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volkssturm etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
volkssturm etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Some Pictures Of 'Volkssturm': Nazi Germany's Last Line Of Defence

Volkssturm (German Volkssturm) - militias of the Third Reich in the last months of World War II. Created on the orders of Adolf Hitler on 18 October 1944 for total mobilization of all males aged 16 to 60 years old, who were not in military service. By May 1945 there were about 700 Volkssturm battalions.

Volkssturm battalions were very poorly provided with arms.
Usually armed with a trophy (Danish, French, Italian) with rifles and had five bullets in the rifle, but it was in the best cases. For example, the Volkssturm Battalion in Cologne was armed as follows: 1-I Company - 8 Italian rifles up to 80 fighters
2-I rota - Belgian rifles without bullets, revolvers and pistols late XIX-th century
3rd Company - Danish rifles with ammunition in the trunk 9.6
4-I rota - French rifles model 1886, and the Italian rifle without ammunition.

When units had completed their training and received armament, members took a customary oath to Hitler and were then dispatched into combat. Unlike most English-speaking countries, Germany had universal military service for all young men for several generations, so many of the older members would have had at least basic military training when they served in the German Army and, as noted before, many would have been veterans of the First World War. Volkssturm units were supposed to be used only in their own districts, but many were sent directly to the front lines. Their most extensive use was during the Battle of Berlin, during which Volkssturm units fought in many parts of the city. This battle was particularly devastating to its formations, however, since many members fought to the death out of fear of being captured by the Soviets. Another important Volkssturm battle was the Battle of Königsberg.