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trinidad etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
trinidad etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Trinidad: Caribbeans' Place of Pleasure

Adventure is a normal thing in this place, from hiking through rain forests on the trail of hidden waterfalls and exploring deep caves, to cycling through verdant countryside, turtle watching and kayaking past wildlife filled forests. These are just few of the list that Trinidad actually offers.

Trinidad aside from adventure and fun provides a venue for eco enthusiasts. Trinidad has more than 450 bird species, 108 types of mammals, 55 reptiles, 25 amphibians and 620 types of butterflies; ranking the island as one of the richest outposts of biodiversity in the Caribbean. It's South America in a Caribbean Island. With an abundance of game fish, Trinidad is a sport angler's dream. Fed by the rich outflow of the Orinoco River, Trinidad's waters attract big game fish. Species such as Tarpon, Tuna and Shark are plentiful year round with Sailfish, Marlin, Wahoo and Dolphin making seasonal appearances. Trinidad also plays host to several exciting international fishing tournaments, including the Kingfish Tournament in June, Tarpon Bash in August and Wahoo Tournament in early March.

Trinidad is also home to some of the most diverse and spectacular bird life in the Caribbean. This variety can be attributed to the island's location on the tip of South America. Home to the Asa Wright Nature Centre, a world renowned centre for bird watching, Trinidad's size and accessibility to popular sites, ensures many species can be seen without long drives or treks.

Many countries in the world boast of Carnival celebrations, but none quite so stunning and all embracing as Trinidad's national festival. Whether you decide to be a spectator on the sidelines, douse yourself in chocolate and join the J'Ouvert revelry or don a fabulous costume and dance the day away, our Carnival is an unforgettable experience. The diversity of people is also reflected in the islands' numerous festivals. Each individual culture is celebrated by the collective peoples that inhabit these islands. In Trinidad and Tobago, we celebrate the Hindu festival of Divali, the Muslim festival of Eid-ul-Fitr and numerous Christian festivals, including Christmas.

Trinidad's beauty awakes pleasure in anybody's heart! Truly, a place that is pleasurable!