups x 20

These are all bodyweight exercises that can be done at home. You don't need to spend money or time going to the gym.

About the author: Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

Tarih Boyunca Türkler 'in Soyağacı

Tarih Boyunca Türk Kavimlerini anlatan soy ağacı resmi. Arşivinizde bulunsun.
Büyük olarak görmek için resme tıklayınız.


Weight Loss Workout Tips for Busy People

You can get an incredible weight loss workout at home without any equipment. That's right, you can burn fat and lose fat in the comfort of your own home. You don't need fancy machines or expensive mega-gym memberships, and you don't have to deal with line-ups or sweaty, stinky fellow gym-members. Ewww!

Okay, here's the first thing you need. About a 8x8 open area. And your bodyweight. That's it. Don't rest between any of these exercises.

First exercise: Prisoner Squat

Place your hands behind your head, keep your elbows back, and squat down halfway to the ground. Keep your shoulder blades together to work your upper back and push your hips back as you squat to work your back of your legs.

Do that 10-20 times depending on your strength levels.

Second exercise: Push-up Plus

Do a regular pushup, but at the top, add a little extra push to round your upper back and make your shoulder blades move away from one another. Do 4-12 reps depending on your strength.

Third exercise: Plank

Support yourself on your forearms and toes and keep your body in a straight line from ankles to shoulders. You'll be "hovering" just above the ground. Keep your abs braced and hold for 10-60 seconds depending on your endurance.

Fourth exercise: Split squat

Stand with one foot 2 feet in front of your body and the other foot 1 foot behind your body. This is a stationary lunge position. Bend your back knee and drop your hips to the floor. Then push up using the muscles of the lead leg. Use a wall for balance or support if needed. Do 5-12 reps per side depending on strength.

Rest 1 minute then repeat the circuit up to 4 times. Have fun.

More weight loss workout tips can be found at "Turbulence Training in the Comfort of Your Home".

ABD Bombardımanı : Tokyo 100 Bin Ölü...

Tokyo Soykırımı, 3 Mart 1945
(Tokyo bombardımanı)

ABD'nin Japonya 'ya karşı kullandığı Atom bombalarından başka bir saldırısıdır. Tokyo'ya yaptığı bir gece saldırısında yakarak öldürdügü 100.000 kisinin fotografları ve hikayesi.

Hiroshima ve Nagasaki'de dünyanın en görkemli soykırımlarını yapan Amerika'nin bunlardan aylar önceki Tokyo hava saldırısını da biliyor muydunuz ? Bu olay, yüzyıllardır Kızılderililer, Buffalolar, Japonlar, Vietnamlılar, Afganlar, Iraklılar ve daha nice bilinmeyen canlı topluluklarına yaptığı soykırımlarıyla da dünya lideri olan Amerika'nin ortaya çıkmayan kirli çamaşırlarından sadece biridir.

Aşağıdaki linkte, Tokyo bombardımanı'ni ayrıntılarıyla anlatan Japonca bir sitenin tercümesini bulacaksınız.

Okumak için tıklayın.

The Best Ways to Burn Belly Fat

I often get asked, “What’s the best way to burn fat and lose my belly?” People want to know if aerobics is better than strength training, or if traditional cardio exercise is better than intervals.

Well, to say I've done them all would be an understatement.

With over 15 years experience helping others, training myself, training for sports, spending countless hours in the gym, AND actually conducting laboratory research studies on different exercise methods, I'm pretty confident in knowing what works and what does not.

But first of all, I want to frame my responses. I'm going to talk about what works for people that have a limited amount of time to exercise, mostly because I expect your readers don't have 90 minutes per day to devote to a workout, unlike the typical audience of a fitness magazine.

That's why there is a huge disconnect between some of the information found in magazines and the ability of the reader to apply it to their lives.

We just don't have 6-8 hours per week for exercise, nor do we need it. If you're a triathlete, you might need that, but not someone that just wants to lose fat and gain muscle.

Having said all that, the bottom line for getting a better body is...

Use bodyweight exercises to warm-up, strength training supersets to build muscle, and then finish your workout with interval training to burn fat in a short amount of time. I've structured my system so that you are in and out of the gym in 45 minutes, three times per week.

You'll do 5 minutes of bodyweight exercises to warm-up. This is a much more efficient approach than spending 5 minutes walking on a treadmill, which really doesn't prepare you for anything except more walking on a treadmill.

