Merry Christmas Friends! I didn't want 2019 to slip away with out at lest one Christmas post! With all the boiler/pipe fitting/radiator work going on this year, I had to quickly come to terms that not all the usual decorating was going to get done quickly. So it has been a slow arrival of Christmas...
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shiny brite etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
shiny brite etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas!
Merry Christmas Friends!I hope your day is filled with family, friends and peace!I have a few more Christmasy pictures to squeeze in before the new year! Here is my tinsel Shiny Brite wreath from last year re-invented. I couldn't figure out a good way to store it with all the ornaments attached...
Christmas Around the House
How did the time fly by so fast?!? How can it possible be two weeks until Christmas?? One of the reasons I love Christmas is it is a good reason to get creative. And the creativity has been flowing! There is just not enough time to get it all done! Lol! The house is a mess; Stacks of decorations...
Shiny Brites on Display
I have two more Shiny Brite ideas for you today. The simplest is to just pile a bunch of ornaments in a bowl or vase and enjoy! When I spotted this hobnail bowl at an estate sale this fall, I knew it would be perfect filled with Shiny Brites!Here is a sneak peak at some of the new living room decorating....
Shiny Brite Windows
One of my Christmas crafts this year was making a Shiny Brite wreath. I was drooling over them on Pintrest this fall and finally decided I need to make one!It was rather simple process. I wrapped an already owned wreath form in silver tinsel, wired the ornaments on and sat little elf on it. Done!...