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six day war 1967 etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
six day war 1967 etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

The Six Day War: Arab-Israel War 1967

The 1967 Arab-Israeli War (The Six-Day War): A summary

After a period of relative calm, border incidents between Israel and Syria, Egypt, and Jordan increased during the early 1960s, with Palestinian guerrilla groups actively supported by Syria. In May, 1967, President Nasser, his prestige much eroded through his inaction in the face of Israeli raids, requested the withdrawal of UN forces from Egyptian territory, mobilized units in the Sinai, and closed the Gulf of Aqaba to Israel. Israel (which had no UN forces stationed on its territory) responded by mobilizing.

The escalation of threats and provocations continued until June 5, 1967, when Israel launched a massive air assault that crippled Arab air capability. With air superiority protecting its ground forces, Israel controlled the Sinai peninsula within three days and then concentrated on the Jordanian frontier, capturing Jerusalem's Old City (subsequently annexed), and on the Syrian border, gaining the strategic Golan Heights. The war, which ended on June 10, is known as the Six-Day War.

The Suez Canal was closed by the war, and Israel declared that it would not give up Jerusalem and that it would hold the other captured territories until significant progress had been made in Arab-Israeli relations. The end of active, conventional fighting was followed by frequent artillery duels along the frontiers and by clashes between Israelis and Palestinian guerrillas.

Life correspondent Paul Schraeder who died covering the Six Day war with Israeli women soldiers.

Surrendered Syrian soldiers, as a Israeli tank moves

A cartoon in a Lebanese newspaper, Al-Farida, Lebanon, shows Nasser kicking the "Jew," Israel, into the sea, with the armies of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq supporting him.

A dead Egyptian soldier and a destroyed tank in the Sinai desert

Israeli jets pound Jordanian positions

Israeli tanks moves up the Golan Heights

An Israeli soldier guards a bunch of Egyptian POWs

Israeli children play around a destroyed Syrian tank

Destroyed Egyptian airplanes in the Sinai by Israeli jets

An Egyptian prisoner in the Sinai

Egyptian POWs