Then we move into the strength training supersets, where we use two exercises performed back to back with minimum rest between each. This cuts our workout time, while still giving us maximum results. We only need 20 minutes for this, and we'll use basic exercises, and sometimes even more bodyweight exercises, depending on the client's goal for muscle building.

And finally, we'll do 18 minutes of interval training. A warm-up, followed by six short intervals at the appropriate fitness level for the client, interspersed with short periods of low-intensity recovery. Finish with a cool-down. And that's the workout. Again, about 45 minutes total.

Compare that to what most people do, which is run, jog, cycle or use the cardio machines for 45 minutes straight. Sure, that will burn calories, but it doesn't build a better body.

In fact, there are a few "dark sides" to long slow cardio, including less-than-optimal results, the potential for overuse injuries, and it is an inefficient form of exercise. If you only have 30-45 minutes for your workout and you spend it all on a cardio machine, when are you going to train the rest of your muscles and sculpt a better body?

So the best way to burn belly fat is with a combination of strength training and interval training. It’s fast, it works, and it’s fun!

About the Author:

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit Turbulence Training for Fat Loss.

Inexpensive Home Exercise Equipment

There are so many ads on television promoting home exercise equipments these days but most of them forget to tell you the cost. Moreover, many of these indoor exercise equipments can occupy an entire room in your house.

If you have a plan to set up a workout regimen at home, here are some suggestions to help you purchase inexpensive home exercise equipment and save you some money.

Get exercise bands. If you want to sculpt your body fast, exercise bands are a great choice. They are inexpensive, lightweight, packable and easy to use at home or on the road.

The exercise ball is another inexpensive item that can help with strengthening the back and work out the abs.

Five and ten-pound weights are great to tone both your arms and legs and they don't cost an arm and a leg.

Purchase the step, which is great for cardiovascular workouts. It's easy to do, compact and inexpensive.

While the new stationary bike is quite expensive, you may be able to find one with a good deal on eBay or through an ad in your local paper. The stationary bike is great for exercising the legs, thighs and upper body. 20 minutes every other night will yield weight loss as well.

While a treadmill would be great for the home, it is quite expensive and will take up a fair bit of space in your house. If you can't afford it, you can do just as well by walking for 20 or 30 minutes every day. But of course you need to do this outdoor.

Exercise is important, and it can be achieved with inexpensive equipments that are affordable and easy to store. If you would rather perform your exercise routines without any equipment, check out the "Turbulence Training".

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Review - The Total Wellness Solution

If you want to get fit, burn fat, lose weight or be healthy for the rest of your life, check out the book "Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle" or BFFM. This is not another diet program that doesn't work. In fact, BFFM doesn't propose any diet program. Its fat burning methods are aimed at teaching you to cultivate a long-lasting well-being for the rest of your life.

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle ebook has over 300 pages and 17 chapters. You can view all the topics in the chapters here. As mentioned, this book is more than a diet or weight loss program, it teaches you how to obtain a total health forever. After reading this book, I feel like I have just graduated from a health and nutrition college. Despite its huge volume, BFFM contains no "fluff", all the information in this book are essential to your well-being.

You will learn how to set goal, understand why most conventional diet methods fail, understand your body's composition and needs, how to get an optimal combination of protein, carbohydrates and fats for improving your muscle, the best training secrets for maximum fat loss, and much much more.

I have written a review and submitted to Ezinearticles directory. You can read the review by clicking here.

Fat Burning Exercise Tips for Busy Parents & Professionals

Fat Burning Exercise Tips for Busy Parents & Professionals

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

The great thing about strength training and intervals for fat burning is "efficiency". Because you are working harder, the signal to your body to change is stronger. You cut time when you increase intensity and you burn fat faster.

Now don't worry, I won't be asking you to do hill sprints tomorrow if you aren't exercising today. For a beginner, we just do some slightly faster than normal walking intervals. For intermediate fitness levels, we'll pick up the pace about 20% compared to their normal cardio levels, but again, the work periods are much shorter.

The key is, you must shift to a slightly higher intensity in order to cut time from your workout. But the workout also goes faster, and much more importantly, you will get more results and better fitness from these methods.

It's easy to do these workouts first thing in the AM, at lunch, or after the kids go to bed. Plus, you can get a great workout at home with only a bench, dumbells, and an exercise ball. You don't need fancy machines or an expensive gym membership.

