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women; sex and gender; legislation; legal profession; Britain; South Asia etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
women; sex and gender; legislation; legal profession; Britain; South Asia etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Special issue: Challenging Women

A special issue on "Challenging Women" features research on women in British (and South Asian) legal history. Here's the line-up from the Women's History Review, vol.29, issue 4 (2020), edited by Judith Bourne and Caroline Morris, both of St. Mary's University, London

  • Judith Bourne and Caroline Morris, "Introducing Challenging Women"
  • Alison Lindsay, " 'This fair lady, in her laces': Margaret Howie Strang Hall, the first woman in Scotland to try to become a lawyer"
  • Mari Takayanagi, "Sacred year or broken reed? The Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919"
  • Caroline Morris, "Dr Ivy Williams: inside yet outside"
  • Caroline Derry, "Ethel Bright Ashford: more and less than a role model"
  • Rosalind Wright, "Sybil Campbell, first woman judge and supporter of higher education for women"
  • Charlotte Coleman, "Thwarted ambitions: the biography of Auvergne Doherty, an aspiring female barrister"
  • Judith Bourne, "Helena Normanton: legal crusader or myth Maker? '[S]urely the one thing history teaches us is that we cannot generalise, or even worse, categorise individual humans into saints and sinners, or heroes and villains"
  • Alana Harris, "'Lady Doctor among the "Called"': Dr Letitia Fairfield and Catholic medico-legal activism beyond the bar"
  • Helen Kay and Rose Pipes, "Chrystal Macmillan, Scottish campaigner for women's equality through law reform"
  • Mary Jane Mossman, "Cornelia Sorabji (1866-1954): a pioneer woman lawyer in Britain and India"
  • Pat Thane, "Afterword: challenging women in the British professions"
Further information is available here.

--Mitra Sharafi