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soviet union etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Cold War 1958 - the Second Taiwan Crisis and a possible Nuclear War

Some of the more common known flash points of the Cold War in the United States are the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 and the Berlin Crisis of 1958, well known because they directly impacted the United States or involved a European nation.  However I was surprised to learn in 1958 there was another...

Cold War 1958 - the Second Taiwan Crisis and a possible Nuclear War

Some of the more common known flash points of the Cold War in the United States are the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 and the Berlin Crisis of 1958, well known because they directly impacted the United States or involved a European nation.  However I was surprised to learn in 1958 there was another...

1941: Unending Defeats For Russia

1941. It was a nightmare year for Russia. The Wehrmacht went smashing through the country till it reached  the gates of Moscow. Hitler and his generals were exultant. They thought the Soviet Union was about to fall. But it was not to be. The Battle of Moscow changed all that. But that is another...

The Eastern Front WW2: In Maps (Color)

Please click on the map to enlarge Maps And Text: Onwar.comOperation Barbarossa: Nazi Invasion of the USSR June 22 - September 1, 1941German armed forces achieved strategic surprise and made substantial progress towards their initial objectives. Army Group Center reached Smolensk by July. Large...