And another bonus, you only need three hard fat burning workouts per week. You don't have to be in the gym six days per week.

On your off days, it's important to stay active for at least 30 minutes, but these days should be unstructured and revolve around being active with your family or hobbies. Don't think of them as workout days, think of them as fat burning, stress reducing activity days.

About the Author

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit Turbulence Training for Fat Loss.

SOYKIRIM YALANI : Ya onların yaptıkları.

Soykirim yalani
M. Necati Ozfatura

Ermenilerin bir kismi mecburi olarak Osmanlinin baska topraklarina gonderilmistir. Elbette aralarinda hastalik, eskiya saldirilari gibi cesitli sebeblerle olenler de olmustur. Ama asla Ermenilere soykirim yapilmamistir. Kaldiki o tarihte Osmanli topraklarinda Ermenilerin sayisi en fazla 1.3 milyon idi. Oysa 20. asir bazi tarihcilere gore Bati'nin yaptigi soykirim ve katliamlar asridir. Bati kendi asagilik ve sucluluk kompleksini tatmin icin olmayan sozde Ermeni soykirimini 1974 Kibris harekatindan sonra gundeme getirirken kendisinin icra ettikleri soykirimlari unutturmak stratejisini tatbik etmektedir. Bati'nin ve digerlerinin soykirimlari ciltlere sigmaz. Bir kacini ozet olarak arz etmek gerekirse :

Surgun edilen ve oldurulen Muslumanlar

Bolge Surgun edilenler % Oldurulenler % Kalanlar %
Guney Yunanistan 10,000 29 25,000 71 0 0
Bulgaristan1877- 78 568,000 38 262,000 17 672,000 45
Bosna 1875- 78 245,000 35

449,000 65
Balkan Savaslari 1912- 13 813,000 35 632,000 27 870,000 38
Kirim 1772 100,000

Guney Kafkasya 1827- 29 26,000

Kirim 1854- 60 225,000

Kafkasya 1864- 67 800,000

Guney Kafkasya 1877- 78 70,000


2,736,000 19 11,619,000 81
Guney Kafkasya 1914- 20 273,000

Son donemde yapilan bazi buyuk katliamlara gelince:

Yonetici Devlet Yillar Mülteci Olu Kayip
Joseph Stalin Rusya 1934-39 13,000,000 15,000,000
Adolf Hitler Almanya 1939-45 12,000,000 2,000,000
Mao Tze Dong Cin 1966-69 11,000,000 + 10,000,000
Ispanyol-Kasifler ABD 1492-1800 7,000,000 972,000
Hideki Tojo Japonya 1941-44 5,000,000

Pol Pot Kambocya 1975-79 1,700,000

Kim II Sung K.Kore 1948-1994 1,600,000

Menghitsu Etiyopya 1975-78 1,500,000

De Gaulle Cezayir 1954-62 1,000,000

Yakubu Gowon Biafra 1967-70 1,000,000

Leonid Brejnev Afganistan 1979-82 900,000

Jaan Kamb. Ruanda 1994 800,000

Ingiliz Kralligi Avustralya 1894-1938 100,000 719,000
Savimbi Angola 1975-2002 400,000

B.Mussolini Etiyopya-Yug 1936 300,000

B.Mussolini Danimarka 1945 250,000 250,000
Mobutu Seko Zaire 1965-97 200,000 250,000
Charley Taylor Liberya 1989-96 220,000

Foday Sankoh Si.Leone 1991-2000 200,000

S.Milosevic Yugoslavya 1992-96 180,000

Michel Mic. Burundi 1972 150,000

Almanya Namibya 1891 15,000 102,000
Papa Doc Duv. Haiti 1957-71 60,000

Marcos Filipinler

Hissene Habre Cad 1982-90 40,000

Vladimir Lenin Rusya 1917-20 30,000

Francisco Fran. Ispanya

Khomeini Iran 1979-89 20,000

Eski Yugos. Bosna-Hersek 1995 45,000 7,500
Paul Koroma Si.Leone 1997 6,000

Augusto Pinoc. Chile 1973 3,000

Efrain R. Montt Guatemala
80,000 2,000

K.K.Cum. 1912-74 25,000 1,100

Yunanistan 1923-90 400,000

Bulgaristan 1970-89 360,000